I really do love Geeks

I really do love Geeks

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

The more video game, tech speak, DND and RPG, Code languages, I was on a C64 and BBS back in the day, ability to do more stuff on a computer… than me … the better…

Send the geeks my way.. for we rule.

i really do love geeks

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Brad Chasenore
Brad Chasenore
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain do you like geeks?

Nick Forshaw
Nick Forshaw
13 years ago

dusts off shoulders I'm about to finish my Computer Science degree, so, you know.

Tzafrir Rehan
Tzafrir Rehan
13 years ago

Let's play LORD

Josh Saunders
Josh Saunders
13 years ago

LOAD "*",8,1

Chad W Darroch
Chad W Darroch
13 years ago

yeah BBS!

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago

I wish it was cool growing up when I used to get the crap beat out of me. It sure didn't rule then.

Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
13 years ago

Been coding since I was 13, Apple IIe. Geeks rule.

Tom Ford
Tom Ford
13 years ago

+1 for c64 and bbs!

Dan Glass
Dan Glass
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain hey! I resemble that remark! 😉

Carms Perez
Carms Perez
13 years ago

I agree with @shara !!

Al Ebnereza
Al Ebnereza
13 years ago

Wow! I had no idea Amanda! I've had computers since I was 5, predating my favorite C64 with a "Spectrum 16". Heck, my parents got me to WALK using old calculators that had the green vacuum tube displays. I STILL love that color hah! 🙂

David Kellin
David Kellin
13 years ago

My first computer was the 8 bit Timex console, with an 8 bit extension

Kendall Price
Kendall Price
13 years ago

I loved my C64 so much, and I worked all summer to pay for a $300 5 1/4 floppy drive for it. It was so worth it. I had a 300 baud modem and I paid $75 for lifetime access to the best local BBS, which turned out to be for the lifetime of the BBS instead of my lifetime.

Sean Muron
Sean Muron
13 years ago

pentium II is the best I can say. thing was mega fast comparatively when we first got it, though.

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago

My C64 still works. I run an emulator on my Mac when I have a bit of nostalgia because my immediate gratification ass is not going to accept waiting 5 minutes for a program to load.

Brad Leclerc
Brad Leclerc
13 years ago

w00t for geeks

Eric Scardino
Eric Scardino
13 years ago

What about nerds and dweebs?

Jacky So
Jacky So
13 years ago


Josh Saunders
Josh Saunders
13 years ago

I wish there were more geek girls

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

This may be my fav post ever! So many new geeky people to circle… ?

Aristotle Bancale
Aristotle Bancale
13 years ago


Brad Chasenore
Brad Chasenore
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain do you have a iphone or a ipad2?

Jacky So
Jacky So
13 years ago

+Josh Saunders, there are! They're just in denial. It's only a matter of time until they accept their inner geek/nerd though, so don't worry. 🙂

Josh Saunders
Josh Saunders
13 years ago

no she is an android girl

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago

Well, let’s say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning’s reading, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.

Brad Leclerc
Brad Leclerc
13 years ago

Ghostbusters quote (other than the cats and dogs speech)… instantly circled. 🙂

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago


Ed Waters
Ed Waters
13 years ago

Thanks for the walk down memory lane! I also had a C64 back in the mid '80s and ran a BBS with a 1 meg drive – I though that awesome back then.

Brad Leclerc
Brad Leclerc
13 years ago

This whole comment thread is making me want to re-listen to "Ready Player One"..even though I only finished it a few days ago. Nostalgia!

Michael Rutherford
Michael Rutherford
13 years ago

My first computer was an Atari with a 6502 processor. I think a cassette deck was my first mass storage device but soon graduated to a floppy disk drive. Dialed up to a local Atari club BBS. But, there were so few lines that time was limited to 30 minutes. Later subscribed to Compuserve. Anyone remember that?

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago

Who remembers the Koala Pads? We had Apple IIes in my grade school, but I never met anyone who owned one.

Joe Brownstein
Joe Brownstein
13 years ago

I ran a BBS, you know right? 😛 Two lines, international callers and over 1 Gig of software, documents and files. Yes, I just said 1 full Gig!! lol…really just a bunch of CD drives and two hard drives. Don't forget this was in the early 90s.

Actually…what if I said this was recently…I don't think it would be as cool lol.

Will Borkowski
Will Borkowski
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain I was just talking to another G+er about c128d & BBS days!!

Josh Saunders
Josh Saunders
13 years ago

+Jacky So Not in Australia…
we have a strong football, beer and being an idiot culture…
Considering moving to Antarctica.. cause the geek ratio is higher.. me and a snowman with glasses on..

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago

I remember Compuserve and Prodigy

Michael Rutherford
Michael Rutherford
13 years ago

I tried Prodigy. Seems like it only worked on IBM PCs and I didn't have ready access to one at that time. But it was sort of a ground breaking service.

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago

I still have my dot matrix print outs from Prodigy. I am thinking about donating them to the Smithsonian one of these days.

Sang Lam
Sang Lam
13 years ago

+Tzafrir Rehan LORD was the best, remember Seth and Violet?

Tzafrir Rehan
Tzafrir Rehan
13 years ago

+Sang Lam very vaguely. I was 10 at the time 🙂

Joe Brownstein
Joe Brownstein
13 years ago

lol I ran LORD on my BBS. I also ran that space trader game (can't think of what it was called?)…a mafia game that my friend developed and a bunch of other really bad ANSI/ASCII graphic games. Ah the memories! Nothing matches downloading the newest 0-day pack and checking out that fresh .NFO file lol

Artemis Entreri
Artemis Entreri
13 years ago

SRE(solar realms elite) BRE(Baron Realms Elite) and Tradewars(2020)
PS: L.O.R.D code, Jenny 🙂

Aristotle Bancale
Aristotle Bancale
13 years ago

These conversations always, always remind me of 64k RAM! 😀

Keith Holland
Keith Holland
13 years ago

Nerd baiting?

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
13 years ago

load "this kicks ass",8,1


Craig Janssen
Craig Janssen
13 years ago

Brings back some good memories of BBSes and AE PRO Lines lol

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

+Artemis Entreri +Joe Brownstein +Sang Lam +Tzafrir Rehan ahhhh Lord… Seth able at the Inn… 😀 Typing Jennie.. but dont call her UGLY… – Get kicked from the game and lose 2 hp… Ahhh games you could never win but played forever anyway… Zynga what took you so long.

Jennifer Barr
Jennifer Barr
13 years ago

I love geeks too!

Tzafrir Rehan
Tzafrir Rehan
13 years ago

I was once killed by someone at 23:55, then again at 00:03. Then had to wait until the following day to be able to play again.

Sang Lam
Sang Lam
13 years ago

+Amanda Blain Personally I preferred Violet to get my HP up, but Seth able wasn't too bad either. 😉

Derek Ward
Derek Ward
13 years ago

I wish there were more geekettes around where I live.

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