How Many Geeky Themes Can You Spot

How Many Geeky Themes Can You Spot

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

This picture is all me.. I ♥ it.


how many geeky themes can you spot

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Tiffany Henry
Tiffany Henry
12 years ago

I'm geeksexy and I know it ^_~

Amir Mahmud
Amir Mahmud
12 years ago


Pablo Diego Pereira
Pablo Diego Pereira
12 years ago

You shall not pass!!!

Charrisa Coulibaly
Charrisa Coulibaly
12 years ago

Love it! All my geeks favs representEd!

Charrisa Coulibaly
Charrisa Coulibaly
12 years ago

Very cool! All my geek favs represented! : )

Karen Sharkey
Karen Sharkey
12 years ago

I could only love this more if it was on a tshirt and I possessed it.

Mathew Hanley
Mathew Hanley
12 years ago

One thing missing……

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
12 years ago

Tribbles tribbles tribbles tribbles tribbles yeah………….I watch Dune!…..

Andrea Peel
Andrea Peel
12 years ago

the Linux penguin 🙂

Mathew Hanley
Mathew Hanley
12 years ago

Well a few I guess, but I thought it was media related so I was thinking the mocking jay pin….

Killman Hack
Killman Hack
12 years ago

Linux o/

dina lasko
dina lasko
12 years ago

Thousand times I see the word geeky. I know there's one, but if you think about it…

Mathew Hanley
Mathew Hanley
12 years ago

Oh I see aliens playstation harry potter lord of the rings the big bang theory star wars/treck dr who mario dunno anymore….

Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee
12 years ago

The answer as always is 42 😉

Nicole Angell
Nicole Angell
12 years ago

oh yeah!

Danny Robertson
Danny Robertson
12 years ago

: )) this is good.

Machiavelli Coloris
Machiavelli Coloris
12 years ago

LOTR, star wars, mario, dr who, the big bang theroy, nerd glasses, aliens, harry potter and the deathly hallows, and star trek lettering

Edward Farrugia
Edward Farrugia
12 years ago

me too

Kelsey Lents
Kelsey Lents
12 years ago

nice lol

Victorie Weasley
Victorie Weasley
12 years ago

Only thing I would add shakespear but that's just me and my nerd ways

anthony flowers
anthony flowers
12 years ago

you cool!!!! and the button down lol.

Jaxsen Prescesky
Jaxsen Prescesky
12 years ago

It is Shakespeare

oled ahmed
oled ahmed
12 years ago


Halimo God
Halimo God
12 years ago


Rake Table
Rake Table
12 years ago

Can I get this as a lab coat patch?

Victorie Weasley
Victorie Weasley
12 years ago

can i get it as a button to put on my bag?

Margaret Ann Levy
Margaret Ann Levy
12 years ago


Noelle Lundrigan
Noelle Lundrigan
12 years ago


PJ Rosenberg
PJ Rosenberg
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain you believe in UFO's huh?

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I have to… just look at the comments on my posts sometimes +PJ Rosenberg

Tom Thomas
Tom Thomas
12 years ago

Which wizard is it? Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings?

Richard Bello-Perez
Richard Bello-Perez
12 years ago

Super geeky ? or just geeky ?

Art Edwards
Art Edwards
12 years ago

Of course there are UFO's, flying objects that have not been identified. I only have problems with some of the identifications.

Deyzhauntae James Wesstall
Deyzhauntae James Wesstall
12 years ago

13 , lol it's in a star trek sign lol 😀 goooo spock * beam meh up scotty! XD*

William Spiegel
William Spiegel
12 years ago

good for you

Nadia Walji
Nadia Walji
12 years ago


chris ewings
chris ewings
12 years ago


zaria killingsworth
zaria killingsworth
12 years ago


Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Oh my goodness.. sometimes these comments! 😐

Nathan Grant
Nathan Grant
12 years ago

one you missing tho a computer

John Wesche
John Wesche
12 years ago

no +Firefly ??

Roderick Stephens
Roderick Stephens
12 years ago

I see none it looks like comedy to me. P.S. I'm a tech for over 40+ years. So if that make me a geek I'm happy about it. Plus the money's good, and the people you meet.

Maya Reid
Maya Reid
12 years ago

lol me 2!^.^
GO GEEKS!!!!!!!!!

Ed Luke
Ed Luke
12 years ago

14, if you include the star trek logo they're all set on, and the star trek font…

Kenna Hackney
Kenna Hackney
12 years ago

Luv the Tardis!!! (upper righthand coner) Doctor WHo RULES!

Josh Lacy
Josh Lacy
12 years ago

We all are in one way or another.

Abby LaFleur
Abby LaFleur
12 years ago

No Homestuck

Victorie Weasley
Victorie Weasley
12 years ago

DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mikayla Davis
Mikayla Davis
12 years ago

ME 2

Caleb Greger
Caleb Greger
12 years ago

thats awsome

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