This Might Be Every Game of Dungeons and Dragons I've Ever Played

This Might Be Every Game of Dungeons and Dragons I've Ever Played

by Amanda Blain
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How bout you? 🙂
3 hour walk: "You arrive at your destination with no farther incidents"…

Battle against anything: "Um i think i'll cast this.. NO this.. wait.. what is the range touch for that? Ok I'll do that… Now what do i roll? Ok.. Wait is there a boulder in the way? Ok.. I change my mind.. I move.."

Don't get me started on my party opening doors!


this might be every game of dungeons and dragons i39ve ever played

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Terrence Lui
Terrence Lui
12 years ago

yep.  This is me in pretty much ever RPG.

Do I have the right weapon equipped?  Wait, what is my armor rating?  Is the enemy weak to fire? …

Justin King
Justin King
12 years ago

OMG yes! At least we had jolt cola told hold us over

ed p
ed p
12 years ago

A snake bit my cleric?!! WTF! I pull out my dagger and cut the bite open a little bit so I can suck the poison out.

That was my raddest moment ever in DnD.

Alexander Courtness
Alexander Courtness
12 years ago

Lol… Im not a dnd type but as far as games like skyrim are concerned, im all about the magic – use nothing BUT magic from the word go and seek out the mages imediately for trainimg and magic based quests… By the time ive learned the game controls and gotten used to the way the story and quests flow, nothing can stand in my characters path for long and almost certainly wont manage anything more than temporary wounding (healing spells ftw). Lol. Cant beat a quality console fantasy/scifi rpg game.

Michael Kelava
Michael Kelava
12 years ago

Ahhh yes.. this brings back great memories. So much truth to that statement.

Christopher Waisanen
Christopher Waisanen
12 years ago

It's kinda fun to really fuck with the dynamic. Play a barbarian who doesn't wait for anything. See a bear on the road, tackle it. Group arguing over a door, kick it in and run into the room. Watch how flustered the other players get without the pretense of planning.

Zoe Tew
Zoe Tew
12 years ago

Sound logic to me. 🙂

Jonathan Black
Jonathan Black
12 years ago

I start kicking down doors when my party starts worrying about every single five foot square.

Mark Hennessey
Mark Hennessey
12 years ago

"Food Stamps?! The Red Dragon's treasure was Food Stamps?"

Jack Cull
Jack Cull
12 years ago

There was once a game I was running where the entire gaming session (roughly 8 hrs) was a single combat.

It was insane  >.<

Nadeem Hossain Onee
Nadeem Hossain Onee
12 years ago

what do you do without playing games????

Sydney Van Nest
Sydney Van Nest
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain, I had a group where if I hadn't pushed them at their first T-Intersection in the dungeon, we'd still be waiting to make a decision… That was 20 years ago. 😉

Sam Gilley
Sam Gilley
12 years ago

Our DM was never that nice and our adventures lasted months.

Alexander Courtness
Alexander Courtness
12 years ago

Lol@rushing in…for those who know a bit about WoW the 'rush-in-worry-bout-it-after' play smacks of LEEROOOOY JEEENKINS !!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

+David Sarachman

Adam Fulton
Adam Fulton
12 years ago

Accurate, and those are the best sessions. Similarly, I've only taken one character to level 20 and it literally took years.  Good times.

William Furby
William Furby
12 years ago

Happens at every game session. And I don't blame my players for hesitating at doors, I have put a nasty trap on one or two; now they check every door. So, naturally, I have to "reward" their hard work.

Sam Gilley
Sam Gilley
12 years ago

I have a 16th Level Pit Fighter once… once. Started out a male half-giant, ended a female mul.

Joshua Mandell
Joshua Mandell
12 years ago

Yes, absolutely. I was DMing a game last year and one of the players, the sorcerer of the party, spent around twenty-thirty minutes on a single turn when, after he tossed a fireball at the enemy boat, we had to work through exactly what parts of the ship were damaged or destroyed, and how badly with each one. 

Sam Gilley
Sam Gilley
12 years ago

I had a half-giant with a running proficiency, a dexterity of 16, and had been on the move for 5 rounds. My intent was to put the bullhorns to a small group of Orcs attacking a friend. It took us over an hour to work out the extent of the damage to all parties. Orcs = dead, friend = unconscious, tavern wall = demolished!

Leo Deegan
Leo Deegan
12 years ago

Never a truer statement about D&D

Fraser Cain
Fraser Cain
12 years ago

I used to be a pretty bad ditherer, but I'm a lot more "go with the flow" now.

Nicole Angell
Nicole Angell
12 years ago

God we couldn't even go into a Bar without spending 2 1/2 hrs. So we had special limits: hack and slash games (no thinking allowed just kill and loot) & RP games (waste tons of time doing nothing by roll playing every aspect of everything) ? that

David Sarachman
David Sarachman
12 years ago

Don't blame me I'm just the DM 😉

Richard Remer
Richard Remer
12 years ago

I'm another door kicker.  Get moving or I'm deciding where we go.

Angel Rivera
Angel Rivera
12 years ago

Well the last game I played they all died but me cause I did not walked through the door! Jajaja

Charlie Hoover
Charlie Hoover
12 years ago

Hey we didn't actually go through with blowing up the mountain so I think we deserve some credit for restraint…=)

neri beita
neri beita
12 years ago

que mal solo se español y nada de ingles

Keith S
Keith S
12 years ago

For some, the process of planning is part of the joy of playing. I liken it to those who prefer constructed-deck card games, and will spend hours pondering card choices … Different perspective.

Ernie Nelson
Ernie Nelson
12 years ago


Dana Oredson
Dana Oredson
12 years ago

My current character is a ranger, who likes to take up rooftop positions. Rather than taking a round to climb down, I've been jumping down and tumbling (legal? Not 100% sure). But it's been working pretty well.

I bring this up, because when we get in situations in a dungeon, where everyone is wondering who will be the first down the rope into a cavern, he will most likely just jump in and hope for the best. That will probably be his undoing.

Terry Ladd
Terry Ladd
12 years ago

Damn, I thought only my games was like that.

Cameron Arthur
Cameron Arthur
12 years ago

I play DND

James Harris
James Harris
12 years ago

It isn't just DnD, it's also Pathfinder 😛

Douglas Thurman
Douglas Thurman
12 years ago

My rogue likes to hide in shadows and move silently…through open meadows.  🙂

Jeff Gibson
Jeff Gibson
12 years ago

Timescale problems are a GM issue not a system issue.  Rules aside, it's your decision where you want to spend your time.  If your players don't enjoy 3 hours of intensely accurate combat, maybe loosen up and fudge some numbers.  If your party is really interested in a realistic depiction of wilderness survival, roll for that twisted ankle as often as you like!

Jim Byrom
Jim Byrom
12 years ago

I've had one round combats (6 seconds) take over an hour to resolve. Yeah, this is totally a DnD norm. 

Jerry Carter
Jerry Carter
12 years ago

lol.. yup.  

Sajjad Jawaid
Sajjad Jawaid
12 years ago

Hi amanda nice photo

Sajjad Jawaid
Sajjad Jawaid
12 years ago

Sajjad f england

Daniel Pallotta
Daniel Pallotta
12 years ago

I remember the time I rolled a natural 20, the GM proclaimed it to be a "critical hit," looked something up on his charts, declared a "stat contest," in which I had to roll 3d6 against the GM's roll for the orc I had hit with the natural 20, I rolled low on the "stat contest," the GM looked something else up on his charts, and to make a long story short I ended up dead with zero chance of resurrection. It was at about that time that I switched to MMORPGs

Sajjad Jawaid
Sajjad Jawaid
12 years ago

Would y like to google friends

Zach Rogers
Zach Rogers
12 years ago

lol it dosnt take that long i just go with what ever feels rite;P im normaly flying threw everything haha i playy it very fast pased you cant keep up you dont get to make a move haha its intense

Jeff Gibson
Jeff Gibson
12 years ago

 should have found a new GM, not a new game.

michel prins
michel prins
12 years ago

only played those on computers.

Sajjad Jawaid
Sajjad Jawaid
12 years ago

My gmail is on google plus

Sajjad Jawaid
Sajjad Jawaid
12 years ago

Ok goodnight

Daniel Pallotta
Daniel Pallotta
12 years ago

 Don't get me started on the dice rolls I had to make to get out of THAT situation…

William Bethea
William Bethea
12 years ago

Hey, yeah, huh?

Frank T
Frank T
12 years ago

there was a character in my party who survived yellow mold because we poured burning oil down his throat. ironically, my pyromancer just died of yellow mold.

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