You Remind Me Of The Babe
by Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff - and Girlfriend Social -
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I saw my baby crying hard as babe could cry, what do I do?
lol awesome
you have to say the goblin king line first
…and NOW I have to watch THIS movie, too.
Hopefully I can advert my eyes from the Bowie Bulge.
It's been far too long since I've seen this movie!
Hahahhahaha Bowie Bulge 😀 +Chris Aultman
You're only laughing because you KNOW it's true.
Endless loop …
Love the Labyrinth!
Love that movie
+Amanda Blain I've done some research and found that most of the time people either grew up with Labyrinth OR Dark Crystal… I personally am PROUD to love David Bowie AND his cod piece.
Anyone want to dispute my research? I'd love to hear other opinions on it!
good flix
Wife saw this for the first time a couple weeks ago. Her jaw dropped when she first saw the Bowie Bulge.
The Bowie never leads you astray
hahaha :p
Just started watching this movie on Netflix thanks to your inspiration. "Ow! You bit me!"
how bout I take off yo head!
I love this movie!
It turns out you can use Google images to view the Bowie bulge. Impressive, but they had to hire someone else for the scene where he played with his crystal balls in front of a minor.
Classic. That's when I first fell in love with Jennifer Connelly 🙂
Just saw Hoggle's face right at the level of the Bowie Bulge when he was begging forgiveness and whatnot…. I don't think that's appropriate for a children's movie….
The Goblin King ROCKS!
+Allie Ogden All the best children, and most loved, stories and movies are packed with inappropriate content. If you don't believe, just re watch the your favourite shows from you were small.
I love how this has turned into a discussion on the bulge 🙂
+Amanda Blain it is a high point.
+Amanda Blain
/shakes fist
+Chris Aultman I don't think you should write "shakes fist" in a conversation about bulges. It could be misread by those with a sick mind. Like me.
haha good joke 🙂
So many fond memories of that movie… sigh
Now I have to find a DVD of it to watch as I no longer have a VHS player… iSad
Aaahh Labyrinth and Dark Crystal were my two favorite when growing up. I quote from one of them at least every other week 🙂
Ludo Friend!!
Such an awesome movie
I believe that dialog sequence was lifted from a 1950's Gary Cooper movie by the Labyrinth writers.
Dark Crystal and Labyrinth used to be movies I watched all the time when I was younger… I still pull em off the shelf every once in awhile to watch them.
+John Bump +Amanda Blain The "You remind me of a man…" sequence was from "The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer", 1947; Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, and a teen-aged Shirley Temple. Great film.
Thru dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city TO TAKE BACK THE CHILD THAT YOU HAVE STOLEN………….FOR MY WILL IS AS STRONG AS YOURS…AND MY KINGDOM IS AT GREAT (and here is my new life moto)
Only you have control of your happiness and in the words of Katt Williams " You have to love yourself that is why it is called your self esteem"
Full of win.
I always get gary cooper and cary grant confused because of the first names. Thanks for the info, +Ron Ruble
Sao buon qua vay
My mom and I love this movie!! 🙂
For dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city…to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great. (Damn, I can never remember that line) ………..You have no power over me.
And not to rain on the Bowie Bulge parade, but another movie that's on par to Labyrinth to me is the Princess Bride. Both have a permanent spot in my DVD stand.
Jeez, Heather. How much of that did you memorize! I can never remember anything!
I can still sing this song after 30 years.
i love this movie
me—–moriiiiieeeeees la la la la…
was just singing this to my newborn the other day!