Amazing how much media has advanced… I just cleaned out my "hard drives that were" pile including a solid 30 Gig and 80 Gig hard drive…. 🙂 and finally tossed all the cdroms too 🙂
Ahhh Technology what will you think of next…
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
Hahaha good idea…..:)…….laynblk………..ONE N ONLY
I found some months ago a 3,5" harddrive with 10 megabytes in my cellar 🙂 Enough for 2 mp3 tracks 🙂
Old cd/dvd cases are a good tool to remove spiders on the ceiling. Nothing worse than going after one with toilet paper and having it drop and disappear.
Makes me want a sandwich…
Very good.. Amanda..
Not very appealing, but for one time I guess it will do.
Thank you, Cloud!
Hahaha You're very creative . Good idea
that something a hospital will give you.
But what if we don't like cloud computing?
There's a risk if the Cloud breaks, the world will stop spinning.
i am going to try that for lunch
nice idea,,,,
is it a cake stored into cd box ?
Love it! I have tons of those lying around. I'll have a donut holder, a bagel holder and my sandwich carrier!
I second that Brilliant!
its a bagel…wow.
BPA free? 🙂
When my brother was 10, he found a small gecko and put it in a CD case (yayforrandomstory)… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Looking at the lettuce, I'd say it is a burger with a hole in the middle so sort of a bastard child of a burger in a bagel shape
Wow 😛
Yeah a CF flash drive (actually many of them) has become my favorite.
Always+ Amanda Blain…….thanx for sharing……..ladynblk……..ONE N ONLY
Wonderful idea!
That's a good idea man im going to try that
Burn a lot bun case,,, classic
Hey Great Thought ….
you take it out of the box first dude, i don;t know some people..
When I tried to insert my sandwich into my computer's cd drive, it throwed it out with the message "Illegal device – bad taste".
lol Haaaa brillaint idea nice compact
LMFAO that's pretty neat!
Conserving for whom ???
You young lady are a genius
hehehe..good idea 😉
Heres the cool thing you can pack your kids lunch with something cool
Free side of toxic chemicals 😉
It's really a nice idea 😉