Amanda Blain
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff - and Girlfriend Social -
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I Wonder How Long This Takes To Fill Up
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Well now it certainly does.
Onoz!!! He's coming for you!
It does. 🙂
When did I become a zombie!!!
The end is here… D:
zombies in muh font!
We are all doomed! Doomed I tell you!
yes, and I like it
mdr !
I'll never look at "i"s the same again.
Two words- bath salts.
Cross the t's and dot the…. Brains!!!!!!
Hmmm.. . Very interesting! Is this why Apple puts a "i" in front of their products. It's turns them into zombies!
oh god, I can't unsee that. How am I going to write emails today
i see a total of four zombies in this picture…my world will forever be changed thanks +Amanda Blain
"Cannot be unseen"
oh Lord! now i can't not make it look like a zombie…i;ll never use that font again!
Very nice. What font is that?
Wow +Amanda Blain , Zombies are in the room! I wouldn't be surprised to see a zombie hangout tonight…
Font of the Living Dead.
its console type, like Lucida Console font or the one found in notepad
[¬º-°]¬ [¬º-°]¬ [¬º-°]¬ How come I just see 6 people ice skating with one leg in air holding hands in pairs.. I liked Walking Dead 🙁 am I not worthy.
+Amanda Blain ?__ – dead zed.
Well, that's gonna be hard to unsee from now on!
Don't know what you're referring to Amanda, but +1 anyways!
+Amanda Blain , this zombie woke me up….
Haha, clever +Amanda Blain!
wow….. Sya sangat suka sekali.
It's moving a little fast for zombies … but yes it does!
it does
This absolutely looks like a Zombie! Haha. Great find. 🙂
When did I become a zombie? Haha That's punny
lol hay u should friend me
bonjour sa va
They probably eat emoticons.
One of my favorites
your sepick indonesia
sigh it does now.
lol but they might show up on Dec 21st ? humans with mask ? lol
lol it took me a few seconds but yeah it does look like a zombie
and I use Lucida Console as my nonproportional font, so I'll be seeing this for a while
ngomog mslh fact is there zombie
zombie of world?? p? pppppppp??
can't spell "brains" without it