*When You Don't Feel Well.. Google Can Be Your Worst Enemy*
by Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
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Plague! I have the plague.
Lol this is so true 😀 hilarious!
I have aids. Or so Google told me once. 🙂
LOL!! I just did that and I'm really dying
Ah, the WebMD Effect.
good nigth
So true!
Oh yes , google can convince you (if your looking for symtoms and paranoid and feeling ill.)that you are dying with something,or even dry eye.
LOL, So True.
So. True.
And somehow the symptoms almost always lead to, "you're pregnant."
is correct! I had a headache and found out I was pregnant!
Ha! Yep. 😛
Been there, done that.
no doubt lol
Haha! 😛
I keep searching until I find something less dramatic but most of mine are “you should see your Doctor immediately”.
This is so true! I have already told myself in the past I am not allowed to do this anymore.
Thought I just had a headache…turns out it was ebola.
Very true, Dr Google.
I did this search for exotic protozoa one day and happenstance happened to stumble on the signs of infection. Sadly within hours, these symptoms started to manifest. Of course it would seem absurd that a organism like this should appear in my part of the world, not sure if this were one of those self suggestive moments?!
I'm not dying?
Lmao! So true.
6 years ago, my doctor said I only had six months to live ~ I console her by saying: "One day you will be right!"
I once searched for "I feel fine" on web MD and it said I was dying.
I've been trying to Google this season's flu strain symptoms. They aren't listed anywhere.
This season's flu symptoms seem to be a near death feeling, at least that's how I've been feeling. But this is so true ")
That's so true. Next thing you know you have an incurable disease.
Can't stand up straight or walk without assistance (vertigo minus the excruciating nausea,) hot/cold, some muscle spasms (not completely abnormal for me though with my epilepsy,) have an appetite but it's difficult to swallow, feel "wavy" if that makes sense; having trouble forming thoughts, loud noises make me want to put my fist through something but I know I don't have the energy. I don't think I have the flu. I took a 12 hour Mucinex earlier in case it was sinuses, but that didn't do anything. The biggest thing is the dizziness. Everything is surreal.
Jim Hog sez To never sweat the small stuff ………………
Lol, I should have tried that a month ago, now I'm stuck in bed with pneumonia
I do have to say; I had been having what I called "spells" for years. They were awful. I Googled my exact symptoms; overwhelming sense of dejavù, extreme fear and panic, powdery rubbery smell in my nose, unable to comprehend or respond to people, hot and tingly sensation in my head, music playing in my ears like waking up to an alarm clock radio. Took me straight to epilepsy.com . Told my doc, he got me in with an excellent neurologist who diagnosed me with TLE with complex partial seizures. Started me on Lamictal XR immediately. Made a huge dent. MRI revealed a mass on my brain stem. Referred to a neurosurgeon after my seizures became resistant to meds. He told me that at the very least, the "tumor" had to come out. Referred to Cleveland Clinic. MRI there found gliomas (precancerous) growing from the benign DNET tumor. Found the seizure focal point. Surgery resolved them both.
In my case, Google may have saved my life. I know I am the exception rather than the rule.
No seriously, I was just sick like, an hour ago
I've had the same last week. It's terrible. I'm over it now but it was a real bitch. Thought I was having a stroke.
While googling symptoms when a doctors have failed is a sensible action.. self diagnosis is simply dangerous. My doctor once said, if you see a shadow in the woods, and you think it's a chupacabra, what are the odds it's probably just a wolf?
I was have red urine and google gave me symptoms that were Metal Poisoning,Tumor in my Kidney or Urethra or just blood leakage.
This post is concerning me more and more…
…and then take your list of probable diseases to your M.D. ( "What do you mean its not 'Stephen-Johnson's syndrome?' You mean you think its Hansen's Disease?! ( thats Leprosy ) .
Yes, this is an actual conversation I had. In my defense, 10 years later, and my left baby toe is still paralyzed. I mean, I think I could move it before.
😀 love it
Its not web, its the spider.
Ha si que me diga google que tengo a ver si hacierta.