Coffee Inforgraphic
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
mine's plain ol' au lait – every morning. Except Half & Half – not just milk, ew. :p
I like my coffee like Mr. Wolf. 😉
black. that is all that is needed if it's good coffee. crappy coffee requires additives.
Then it's technically a Cafe Breve, which is also my favorite drink as well. Also, Breve sounds like Brave, and people haven't heard of it, so it sounds like I'm ordering something risky and exotic.
Thanks +Amanda Blain 😉
P.S.: Morning. A very early bird I am.
I'm confused. AFAIK, there's no chocolate in a cappuccino.
Informative. Look out Starbucks, I will no longer be intimidated by your fancy words!
Theres also no coffee in a hot chocolate
Hot chocolate is the intersection of milk and chocolate, though.
Clearly, someone from the Romney campaign made this chart.
i remember the first time i ordered a cappuccino from a real coffee bar. i was disenchanted. later, i learned to order cafe' au lait to fulfill my american sense of "dollar per weight" ratio. 🙂
if there isn't any choc in a cappuccino whats that brown stuff on the top dust sprinkles?
you forgot grappa circle!
Dammit, looks like I'll have to hit the City Brew now that I'm all Pavlov's dogs from this.
Nutmeg or Cinnamon, usually.
interesting… = )
The invention of a deranged mind. A cappuccino should not have cocoa sprinkled on it any more than there should be milk in a straight espresso. Get a mochaccino if you want that. I do. 😉
is that?
maybe your barista performs latte' art on your cap. sometimes in a wet cappuccino, you will have espresso residue leftover. but typically, if you say: "mocha" cappuccino, you are referring to the drink plus chocolate.
like the big bang but only whit Coffee
Cappuccino is the best ?
Good morning +Amanda Blain nice Coffographic.lol
For Espresso, I can't say no… Have a wonderful day…
Not bad, aside from the cappuccino goof. Although the chemist in me wants to point out that it all technically should be inside the water circle.
nothing like a good old espresso.
<aside>Should not H2o be behind all? Unless milk and foam have had their molecules radically changed or perhaps powdered</aside>
– Picky
macchiato karamelli olsun
does strange things to the mind..
Latte!! Delicious
well. you need water to make an espresso aswell (in the moka:D)
Proper espresso is made of coffee beans and pute Hate.
too much money should be an ingredient…………
mmmmmmmm, coffee…
3/N/+WC/M please. Stat.
i hope sooo…….
Frappe must be the moon on the right
I think it's time for Starbucks to start delivering coffee.
the coffee is a motor of the worl i love coffee
great! this made me think about drinking coffee now!
Which one is from the beans I grind & add to my drip coffee maker…and then add whole cream? Au lait?
Gimme coffee!
Haha creative.
they need this card at star bucks…
love it even more!!
+Gert Sønderby Yes, so it is just powder? Hard to drink anything without liquid which is H2o.
seems so complicated when u first see it
This is one of the coolest charts i have ever seen!