Creative People Tend to Be Messy

Creative People Tend to Be Messy

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

True Fact. Clean Up Day Continues. Like Zooey in the Apple Tomato Soup Commercial. 🙂

#geekhumor #apple

creative people tend to be messy

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Drew Jones
Drew Jones
12 years ago

Finally…someone that understands!

Rob Gordon
Rob Gordon
12 years ago

HA! I knew it!

Martin Watson
Martin Watson
12 years ago

Really? Clean up day? As it so happened I cleaned up quite a bit today. I had no idea today was clean up day.

Carlos Jaen
Carlos Jaen
12 years ago

Even creative to get out of dodge !!

Adam Balm
Adam Balm
12 years ago

Serves you right for buying cool stuff.

Steven Watson
Steven Watson
12 years ago

So that is what my problem is, and here I thought I was just lazy. 😉

Kenneth Meade
Kenneth Meade
12 years ago

i here yah

Mike Wallace
Mike Wallace
12 years ago

I must be VERY creative…

Elvira Rodriguez
Elvira Rodriguez
12 years ago

so love it! we girls have so much fun!!

arjun pizarro
arjun pizarro
12 years ago

but why?

J Agnew
J Agnew
12 years ago

I don't have thi- NO way! I've been looking for that!

Nmachi Jidenma
Nmachi Jidenma
12 years ago

haha creatives unite!

Elvira Rodriguez
Elvira Rodriguez
12 years ago

It's a girl thing I guess!

Chris Hoeller
Chris Hoeller
12 years ago

Yep, I'm going to clean up, right after I:

– Play around on Google Plus
– write a song
– draw a work of art on my tablet
– rewrite my profile
– plan a fantasy vacation
– work on my screenplay
– make a list of things I need to get accomplished
– watch a couple shows
– create a business model that will change the world

Ah, Shit… I never made it past the first one. There's always tomorrow 😉

CodyKo Diac
CodyKo Diac
12 years ago

I can't clean my room cuz of G+

Jessica Northey
Jessica Northey
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain That's what I did Sunday and yesterday. I have a whole new wardrobe, some shows and enough lint to wear as a scarf… OH yeah and a stick of gum. LOL

arjun pizarro
arjun pizarro
12 years ago

what is G+

Mark Davis
Mark Davis
12 years ago


Wayne Johnson
Wayne Johnson
12 years ago

This is EXACTLY why my bedroom is a mess!

Mark Davis
Mark Davis
12 years ago

But finding the cool stuff is the only reason to cleanup anywho….

med mba
med mba
12 years ago


Tan Anh Tran
Tan Anh Tran
12 years ago

and now i can't take a shower.

Matthew Maresco
Matthew Maresco
12 years ago

This is definitely my problem.

Rob Gordon
Rob Gordon
12 years ago

And this, of course, is how we get ready for one of Amanda's hangouts

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Messy people of G+ Unite! 😀

Elvira Rodriguez
Elvira Rodriguez
12 years ago

Oh my goodness we have confeed! Snap!

Jason Huebel
Jason Huebel
12 years ago

Aspies have this problem too.

Deborah Boyd
Deborah Boyd
12 years ago

You should see my cave! LOL I am lucky the Health Department doesn't know where it is!!!

Steven Streight
Steven Streight
12 years ago


Jessica Wiseman
Jessica Wiseman
12 years ago

So flipping true… I found my old #Pogs while cleaning this last weekend…. Productivity came to a screeching halt.

Chris Hoeller
Chris Hoeller
12 years ago

I've actually gotten relatively non-messy in my apartment, but I think I've lost a part of my soul in the process.

ken fusion
ken fusion
12 years ago

i cant check my e mail because i get distracted by G+

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

For someone who works in social media +Steven Streight … why are you ALWAYS negative on everything I post?

Drew Jones
Drew Jones
12 years ago

Wow…i think for +Steven Streight..its just another "first world problem!"

Jim McCloskey
Jim McCloskey
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain There was a study once that correlated a clean space as being associated with someone who felt wildly out of control of their life, and vice versa.

I heartily embrace the messy workplace.

Steven Streight
Steven Streight
12 years ago

I'm creative. I am messy sometimes. +Amanda Blain I certainly don't mean to be negative toward you. I often am just joking around.

If I post a comment, it's generally because what you post is thought-provoking.

I'll try to be nicer. Don't want to appear mean or cranky. I feel bad that I have offended you. I like you. Peace sister. :^)

Fabian Hendricks
Fabian Hendricks
12 years ago

Perspective. Its all about Perspective 🙂

Preston Brantmeyer
Preston Brantmeyer
12 years ago

Once, I found an old Nintendo, and another old Nintendo, and another, and another, and another, and a million more. XD

I also found a monitor, and a BUNCH of dog toys.

Steven Streight
Steven Streight
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain Remember the old saying, "If a messy desktop indicates a messy mind, what does an empty desktop indicate?"

Chris Hoeller
Chris Hoeller
12 years ago

+Steven Streight It was probably the ALL CAPS, lol

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

+Jim McCloskey yuppers… dont look at my deskspace! 🙂

+Steven Streight I can't spell anything. True Story. I type too fast and don't proof read. not for lack of abilites 🙂 Problem with typing fast and doing too much at once. 🙂

Joe Garcia
Joe Garcia
12 years ago


Drew Jones
Drew Jones
12 years ago

Holy Jesus!

ava salerno
ava salerno
12 years ago


Steven Streight
Steven Streight
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain Actually your post is pretty clever and I relate to it.

jeadon hodge
jeadon hodge
12 years ago

that is true

Maurice Fannelli
Maurice Fannelli
12 years ago

Well that bloody explains why I'm messy. I never knew 🙂

Hannah Wissing
Hannah Wissing
12 years ago

so true love it

Hannah Boyer
Hannah Boyer
12 years ago

yes super true

Salma Talukdar
Salma Talukdar
12 years ago

True 😉

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