Be Bold Or Italic – Never Regular
by Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff - and Girlfriend Social -
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Why? 🙂
Love it!
If you must ask Why… you might be regular 🙂
🙂 delicioust…desire
hi…very..funny…and proud…nice…
Go bold or go home!
how about papyrus? 🙂
hola amiga o mejor dicho hello frenchscreo k se escribe asi
Bold and italic?
needs more comic sans
"Regular" is the best way of life…
Sorry I am underlined wingdings!
funny 🙂
Everyone except Ahmed gallab wrote with "Regular" fonts…
Love it!! Bold and italic is the way to go!!! :))
Sounds like a Good idea! Screw normal Letters!
Hey Amanda! You're my dreamgirl. Just sayin'.
The true strength of regulars is number, and they will always be there.
But when in Rome do as the (Times) Roman do…. 🙂
good one
I loved the timing of the statement. i have a match today and this is perfect statement for the team today. it's semi finals. thanks +Amanda Blain
No underline?
lol Underline is even better than most, a people who lives behind the scene and take control !!!
you know it bro
i'm underlined 🙁
Good combination..
Italic people run lean.
I wanna have an underline! 😀
Bold and beautiful !
Good one Amanda.
Oh I SOOO gotta share this! For years I've described myself by saying I "live life in italics". It often annoys me when the response is, "what does that mean?"
Really? I still embrace it, even if no one else understands it!
ooooooo good
If I am constantly going forward, does that mean am Italic or Bold? haha
now that's an underline!
boldness is the ability to stand or withstand a particular instant or situations
yeah! I agree
Its a good idea
Like this
Yes I agree amanda, regular is boring anyway.
good Idea..
Nice one
'Highlight' is not so bad. Also it looks very nice.
good Nice think to idea