Do you believe in aliens?

by Amanda Blain
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Nice quiet full moonish night out, got me looking up and thinking. So internet, do you believe in UFO’s, crop circles or other beings from space?

#cropcircles #UFO #scifi

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kowski ralf
kowski ralf
12 years ago


Ryan Rodgers
Ryan Rodgers
12 years ago

I believe there is something out there, but I just don't think its really been found yet.

Bardia Shahrestani
Bardia Shahrestani
12 years ago

I need to see them myself….

Ed Benson
Ed Benson
12 years ago

well I  believe all crop circles are hand made, as i've seen people do it, UFO's are usually military experiments but i do believe there has to be other beings out there somewhere! 

Suhail Manzoor
Suhail Manzoor
12 years ago

Yes about us not being alone, but the universe is a mighty big place so I don't really know what to think of UFOs. As for crop circles, they are almost certainly man made.

Václav Pavlín
Václav Pavlín
12 years ago

No way…….they aren't here…they are..I know a lot of them:D

Bardia Shahrestani
Bardia Shahrestani
12 years ago

+Ed Benson Why the military would want to make these crops????

Jay Flemming
Jay Flemming
12 years ago

that is an awesome design.  I often wonder if there is other life in the universe (I am geek so I mean its par for the course) and if there is why do they waste time doing field art.

Ben Diaz
Ben Diaz
12 years ago

I believe there is something out there.

Ivo Bozic
Ivo Bozic
12 years ago

Aliens are like god .. unless i see it .. i won't believe they exist

David McDermott
David McDermott
12 years ago

Yeah I do. I would hate to think of the MilkyWay
without any life when we're gone ???

Willson Lee
Willson Lee
12 years ago

Here, watch that video, not sure if that will mean anything.
Disclosure Project…draw your own conclusions.

ilayda alizadeh
ilayda alizadeh
12 years ago

i don't believe.all r hand made

Kenta Kenta
Kenta Kenta
12 years ago

Before the pure argument on an extraterrestrial life, we experienced too much much false science. 

12 years ago

I believe in alien lifeforms but I don't believe that they have the abilities to "visit" us.

Suhail Manzoor
Suhail Manzoor
12 years ago

+Jay Flemming , perhaps spray painting an up and coming planet is cool in our neck of the woods 😉 

Michael Holodynski
Michael Holodynski
12 years ago

Definitely. There are more stars (not planets) out there than sand grains on earth. Simple statistical calculation.

On the other hand, the distance between our stars are really huge. This makes it doubtful if we ever hear from other civilizations. (And if we do, how long has the message been on it's way?)

peetala swarna Kumar
peetala swarna Kumar
12 years ago

no aliens………..

Francesco Zappone
Francesco Zappone
12 years ago

Penso che dio sia troppo piccolo se in tutto l'universo ha creato solo noi. Credo che in miliardi di galassie ci siano miliardi e miliardi di altri esseri viventi.

Ed Benson
Ed Benson
12 years ago

+Bardia Shahrestani  i meant that the UFO's are military planes, not responsible for the crop circles 🙂  Crop circles where basically started by two guys who had been in the pub and thought it would be funny!

Sagar Kale
Sagar Kale
12 years ago

i've had a heavy doubt since a long time 😉

Stephen Griffin
Stephen Griffin
12 years ago

If we are here there has to be Sumer out there.

sajjad heydari
sajjad heydari
12 years ago

Impressive .

hendra poerwita
hendra poerwita
12 years ago

I doubt it…

Stefan Van Theemsche
Stefan Van Theemsche
12 years ago

While I believe in aliens I don't think that aliens necessarily are behind crop circles etc. I also think that for most UFO's there's a very logical explanation.

Bardia Shahrestani
Bardia Shahrestani
12 years ago

+Ed Benson Hahaha…nice one

William Mims
William Mims
12 years ago

an open-ended question as stated…
simple answer… yes, it is a big universe, and is unlikely to be so "empty" that there is no one else "out-there" to share it with.

Chuck Wade
Chuck Wade
12 years ago

I believe there very maybe other beings that exist, we may not get a chance to meet them or maybe they've come & gone. Depending on your philosophical or religious leanings, the idea of angels & demons would certainly lend themselves to the concepts of aliens. We haven't even started about various myths around the world concerning otherworldly beings. Like Mulder, I want to believe.

Luis Martínez Alted
Luis Martínez Alted
12 years ago

Sólo es Celta una cruz una enseña Druida.

Tr??ng Gia T?p ?oàn
Tr??ng Gia T?p ?oàn
12 years ago

wao !! great ^^

clifford bean
clifford bean
12 years ago

Well the internet cannot think. Therefore you would be asking those who control the internet and that would be the government. Does the government believe in UFO's, well we all have most likely heard or heard about the stories that come to us from the so called Area-51. Now the question is, Amanda, do you believe those stories? If you believe them then that would be a yes, but if you don't then the answer is no. think about it.

Norbert J.
Norbert J.
12 years ago

other beings: yes – the rest: nope.

Bryon Carter
Bryon Carter
12 years ago

The internet has you +clifford bean …

Nicola Cairncross
Nicola Cairncross
12 years ago

That is quite lovely – man made or not! Poor farmer though (unless he's charging to view!)

Jordan Gill
Jordan Gill
12 years ago

I believe in people being high and completely wasted at the same time that believe Butterflies are aggressive crocodiles with wings!

Manisha Sharma
Manisha Sharma
12 years ago

so beautyful

Willson Lee
Willson Lee
12 years ago

there are several governments out there that have declassified their UFO archive for public disclosure, including the British MoD.

Last I read, several other government have followed suit but not the U.S. Almost every single news source you watch will have stupid reporters dismissing the issue and mock the incident, up to and including the Phoenix Lights, where the governor who made a public statement denying what people saw, though he later retracted his statement.

Bryon Carter
Bryon Carter
12 years ago

Do the aliens in question need to be sentient, or can they be amoebas, bacteria, et cetera?

Jane Emmerson
Jane Emmerson
12 years ago

i am an alien =)

Ray Ray
Ray Ray
12 years ago


darshan kuwar
darshan kuwar
12 years ago

hmm..i did'nt see them .so i doesn't belive them…

nordin pumbaya
nordin pumbaya
12 years ago

i believe there are alien life forms out there but they are probably just like fish and plants.. something that we may need for survival when and if we ever decided to go there!

Willson Lee
Willson Lee
12 years ago

I don't see air, so air must not exists, nice one guys, very nice.

Ray Ray
Ray Ray
12 years ago


Moe Hassan
Moe Hassan
12 years ago

I believe we are not alone in this universe. I just don't believe aliens are  like what we think them to be, grey skin big round eyes. They could be more advanced humans.

jon paudel
jon paudel
12 years ago


nordin pumbaya
nordin pumbaya
12 years ago

as for crop circles… they were hoax… i saw a picture of those responsible.. tiny men with big heads and huge eyes, thin arms and legs.. they didn't use lasers they just used lawn mowers!

Stefan Van Theemsche
Stefan Van Theemsche
12 years ago

about governments not wanting to disclose the "truth": governments are made up of people, people don't like to admit they're clueless hence governments don't like to admit they're clueless as they would lose face and might cause unrest. Plus this way they keep the tin foil hat people in check 😉

Bo Maryniuk
Bo Maryniuk
12 years ago

+Stefan Van Theemsche This is best explanation though: 🙂

Willson Lee
Willson Lee
12 years ago

I'm assuming no one clicked on the link before, but here's a different one. Witnesses from all backgrounds with valid credentials on the topic of UFO. If there are any rebuttals, it should probably be directed at these witnesses.

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