*Bacon Nails*
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
Bacon Scarf – lh5.googleusercontent.com/-CmSTlI5jb_w/UKK4zEiShsI/AAAAAAAAYgM/gtFZYXpI_DY/w497-h373/shop.jpeg
Shh… Don't let the zombies see that!
linda boanoite p vc
i'm no big fan 😉
Them are nice::::,
need some salads on the top xd
Ping +Debi Vaught-Thelin 😉
What about desert camo?
I could see how that would lead to nail-biting, yes. (Though I suspect the flavour might be a bit disappointing)
How u Amanda!
Those belong on a salad, not on your hand.
If it comes bacon flavoured it's the perfect holiday present for the person who bites their nails! Assuming those are press-on and not hand painted
Ill-advised fashion choice for those with high-blood pressure or a propensity to bite their nails, but perfect for anyone dating Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation…. <3 it!
Unhas + bacon = unhas porca. kkkkkkkkkkk
Looks more like Florida State colors, garnet & gold.
I bet they taste just like Lady Fingers! 😉
Ewww. haha! Mah belly, not mah nails!
it's kinda cute but ugly at the same time
really ugly
mmmm …
You do realize men love bacon!
I LOVE BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha loll!!
lol this is crazy!
o yessssss mmmmm……
Imagine if it was real bacon. haha.
I'm in romania now, here it is 12:00 pm and only think of eating something……hahahahaha
Nail art is so much fun. 🙂
Thanks for tagging me in, Erik!
para el cerebro no viene nada?
If they smell and taste like bacon…. then they are awesome…
Watch out! +PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Might sue you for making me now want a tasty bacon treat tonight!
Must be Canadian EH ! nom nom nom <(*_~)>
Finger food!
+Oakley OakMonster Boren
is it water marble
LOL @ "nom nom nom"
not hot
nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
Don't eat em'