*The Most Romantic Thing I May Have Ever Read*

*The Most Romantic Thing I May Have Ever Read*

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

I know I post lots of romantic little quotes and cute little sayings here on gplus…. But this one really takes the cake for me… I personally believe this to be true… Everything in life happens for reasons that move you in a direction. Push through, get on, deal with it…  Single People…. There is somewhere for you to be and you are almost there… promise…. ♥


the most romantic thing i may have ever read

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Steve Kluver
Steve Kluver
12 years ago

All true.

12 years ago

O era amor se transformou em ódio e se transformou em vingança que virou perdão e voltou a ser amor.

Lana Horowitz
Lana Horowitz
12 years ago

that is so beautiful,,,,

Ronald Woodhouse
Ronald Woodhouse
12 years ago

Yeah, maybe the marriage wasn't so smooth, but the kids turned out great!!

Jessica Northey
Jessica Northey
12 years ago

 that is romantic and I hope in my heart it is true!

Cameron Silva
Cameron Silva
12 years ago


Brett Coulthard
Brett Coulthard
12 years ago

When-ever life starts getting me down I try to keep this philosophy in mind.  All the good stuff in life happened because of the choices and the path I took getting here.

I still haven't found that special someone but I know she's out there!

Heather Manfredi
Heather Manfredi
12 years ago

I said this once to someone.

12 years ago

O esso de um sentimento do amor tem que ser tratado com o perdão, queixas e ressentimentos não levam a nada, o perdão ai é uma forma de amor.

Stanley Victor Paskavich
Stanley Victor Paskavich
12 years ago

Excellent Post everything here seems to revolve on a hit and miss system that sometimes is no larger than the head of a stick pin.

haarika choudary
haarika choudary
12 years ago

love makes everything blind

Alexeyeva Smith
Alexeyeva Smith
12 years ago

🙂 Thanks for this!

Brian Alaway
Brian Alaway
12 years ago

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you


Gary Savary
Gary Savary
12 years ago

Isn't this a song???

Tiffany Henry
Tiffany Henry
12 years ago

If you can't look at your partner and say this +UR DOIN IT RONG . Break up immediately.

Rob Michael
Rob Michael
12 years ago

Ella Fitzgerald – Isn't It Romantic (Original Theme From ''Sabrina'')

nathan reynolds
nathan reynolds
12 years ago

Wonderful!! Thank you very much  Have a lovely evening

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

 what a fabulous song… thanks for sharing 😀

Bava Kasim
Bava Kasim
12 years ago


Sash Mishra
Sash Mishra
12 years ago

I agree Amanda!

Mohammed Khaliji
Mohammed Khaliji
12 years ago

Ice cream

Phillip Ryan
Phillip Ryan
12 years ago

I would like to believe that but I feel Darwinism is in full effect regarding me.

Manik Sikder
Manik Sikder
12 years ago

thanks lot of you

mesut tankulu
mesut tankulu
12 years ago

The Peace is Always In Islam.

Cyne Yang
Cyne Yang
12 years ago

Very sweet

Kirti Sonal
Kirti Sonal
12 years ago

Awesome 🙂

Christopher Calvert
Christopher Calvert
12 years ago

Better than "destiny", it suggests the author almost understands how probability, chance, and possible futures are affected by our choices 😉

Vic Loignon
Vic Loignon
12 years ago

Ils sont si vrai ces mots,je vous remerci de pouvoir les lire.

Sunil Sharma
Sunil Sharma
12 years ago

hello kirti

Agnes Prince
Agnes Prince
12 years ago

In Romance everything seems not impossible…like an innocent lamb taken to slaughter….

anica van zyl
anica van zyl
12 years ago

that is true

Sarah Lynn Anderson
Sarah Lynn Anderson
12 years ago

Love this, its beautiful 🙂

Lorne Hammond
Lorne Hammond
12 years ago

Absolutely the true.

Pat Someguynamedpat
Pat Someguynamedpat
12 years ago

Very nice.

Saint Williams
Saint Williams
12 years ago

Cool And True

Tehseen Shaikh
Tehseen Shaikh
12 years ago


Christopher delisle
Christopher delisle
12 years ago

so true

Dominga Rodriguez
Dominga Rodriguez
12 years ago

<3 <3 <3

Yared Abera
Yared Abera
12 years ago

Yeh very clinical treatment girl!

Anthony Gonzalez
Anthony Gonzalez
12 years ago

:-* :-* :-*

Todd Mumford
Todd Mumford
12 years ago

"Single People…. There is somewhere for you to be and you are almost there"

Yup. The bar 🙂

Dominga Rodriguez
Dominga Rodriguez
12 years ago

Muah muah muahz!!!

Anthony Gonzalez
Anthony Gonzalez
12 years ago

Mmmmmmmmmm baby! Thank you!

Dominga Rodriguez
Dominga Rodriguez
12 years ago

Your welcome.

ionut gabriel Caraignat
ionut gabriel Caraignat
12 years ago

wow , beautiful

ch mobi
ch mobi
12 years ago

it's different 

Ajmal Avesta
Ajmal Avesta
12 years ago

This is shit…

saurabh singh
saurabh singh
12 years ago


Ahmed Hussein
Ahmed Hussein
12 years ago

ture.  Like

Donna Lim
Donna Lim
12 years ago

Soo true

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