These should all be implemented immediately
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
PHP actually stands for pre-hypertext processor
sounds cool………………….!
Python FTW!
+Zak McGregor it does now.. but it was released by Lerdorf as Personal Home Page Tools
scripting everything rules/ ?????? ???????????)))
+Amanda Blain Thanks for that info, I did not know that! I also did not know that PHP was incompatible with the GPL. Good to know.
coincedence i though
yay ! Python rules
so gud
gud yrs or gud no
ASP needs a new name… as does JAVA.
ASP needs to be borrowed
Python's named after Monty Python. To follow the pattern it should be renamed to Python, after the snake of course.
mmmmmhh!!!!!!!! how?????
re ?????????
????? ?????
Yes, Python is the best! 🙂
? ????? ?????? ????????????
"??, ????, ??????- ???????? ?? ??????" ??????? ? ???????….
?????? ???????
this is so accurate it's not even funny
I would have to disagree with #1
Because of its popularity, php'isms are abused more than perl and have created some of the hardest to maintain systems.
I think Malbolge should be on the list as already named appropriately.
I thought PHP stood for People Hate Perl 🙂
Knife is appropos for Perl, given how easy it is to cut yourself with a sharp one.
what this is
is this what//// samething like mirrow but samething sameone
PHP stands for PHP hypertext preprocessor.
+Randy Fortier you actually revived a several month dead post.. so you could post the same thing that was the first comment and said several times through out the post??? Shake my Head at you.