Always.. More Cowbell

Always.. More Cowbell

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Might be one of my favorite Saturday Night Live Skits. 🙂


always more cowbell


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Ashlan Nathens
Ashlan Nathens
12 years ago

…I did love Colonel Angus skit as well – oh the things they got away with..:)

Daniel Ybarra
Daniel Ybarra
12 years ago

Oh, yes! More cowbell!

Jim McCloskey
Jim McCloskey
12 years ago

We put our pants on the same way. Only, I go and make gold records.

Harold Fisher
Harold Fisher
12 years ago

aah ha ha ha…1 ringy dingy…2 ringy dingy…3 ringy dingy…ha ha ha…gotta luv it…

Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller
12 years ago

I do that.  This is when I shaved my head, be prepared.

Harold Fisher
Harold Fisher
12 years ago

oh yrah…Lilly Thomlin as the operator on Roin and Martin's Laugh In…good show…

Kevin Bowie
Kevin Bowie
12 years ago

I have this shirt! Good times, GOOD TIMES!!

Eddie Mohan
Eddie Mohan
12 years ago

They don't make episodes like this no more… 🙁

Aidan Engberg
Aidan Engberg
12 years ago

Ahahaha!!!! "I've got a huge headache and the only cure is more cowbell!"

md joy
md joy
12 years ago

goood boy

Kevin Bowie
Kevin Bowie
12 years ago

I put my pants on one leg at a time but when I do, I make gold records.

Jeff Hudson
Jeff Hudson
12 years ago

Schweddy balls. By far the best skit.

Jared Davies
Jared Davies
12 years ago

"Dick in the box" made me howl but other than that there are very few new ones that do.

Alan Landucci-Ruiz
Alan Landucci-Ruiz
12 years ago

Samurai Deli and the Land Shark skits are better.

Citizen Dave
Citizen Dave
12 years ago

"Alfalfa Sings"

Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller
12 years ago

Oh, Lord, I forgot about Land Shark.  Need Land Shark!

Michael Dennis
Michael Dennis
12 years ago

That was so funny

Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller
12 years ago

Eddie murphy – Saturday Night Live.- Buckwheat

Jared Davies
Jared Davies
12 years ago

Matt Foley was my favorite character of all time on SNL. I miss Chris Farley huge!!!! Loved ya big guy!!!!

Christian Moore
Christian Moore
12 years ago

Bassomatic 76!

Louis Foussard
Louis Foussard
12 years ago

Love it!

salvadour love
salvadour love
12 years ago


Justin White
Justin White
12 years ago

 I'm on a Mothin f%%kin' boat is awesome as well

Ricky Rkay
Ricky Rkay
12 years ago


marissa rivera
marissa rivera
12 years ago


Nicholas Kelly
Nicholas Kelly
12 years ago

Band member: "If music legend Bruce Dickinson wants more cowbell….."
Bruce: "Say it, baby!"
Band Member:"…we should..pause to regain comprosure probably give him more cowbell!"
Bruce: "SAY IT BABY!

kh?i tr?n
kh?i tr?n
12 years ago


Zackery Billings
Zackery Billings
12 years ago

Best Skit Ever!!!!

Leo Hernandez
Leo Hernandez
12 years ago

i actually have this shirt lol

Paul Lewis
Paul Lewis
12 years ago

My favorite too.

Teodoro Franco
Teodoro Franco
12 years ago

This Guy is hilarious! In every comical and even some serious roles he makes me laugh!

Benedict Corpuz
Benedict Corpuz
12 years ago

I played with a cowbell earlier today.

Tim Durben
Tim Durben
12 years ago

Funny! Down by the river is a classic too. Chris Farley was a good motivational speaker.

Thomas Townsend
Thomas Townsend
12 years ago

He is one of my most fav actors!

Sadu Seefoo
Sadu Seefoo
12 years ago

XD will ferrel… 😀

Thomas Townsend
Thomas Townsend
12 years ago

Will is amazing.. I meant serious actors who are funny naturally like Walkin…

Sadu Seefoo
Sadu Seefoo
12 years ago

I was just commenting on the post, because he was playing the cowbell…

Thomas Townsend
Thomas Townsend
12 years ago

oh. cool.

Mohd Ashraf Khan
Mohd Ashraf Khan
12 years ago

Hi Amanda…want to be your friend….do you…

chuks daniel
chuks daniel
12 years ago

I am happy to be in the world and ruling the earth, so let us heal the world.

Dan Williams
Dan Williams
12 years ago

You said it!!

Leo Deegan
Leo Deegan
12 years ago

Gotta love it

Alonza Burns
Alonza Burns
12 years ago


Hayes Starns
Hayes Starns
12 years ago

They had that clip on YouTube for the longest. I also went searching for that same skit a day ago and couldn't find except an extremely poor quality one. Which is fine by me I'll take what I can get haha I love that skit!!

Juan Agudelo
Juan Agudelo
12 years ago

I remember that one, that was great!!

Michael Dennis
Michael Dennis
12 years ago

Do any remember "Gird Your Loins!" Joe Biden on the campaign trail I think he was in Pennsylvania That was a funny skit.

Alonza Burns
Alonza Burns
12 years ago

Stone Face Christopher Walken!  This skit had me in stitches.  I especially like that you can see him laughing through the window.

Helen Swartzfager
Helen Swartzfager
12 years ago


Michael Dennis
Michael Dennis
12 years ago

Wait, what is that I hear?  Is it? is it? Yes it's more cowbell. Now if I can get Michael Bolton to give us some cow bell. life would be complete Here is a copy cat live performance of the cowbell skit I'm still looking for a good quality video of the real one  the audience seemed to have a great

Michael Dennis
Michael Dennis
12 years ago

Here's one fro, but the quality is poor
The sound however is very good

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