Another night of Dungeons and Dragons In a Hangout
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
I haven't tried that yet. Will have to do it sometime.
No. I've never even tried DND.
hahaha" ..
Oh ya…brings back great memorys
I've never played D&D before :/ I want to but I can't find anyone local to play with
Sounds like an excellent use case.
I haven't played in a long time. I want to but I can't find anyone interested. :'(
No but D&D is always fun.
I think a hangout may be my only option…
Now I see it happening. I think it would be cool if you could play Magic the Gathering on G+.
seethes with jealousy
Yes, I am waiting with baited breath
I haven't played D&D in over 20 years!!!!!!
I've been thinking about trying D&D I'm a hangout.
Sounds like we have a few people interested in playing via Hangout, I'll see if I can pull that together 🙂
Like many folks here have already shared, I too have not played in years but have also had trouble finding relatively sane people who share the desire locally. The idea of playing via hangout is really intriguing and something that has never crossed my mind before. It sounds like an interesting proposition.
the symbol is dunkin donuts , isn't ?
Not yet, but I really want to!!!
+Amanda Blain I've never played myself, but I have heard this song about it 😉 Stephen Lynch D&D
I've Still been wondering how the heck it works!
OK now this sounds like it may be fun. One question which version of D&D though?
My friends keep drawing short straws to be the DM, but after five times we realized the straws were the same size and no one wanted to be the DM 🙁
I haven't. I would dearly love to. 🙂 I haven't played D&D in forever.
We are playing Pathfinder… I've also played 4th edition. We currently are using an amazing google doc by … and thats the best part… you don't HAVE to be local. We have people in Canada, Boston, New Jersey, Texas…. All over.. 🙂
Wow, I haven't played D&D since Junior High, I miss it!!!
Amanda Blain love you !!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome !!!
Haven't played in years (still have original character) and never online. can you tell me where I can find it?
Haven't played D&D since high school. It would be interesting to try it in a hangout with the right group.
I'd love to play. I liked 3.5 the best. I still have reservations about Pathfinder (although I haven't played it yet)
haha memories ofdamn days
Whaooo….. D&D!
I really want to!
Ok. Cool 🙂
I haven't done serious role playing in many years. I have the typical problem: those of us who RPG'd together in college and grad school are now scattered to the four winds, we all have demanding jobs, and kids. So finding the time is challenging, but not impossible, while finding a physical gathering place is truly impossible. Thus far online tools haven't been good enough. Google+ may now finally be good enough. I'm ready to take the plunge.
No, but its on my list so I can add a game with friends who live in other states.
you play d&d in hangouts? I didn't know it >______________< did you know?
Nope… I remember someone did it last year, when I was just arrived here, but my memory it's not good enough for storing the names, too 😀
(Plus, I think that any D&D hangout in the USA will be automatically removed from my brain due to the time zones 🙁 )
Anyway, it has to be great _
Nice one
Not yet, but I plan to!
There's a ton of people in Europe playing D&D (and other RPGs) in hangouts as well. I can include you in some future invites if you want.
OH yeh here is one of the posts from last year…. Its what we are still using till table top gets things figured out…
Cooool thanks guys!
+Amanda Blain the best games I've been in do the following:
– everyone rolls their dice in their home. It's almost always faster than online dice roller, and I have not yet seen it to be slower.
– hangouts lower thirds where you have your character's name and class/archetype in the primary line and your name in the sub line
– either shared Google Drawings or something non-integrated like twiddla for simple mapping
– for a bit more old school feeling, don't share maps, but let the players sketch out from your descriptions
– character sheets in Google Drive for easy access
Everyone who's looking for a game fix also might want to check out constantcon (constantcon.blogspot.com) as a somewhat organized hub for open RPGs on G+ via hangouts.
what's this?My English notwell.sorry