I Wonder How Long This Takes To Fill Up

I Wonder How Long This Takes To Fill Up

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Oh how wonderful life would be with a bathtub built for two. 🙂


i wonder how long this takes to fill up

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Bud Hoffman
Bud Hoffman
12 years ago

Yeah, but once it does, it'd be worth it!  :o)

Michael Buttler
Michael Buttler
12 years ago

it does not matter how long it takes as long as it is worth every minute you are in there .. 🙂 

fares ahmad
fares ahmad
12 years ago


Anthony Cousins
Anthony Cousins
12 years ago

Any amount of time would be worth it to soak my bones in this beauty =)

Dawn Carl
Dawn Carl
12 years ago

I'd need a maid to clean it!!!  🙂

Joe Bolin
Joe Bolin
12 years ago

Oh the pictures I could take in that tub. 😉

Troian Ysayelle Gonzales
Troian Ysayelle Gonzales
12 years ago

It would be AWESOME!

Ahmed Ugaili
Ahmed Ugaili
12 years ago


au llanto
au llanto
12 years ago


Harold Fisher
Harold Fisher
12 years ago

How about this…" I wonder what we could do…in this Bathtub built for two "…he he he

xolani m ndlazi
xolani m ndlazi
12 years ago

wow!!! amanda! im sure it cld tke up to 4 o 5hrs n i wsh 2 spnd those hrs in thr

12 years ago

Wow! Never been in one of those…

mohamed atwa
mohamed atwa
12 years ago

Very beautiful

Roy Stringfellow
Roy Stringfellow
12 years ago

hi people whos on second life a

James Barraford
James Barraford
12 years ago

Where's the diving board?

Ardogane madridi
Ardogane madridi
12 years ago

oh yeah

Johnny G. justel
Johnny G. justel
12 years ago

money ÂĄÂĄ

Sultan Almarwani
Sultan Almarwani
12 years ago

I wonder what sex's position to have in dat awesome bathtub 

Matt Tuomala
Matt Tuomala
12 years ago

47 minutes

Armina habibi
Armina habibi
12 years ago

theyre wonderful.

antony Romero Montolio
antony Romero Montolio
12 years ago

beautifull you batron

???? ??? ????
???? ??? ????
12 years ago


Stacy Stutz
Stacy Stutz
12 years ago

 I'm thinking that people who own bathrooms like that probably have maids. 😉 

That would be a wonderful place to "soak"  

Stanley Dietrich
Stanley Dietrich
12 years ago

It wouldn't matter! I'd enjoy the time while it was filling! Then there would be a real reason for the bath!

Reza Adl
Reza Adl
12 years ago

I wonder how many can you fit in that.

Susan Lewis
Susan Lewis
12 years ago

I would end up living in it.

Edward Woods
Edward Woods
12 years ago

the single tub was   designed     for a banging good time for two people

Edward Woods
Edward Woods
12 years ago

but that is a lovely bathroom. I build bathrooms like this

Shakeel Sabir
Shakeel Sabir
12 years ago

Would I live? L8tr

Patrick Armstrong
Patrick Armstrong
12 years ago

Spend the money for an automatic temp. control and shutoff valves.

jakshan shanpo
jakshan shanpo
12 years ago


Edward Woods
Edward Woods
12 years ago

yea people spend money all the time for side jets and misters, steam room for 15 minutes of fun. now add a lady in their and it's hours of fun

joseph mellouki
joseph mellouki
12 years ago


theodora ullman
theodora ullman
12 years ago

Wow that's awesome!!!! =D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aftab Khan
Aftab Khan
12 years ago


Conrad Bianco
Conrad Bianco
12 years ago

I hope it has a heater installed. Water would be child by the time it's filled.

Rob Mayfield
Rob Mayfield
12 years ago

it would depend what you are filling it with …

marthI ramakrishna
marthI ramakrishna
12 years ago

98.9999999999999% don't use bathtubs for bathing.They are worhty of living in this world cause they don't waste precious water for pleasure

Pepe Calderon
Pepe Calderon
12 years ago


Aldric Williams
Aldric Williams
12 years ago

I like it 😀 I want one!!  and maybe you should install a faucet with a larger circumference?

anis boukrouma
anis boukrouma
12 years ago


thĂ nh ph?mminh
thĂ nh ph?mminh
12 years ago


abraham nwachukwu
abraham nwachukwu
12 years ago

wow amanda dat is a wonderful inspiration

Muhammad Alhan
Muhammad Alhan
12 years ago

wow.. It would like to drown in the beauty of her …. for a long long time… and love has no position or place to decide.. it starts any where.. suitable.. :p

Anthony K. Preston
Anthony K. Preston
12 years ago

Probably pump it from the cement pond,or most people that have them ,they are just for look's,Heaven forbid if you start using it,it's not going to stay looking all pretty anymore,when like big dark scrum water line all the way around,even a maid would have a hell of a time keeping that clean.Just for show,from a working man's point of view.

abraham nwachukwu
abraham nwachukwu
12 years ago

wel its sweet.

David Juska
David Juska
12 years ago

I really want that one. I have a 2 person jacuzzi but that one looks very comvortable

JD Fairweather
JD Fairweather
12 years ago

prefer showers, don't believe in sitting in my own dirt. this contraption says you should not only sit in your own dirt but the dirt of another.

JecyParfait Kouamé
JecyParfait Kouamé
12 years ago

waouh that is a splendid

Kanella Basilion
Kanella Basilion
12 years ago

agree jdfairweather

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