You Had Me At Bacon
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
LOL….i got it! thats how u ask a woman out! 😀 LOL
Mmm….Bacon! ♡
Perfect for breakfast time!! 😉
yeah dear why not
Wait a second my lover bacons cheating on me with you….sunuva
ok dear
It's the best….yumm:-)
this forboden in in islam
Bacon! .
dont tease me
cool ya here for Breakfast then
On this final weekend before the election, I'm always glad to know that there are certain subjects that unify each and every American – except those pesky vegetarians…or those that shun pork. Oh, OK. THis subject unifies most Americans.
i love becon……
Oddly I love cooking bacon and often will take a picture
+Amanda Blain this is pork kryptonite.
look so yummy
Wow Amanda, words fail me.
If only I were 6 months younger lol. +Amanda Blain Any gurl who loves bacon would have my heart!!! It's true and it's love. Must be a Canadian thing. Have a great weekend!! <(^~)>
All American goes fat, ugly and stupid!
have you not looked at your profile picture? I ask, as the folks it it are exactly what you describe of Americans.
Must.. find… bacon…….@_@ crap!! need to go to the store!
Amanda Bacon… I mean Blain… damn you…. damn you all!!!
I want a bacon hoodie. Anybody out there w/ mad skillz on photoshop? make a bacon print hoodie so we can see how it looks. Go ahead, I dare ya, I double dare ya.
show me ur eys ; )
How about a bacon cam, have a hidden cam on a busy street and just give bacon to random people passing by. Sounds cool to me random bacon drive by LOLapalouza
Just ate bacon and this made me want more!
I so do love bacon! And so does Ron Swanson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc6PMCx36Qw&sns=em
I <3 Bacon
LOL… 😀
Is this the yr of the bacon? Or what. LOL
Hehe. The bacon references were slacking as of late. Thanks for bringing it back! 🙂
it's my favorite!!
Excited! 🙂
Bacon is the cats meow!
🙂 Top 10 Picture In Google+ . 🙂
i could use some of that rt now
nice creation
nice creation