Cool Kinekt Gear Ring

Cool Kinekt Gear Ring

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

I ♥ this ring. I got one since I posted about it the last time. I play with it often… Its as fun and addicting as it looks. 🙂

It never 'gets stuck in my hair' or clothes and putting it in a glass of water for a few minutes and wiping gently, cleans it off… 

If you want one, $165 and make sure you are careful with the sizing… It needs to fit snug The company is really helpful though 🙂
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cool kinekt gear ring

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Rigoberto Islas
Rigoberto Islas
12 years ago


?ôn Lê Qúy
?ôn Lê Qúy
12 years ago

very ..

Kim Moncure
Kim Moncure
12 years ago

Very cool!

Janae Tubbs
Janae Tubbs
12 years ago

I want one.

Joey Lopez
Joey Lopez
12 years ago

"+1" for such intricate workmanship.

amanda huddleston
amanda huddleston
12 years ago


Joe Parker
Joe Parker
12 years ago

Cool I am on it.

Long Nguyen
Long Nguyen
12 years ago


Hayes Starns
Hayes Starns
12 years ago

My friend  I believe showed me this one time. I didnt get one because of the price, but I do want one!

Matt Sikon
Matt Sikon
12 years ago

I used to wear rings all the time then they kind of went out of style. I'm hoping they come back I spent a lot of dam money lol.

Lukman oray
Lukman oray
12 years ago

I like it!

Jay Strong
Jay Strong
12 years ago

This looks super cool! # orderingnow

Thanks for share.

youssef hadouchi
youssef hadouchi
12 years ago

me to i want it's cool and nice

Trevor Sharp
Trevor Sharp
12 years ago

Saw this awhile ago and have been wanting one ever since. Might just pull the trigger now.

Abdul Panganting
Abdul Panganting
12 years ago

Very cool.

Savanah Hoffstein
Savanah Hoffstein
12 years ago

That is sooooooo COOL

Crystal K. Wiebe
Crystal K. Wiebe
12 years ago

A friend of mine got one of those for his wedding band.

Kristin Mouton
Kristin Mouton
12 years ago

Like the uniqueness.

Sanil Chawla
Sanil Chawla
12 years ago

want it, but its too expensive..  i'm making one right now using spare parts i have 😉

James Scott Jr
James Scott Jr
12 years ago

Very unique….

Eileen Dixon
Eileen Dixon
12 years ago

I have one.  Great if you're a ring-fidgeter, like I am.

Blue Heart
Blue Heart
12 years ago

That's pretty cool might get one for my dad

Andrew Macintyre
Andrew Macintyre
12 years ago

I want one ! Looks Well Good.

Stan Fraser
Stan Fraser
12 years ago

Do they have GR groups like AA have ?

Danny Sytho
Danny Sytho
12 years ago

I need it one..

Lloyd Montgomery
Lloyd Montgomery
12 years ago

It took me a second then i caught on about the ring Duhhhh on my side .Ty for sharing  Amanda

Mathew Hoy
Mathew Hoy
12 years ago

i have one of these. my wife gave me one as a replacement for my original wedding ring (which i lost by taking it off and playing with it). now, no need to take if off…

Major Joe
Major Joe
12 years ago

that looks like a good way to kill time. i like it

Mathew Hoy
Mathew Hoy
12 years ago

sorry, two quick things about these rings:

1) the are bulky. it'll take a few days for the fingers next to your ring finger to get used to the thickness and relatively squared corners of the ring.

2) as much as you might think hair or crumbs or even sand might get in there and gum up the gears, i have had mine for 3 years and have NEVER had a problem with it. it's rock solid.

Tony Love
Tony Love
12 years ago

Those are amazing. I still wish they would play a tune and self-rotate as an alarm. Still, I do want one!

Jey JeyY
Jey JeyY
12 years ago

now thatza world in motion, wrapped around ones geer-finger,
play on…

William Luo
William Luo
12 years ago

amazing ring!!!   I haven't seen before.

Cody Mac
Cody Mac
12 years ago

I was with you all the way until the "$165" thing.

janice bobis
janice bobis
12 years ago

unique.. nice! =)

Simon Cousins
Simon Cousins
12 years ago

If I ever, I would…

Katy Aussie
Katy Aussie
12 years ago

so cool. I want that one!

Miskinak Periwinkle
Miskinak Periwinkle
12 years ago

ooooh… do they have matching g'earings?

Julianna Hewitt
Julianna Hewitt
12 years ago

that's soo cool!!!

Rahan Ahamed
Rahan Ahamed
12 years ago

really cool

Casey Steffen
Casey Steffen
12 years ago


Nihar Ishan
Nihar Ishan
12 years ago


12 years ago

An anti-stress …

Katherine Castle
Katherine Castle
12 years ago

whew! what a cool ring.

Tanya Partin-Lawton
Tanya Partin-Lawton
12 years ago


Bruce Williams
Bruce Williams
12 years ago

Now you can have a worry ring to go with your worry beads.

Eduardo Bolívar Magaña
Eduardo Bolívar Magaña
12 years ago

en esos momentos cuando la ociosidad el estrés es grande

Victor herrera mendoza
Victor herrera mendoza
12 years ago


juan mogo
juan mogo
12 years ago

ooo yo quiero uno…

Kevin Mebane
Kevin Mebane
12 years ago

I must have one!!!

raven cisa
raven cisa
12 years ago


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