Do you know what’s coming back? Boomerangs.

Do you know what’s coming back? Boomerangs.

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Do you know what’s coming back? Boomerangs.

do you know whats coming back boomerangs

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pauly hart
pauly hart
13 years ago

nice pun.

Artemis Entreri
Artemis Entreri
13 years ago

You throw a ball against the wall and what does it do? it comes back to you! Like a boomerang, boomerang, bing bong bang it's Boom-er-ang……. All Hail Norbert!

Sherman Smith
Sherman Smith
13 years ago

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? … A stick!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

🙂 hehehehe +Sherman Smith

David Sarachman
David Sarachman
13 years ago


David Bennett
David Bennett
13 years ago

I like a good boomerang.

Zach Eggert
Zach Eggert
13 years ago

Yo-yos will be next. I remember they were big about fifteen years ago or so. Isn't that the usual turnaround time?

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