This Painting Recently Sold For $37 Million Dollars

This Painting Recently Sold For $37 Million Dollars

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

The paining is called Peinture (Etoile Bleue)… from the Spanish Artist Joan Miro….. 

The pink splash bit really is my favorite part… 😉

Full Story:,0,3831833.story

this painting recently sold for 37 million dollars

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Rory Swan
Rory Swan
12 years ago

My niece drew me this same pic last week for a stick of gum

Aaron Brown
Aaron Brown
12 years ago

My 3yr old son totally just drew something like that on my white board!  IM RICH!!!

Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
12 years ago

What a bargain. Damn me for not bringing my checkbook. 

Hogan Courrier
Hogan Courrier
12 years ago

some people have more money than brains.  My 11 year old could do a better painting than that.

Meredith Wiles
Meredith Wiles
12 years ago

i think i drew something like that when i was 3

Guy Eastwood
Guy Eastwood
12 years ago

I shall set my children to work immediately! They can easily produce stuff like this!

Steve Mayne
Steve Mayne
12 years ago

A fool and his money are soon parted.

mark ramos
mark ramos
12 years ago

who the hell you kidding? this is something that a 4 year old could have slopped together in class. 

Nicholas Hrycun
Nicholas Hrycun
12 years ago

I guess I just don't get it. 

Adam Wood
Adam Wood
12 years ago

What's the story behind this? that might be what actually sold

Tah Teche
Tah Teche
12 years ago

The kinds of things people call art:

Andrew Cowley
Andrew Cowley
12 years ago

I guess it would take just under 4 min. to create this. So that's $10m a min. give or take. Not a bad day at the office.

Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez
12 years ago

I'm pretty sure that's the same sploch thats on my old rug I threw out…

Yan Gilbert
Yan Gilbert
12 years ago

My cat can do better.  AND scratch dirt over it.

Brad Leclerc
Brad Leclerc
12 years ago

Yet another reason I just don't get the art scene… especially abstract stuff.

Subjectively thinking something is awesome is all well and good, but spending $37 million on a piece of art, no matter how awesome you think it is, seems like a waste of $36.9 Million…. give or take. 😛

Jim McCloskey
Jim McCloskey
12 years ago

I doodle that kind of crap all the time. But because I don't have the right last name, I'm still poor.

Kim Beuther
Kim Beuther
12 years ago

What is it? Fishing?

thanos troupkos
thanos troupkos
12 years ago

You just don't get it huh? It's a map to a $38 mil treasure! 

Plato Nista
Plato Nista
12 years ago

That pink thing is actually a lady in a dress–it's Cinderella, and in this modern age she's running up the stairs to snag a ride from that blue jet flying overhead. She left a big red shoe behind.

Ramazan Ugras
Ramazan Ugras
12 years ago


Scott Schneider
Scott Schneider
12 years ago

I hope the individual who purchased it has buyer's remorse. 

Dag Jan
Dag Jan
12 years ago

To bring a positive note: I love it!

paul santiago
paul santiago
12 years ago

What is that? $37M?! Oh my, I just cant help but laugh! hahaha

Andrew Cowley
Andrew Cowley
12 years ago

I'm not jealous of the artist I just feel really sorry for whoever paid $37m

Addidis no
Addidis no
12 years ago

Just more proof rich people have too much money. At some point the artist is probably going to admit his 2 yr old did this. 

Ralph Uy
Ralph Uy
12 years ago

Your thoughts on this painting +P E Sharpe?

Personally, it's confusing. As the title implies, you want to look at the blue star on the top left. Even the linework is trying to lead your eyes there. The thing is, the oversaturated red spot, keeps pulling my eyes towards it, restarting the process of going back to the blue star.

12 years ago

who d hell is a fool here? Dont hav tym for rubbish like this

Mark Skinner
Mark Skinner
12 years ago

I see a judge, a robot and a piece of fruit being squashed by said robot…

Rafael Lopez
Rafael Lopez
12 years ago


thanos troupkos
thanos troupkos
12 years ago

Post is NOT true! The price was $36.9 million! Makes all the difference in the world! :p

Brian Dillree
Brian Dillree
12 years ago

Wow, I guess I am an artist, my parents were wrong.

asif mushtaq
asif mushtaq
12 years ago

37 million dollars?????????????????????????????????????????????????

Sara Ewnetu
Sara Ewnetu
12 years ago

i think i should spend my time at day care and see all the arts the kidz making and take a picture … i wonder how much it will be sold if this on is $37.. i can only say Rich pps are really getting ridicules on everything.

Thomas Maufer
Thomas Maufer
12 years ago

Despite having some recognition during his career, like most artists he wasn't a wealthy person. I suppose his art is valuable because it was influential?

W Bill S Walker
W Bill S Walker
12 years ago

As An Insane Art Critic And Interpreter: This Is A Picture Of History News Leaks And A Truth 'er's Mental Hyroglyph For The Depiction Of The WMD Event Of 911. We Are Still Bleeding #Oil And #Iran Is Posturing For The Next False Flag Events Just In Time For The Olympics On Idiot There And Any Mention Of Iran And We Will Be Offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff #My2/cents +William S Walker 

Carol Thompson
Carol Thompson
12 years ago

someones having a proper lmao….

Shawn Startup
Shawn Startup
12 years ago

Look Ma!.. I drew this for you at school today… My kindergarten teacher told me you would stick it to the refrigerator 😉 LOL… 

The crap people will waste money on WOW!!! 

That money could have feed, clothed and supported a whole family the rest of their lives!!! 

Adrian Dzikowski
Adrian Dzikowski
12 years ago

it makes me feel squiggly…on the ocean….atop a deformed fish…with a miniature pink dress within my recesses….   😛

W Bill S Walker
W Bill S Walker
12 years ago

+Shawn Startup Ditto

Judith Barbosa
Judith Barbosa
12 years ago

That is infuriating.

Adam Wood
Adam Wood
12 years ago

Guys this probably took a whole lifetime to create based on who the person is, their story and why they made it. It could be comparable to the blood on the wall in a cell of an insane asylum that held Einstein at one point.

miriam dunn
miriam dunn
12 years ago

I have junk under my bed that looks like this 

Michael Ankner
Michael Ankner
12 years ago

so sad but so true

asif mushtaq
asif mushtaq
12 years ago

did you mean miriam any one give you 37 million dollars for that junk hahahahaha

Sara Ewnetu
Sara Ewnetu
12 years ago

thumps up Miriam Dunn LMAO hehe same here girl 

Mark Mruss
Mark Mruss
12 years ago

Sheesh, listen to all of the art critics. "I could have done it, I could have done it." I think that's the rallying cry whenever there is a discussion about modern art. The problem is you didn't do it. What would you prefer? Only photo-realistic Robert Bateman paintings sold for money? We have cameras for that.

TJ Hamrick
TJ Hamrick
12 years ago

I am in the wrong business then.  For sale many, many works of art just like this or better done by my kids.  (they are actually better).

Scott Damery
Scott Damery
12 years ago

I think he stole my vision from a 3rd grade painting I did…grrrr

Sara Ewnetu
Sara Ewnetu
12 years ago

TJ best if u let ur kids participate on it hehe they'd do better than this one i promise ya hehe

Zachary Snyder
Zachary Snyder
12 years ago

Ah, makes complete sense.

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