Today is the day! The Walking Dead returns tonight… and just in case you forgot here is a list of zombie kills by seasons… by those are are still left alive… Those who are dead are not listed 🙂
Interesting that Carl has almost as many kills as Glenn… 🙂 Click for the big picture.
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Look at all the kills!
yep tonight!
way to go rick!!!!
Carl has more kills than Merle. Ain't that a bitch!
It's been on all day, excited to see the new episode
Merle: 5 zombies and 1 Gargiulo
poor carol. go gettem
Thanks for this graphic.
ya deseo que llegue el lunes a las 22;00para verlo aqui en España
Jolie tof
very cool! keep up the good work. it has kept me well informed thank you.
Can't waaaaaaaaaaaaait for it to start 🙂
I am wating for……Walking Dead,in Taiwan have a lot fans…
que merda
To paraphrase the Governor: "Compromise our schedule, destroy our viewing habits? I'll die before I let that happen because of the Grammys …"
so can't wait .. probably way too over hyped about this .. but whateve
فى الاحلام المزعزة لاتدل على شياء سو ارق مزمن يعانى منة الشخص
So cool.
been watching the marathon all day… about to watch the new one
I seriously don't understand the attraction to this show. Not for any particular reason, I just never found it interesting enough to watch. shrug
Great and funny statistics!
its about humanity… the dark sides… 🙂 and the good ones… zombies are only a very small part 🙂
Thanks for reminding me! Almost forgot!
When the zombie apocalypse hits zombie fans will last the longest. Lol
Prolífic work Rick…
good nigth
Wonder who's gonna add governor to their body count ??
30 more minutes till walking dead…. can't wait
This puts it into perspective well! The longest 30 minutes, begins now, lol…
Why isn't Carl's mom on his list?
I have been watching the walking dead marathon all day, waiting for the new episode
I can't take the suspense!
+Matt Gaskill the graphic shows only the people still alive as stated above. Carl's mom is dead.
I was hoping Glenn wasn't dead.
Yeah and the Grammy's are dragging even more
thanks 🙂
I download them on my computer. I've need DYING for the new season to start (well, not dying as in a zombie tearing me apart).
It's on right now! better watch
its on? Crap I have 10 more min
No TV set (purposefully). But it'll be on one of the sites I download programs from later night or tomorrow.
I have no actual facts, but I feel like the books have had less total zombie kills than rick alone in the TV show.
descent show personaly like breaking bad better
Carl kills Shane in the graphic novels, not the movie. And he killed Laurie
Can't wait! I"ve been suffering every single day I could not watch the walking dead >.<
its on now
Wow, i tried to d0wnl0ad al the epis0de of walking dead t0 my clph0ne, bt it faild.l0l