Dear Future Husband Whom I Have Not Met
previous post
I hope you understand that either 1) the living room or 2) "Amanda's Room" will look like this.
Want all the consoles. Now
#videogames #geekhumor
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
I have about 3/5ths of those in storage.
This. Is. Awesome!!
Very organized
Inspiration of this post to +Ryan Crowe (for future wife posts) and +Warren Stanley (for sharing this picture somewhere)
Oh, my! I think a half-million guys just started working up the nerve to make marriage proposals to you, +Amanda Blain!
Wow. I'm impressed.
yes dear.
Will you marry me?
OMG…. can I just hang out like -forever?
Bring on the geek marriage proposals +Marc Jansen 🙂
The right man will gaze on this room and hear angelic choirs singing. And I imagine there's a big population that would meet that qualification. 🙂
OMG +Amanda Blain that looks awesome!
+Amanda Blain OK. …but my side of the closet stays mine.
Want to life there
+Eric Lucas word.
That made me drool.
I bow at your greatness 🙂
+Amanda Blain And why not? lol
Seriously though, if you want a hassle-free husband, I'd rather be Canadian and have this in the living room than be American and not.
that was a proposal
I swore off marriage after my ex but I can make an exception.
Nice! He's missing Intellivision. 😛
Although I'm confused as to why there are wires visible. If you go to all the trouble of installing consoled-cubes with little lights, might as well hide the wires in the wall… no?
Wow wonderful OPM says the Wrong one The Heaven is no Halfpipe is'nt it the Heaven is a game Room !!!
very nice i hope i saved them so i can do that 🙂
Looks like my living room, minus my Ataris.
hahaha! now thats serious +Amanda Blain 😉
Quality !!!
As long as there's room for my dog! 🙂
+andrew watkins I am sure +Amanda Blain wants someone that can spell his own name….
my dream room!
+Amanda Blain not only would I help you do this….
I would help you do this.
Agreed +Greg Cadmes My room will obviously up the level.. to wifi and invisible in wall cabling 🙂
wow awesome
so boss
I have half of these consoles and have been trying to figure out a way to display them. This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
Geez Amanda, how do you keep up with the number of comments you get and manage to respond! My input here is the TV looks a little small, and a bigger one would be needed for my future wife 😉
i love this
Awesome! My only suggestion would be to add sliding covers or doors to that cabinet/shelving because the sight of all of those systems might be too much of a distraction (especially with the cubbies lined in red). 😉
A dream come true!
U rock!
May I suggest a "Him and Her" displays?