Do You Remember This? Three Wolf Moon Shirt

Do You Remember This? Three Wolf Moon Shirt

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

A conversation today reminded me of this iconic shirt from 2009…. 🙂

Three Wolf Moon is the name of a “power animal” t-shirt that was ironically made into one of the top selling apparel items on Amazon in 2009, thanks to thousands of internet users who hyped it up with hilarious, tongue-in-cheek customer reviews. Befitting its widespread reputation, the shirt is so virile and mesmerizing that you probably shouldn't look at it in a direct angle.

#threewolfmoon #geekhumor

do you remember this three wolf moon shirt

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Christopher B
Christopher B
12 years ago

Lol. I used to have one..

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

OMG… was it awesome +Christopher B ? What special power were you granted? 🙂

Ramsez Stamper
Ramsez Stamper
12 years ago

Remember it? Lol I just saw one in a fantasy store in Saint Augustine Florida

Ray Sanders
Ray Sanders
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain – By merely posting a picture of this shirt, you've managed to get 379 women pregnant.

Mario Lombardo
Mario Lombardo
12 years ago

The amazon review that made that shirt famous is hilarious!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

HA! i love it.. +Ray Sanders 🙂

b. sharkey
b. sharkey
12 years ago

+Christopher B USED to? aha, so it was too powerful. I knew better than to even be in the same house or room as one, let alone try to put it on. good lookin' out

Ray Sanders
Ray Sanders
12 years ago


Riley Simpson
Riley Simpson
12 years ago

I love that shirt

joseph frankovich
joseph frankovich
12 years ago

I just bought one, a six pack and a Bowie knife online just under 5 minutes; world record.

Jon Hughes
Jon Hughes
12 years ago

I have two of these awesome shirts and it's all true what they say about them… P O W E R!!! lol

Don Dobrez
Don Dobrez
12 years ago

I got one for Christmas 2009 and still have it!

Shelly Meyer
Shelly Meyer
12 years ago

I love wolves. I have about 8 wolf t-shirts. 😀

fauzi fanda
fauzi fanda
12 years ago

love it…

Ray Sanders
Ray Sanders
12 years ago


Mark McLaughlin
Mark McLaughlin
12 years ago

Be better if those wolves were glow in the dark

joseph frankovich
joseph frankovich
12 years ago

@ Mark

They do

Ray Sanders
Ray Sanders
12 years ago

I've often wondered if the moon was printed on this shirt with glow in the dark ink, but I don't think humanity could handle such an epic shirt.

Mark McLaughlin
Mark McLaughlin
12 years ago

On an unrelated note I like how you +1 the comments on your posts Amanda 🙂

MECH Jones
MECH Jones
12 years ago

Nothing is more virile than a 3 wolves shirt, nothing.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I read stuff… at least for the good portion of the start till things go crazy +Mark McLaughlin .. people should know that with a +1 🙂

12 years ago

I want to own one ,because after the holiday,iam too tired to have a class

Mark McLaughlin
Mark McLaughlin
12 years ago

Good to know you take the time to read and reply to comments 🙂 much appreciated

Xin Li
Xin Li
12 years ago

Yes, there are some amazing Amazon reviews like this. And let's not forget the magical HDMI cables:

Kyle Jensen
Kyle Jensen
12 years ago

I had to throw mine in the firepit because the old lady got jealous of how many supermodels wanted my number.

Christopher Marks
Christopher Marks
12 years ago

I don't remember the shirt, but do you remember the show "Three Moons Over Milford"?

Cameron Silva
Cameron Silva
12 years ago

Dwight wore it, and now he's going to be getting his own TV Show.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Ha… Internet im disappointed in you! so few memories of its amazing power.. it's secrets must be kept so the current generation doesn't understand..

carlos andres lacera abril
carlos andres lacera abril
12 years ago

hello I would like to chat with you

David McDermott
David McDermott
12 years ago

Hey Carlos, let me know how that pickup line pans out for you, buddy.

Yashaswini Makkena
Yashaswini Makkena
12 years ago


Gareth Cook
Gareth Cook
12 years ago

Reminds me of +Kassem G

Toni Rizki
Toni Rizki
12 years ago


Kha Bui
Kha Bui
12 years ago


Toni Gouveia
Toni Gouveia
12 years ago

I'm from Madeira! The same as saying, on the other side of the World …
If you are a humble and simple, you're a girl you complete me! ..
You seem to be a very happy and funny ..
Live the life …

toàn nguy?n
toàn nguy?n
12 years ago

i get used to you??

megneash k thirumurugan
megneash k thirumurugan
12 years ago

Wow!Itz so noice!

Subodh Telenge
Subodh Telenge
12 years ago

wow….! what a Tshart

12 years ago

thanks for telling this history

Ardie Macaspac
Ardie Macaspac
12 years ago


edo gaul nobi
edo gaul nobi
12 years ago

i like it

Mansi Sarma
Mansi Sarma
12 years ago


Hanley Wilcoxen
Hanley Wilcoxen
12 years ago

those reviews help make me the man I am today

Abdurazaq roslan
Abdurazaq roslan
12 years ago


12 years ago

This t-shirt picture is very nice. I like it. thanks.

Vivian Miller
Vivian Miller
12 years ago

The 3 wolfs and moon is so PRETTY!!!!!!!

Vishwanath Bhave
Vishwanath Bhave
12 years ago

It's good.

12 years ago

They told me that they
were biz. Biz for God's
words then woe to you and
JESUS said "Matt.10:33 But
shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before
my Father which is in

Shiwantha Kumara
Shiwantha Kumara
12 years ago

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Shiwantha Kumara
Shiwantha Kumara
12 years ago

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