R2D2 Was in Indiana Jones

R2D2 Was in Indiana Jones

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Did you know that R2D2 from Star Wars actually made 2 guest appearances in Raiders of the Lost Ark ? (both George Lucas films)

They are subtle but you can see them below, if you've never seen it before 🙂 Click for a larger picture.

Also in Temple of Doom The name of the night club is Club Obi-Wan . 🙂

Now you know!


r2d2 was in indiana jones

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Nicolas Amelio-Ortiz
Nicolas Amelio-Ortiz
12 years ago

Awesome set designer is awesome

Ignatius Sands
Ignatius Sands
12 years ago

I probably wouldn't have noticed that

Jeffrey Hamby
Jeffrey Hamby
12 years ago

Ha awesome. Confirmed by Lucas by any chance?

Abdallah Mekahlia
Abdallah Mekahlia
12 years ago

possible lol

Thresa Schriefer
Thresa Schriefer
12 years ago

Very cool !

Lee Pellymounter
Lee Pellymounter
12 years ago

was also in close encounters. 

Nathan Christian
Nathan Christian
12 years ago

That's awesome!

Kevin Powers
Kevin Powers
12 years ago

Yes i did….

Sean Martin
Sean Martin
12 years ago

Get out your BluRay of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, flip to the scene when the mother ship does a 180, and look at all the Star Wars toys glued to it. Hysterical.

Neal Beer
Neal Beer
12 years ago

Lucas has a habit of putting these kinds of "Easter Eggs" in his movies. The number "1138" (a reference to "THX-1138") is in most of his movies. If you look closely in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", the club that Indiana escapes from in the beginning is called "Club Obi-Wan".

Heinz Seijas
Heinz Seijas
12 years ago

Awesome find. Love when directors do this

Sean Martin
Sean Martin
12 years ago

IIRC, THX-1138 was the licence plate of his first car.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

🙂  said that in the post  .. 🙂

Casei Magnus
Casei Magnus
12 years ago

That's C3PO beside him in those pics, too, to the right.

Neal Beer
Neal Beer
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain Heh! That's what happens when you're reading 3 pages at the same time!! 🙂

Richard OHearn
Richard OHearn
12 years ago

George Lucas also promised Spielburg he'd pay him back for the Yoda cameo in E.T., where Spielburg incorporated SW figures in the scenes.  In Episod I: The Phantom Menace, you can see several "E.T." creatures (a.k.a. Children of the Green) in one of the Senate scenes.


Yes, I'm a bit of a SW fan.

Mohamed Fawaz
Mohamed Fawaz
12 years ago

What is it

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Hhahah thats neat  🙂

Clance Morring
Clance Morring
12 years ago

George Lucas is secretly trying to tell his viewers that it's all Ancient Egyptian and that Ancient Egyptian has always been the source. These hidden symbols within symbols are known as hidden knowledge.

Jen McGahan
Jen McGahan
12 years ago

Weird; I've never heard this before!

Josh Kowalski
Josh Kowalski
12 years ago

May the force be with you Indie.

Justinus Andjarwirawan
Justinus Andjarwirawan
12 years ago

Ok, so it's Han Solo, not Indie

David Cubit
David Cubit
12 years ago

Use the force.

abdel bouchiba
abdel bouchiba
12 years ago

and C3PO is next to him on the right.

Gareth Robins
Gareth Robins
12 years ago

I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.  I remember reading about how intertwined the Pixar characters are, and each film gives hints about future films but including characters. (www.squidoo.com/pixarsecrets)

Becky Jutzi
Becky Jutzi
12 years ago

Awesome find!

Brad Evans
Brad Evans
12 years ago

Too funny!!

Joe Beam
Joe Beam
12 years ago

It's too bad that 'Temple of Doom' was awful.

Sophen Sim
Sophen Sim
12 years ago

I like That 

christopher toon
christopher toon
12 years ago

isn't the bar at the beginning of the movie called Club OB-1?

febriani wulansari
febriani wulansari
12 years ago

ra mudeng

Jordan Gill
Jordan Gill
12 years ago

I'll be damed!.. Starwars did happen a long time ago!

Joe Beam
Joe Beam
12 years ago

R2-D2 was also in the latest Star Trek movie.

Asep Setiadi
Asep Setiadi
12 years ago

Is't true?

JD Stewart
JD Stewart
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain! That is an awesome post! I never realized it! And I've seen these movies at least 100 times! (well SW E4 about 100 times).

Ryan Sky
Ryan Sky
12 years ago

lol wow

Mike Gebhart
Mike Gebhart
12 years ago


Isaac Vielma
Isaac Vielma
12 years ago

Lol, its been said twice before!

Corey Collins
Corey Collins
12 years ago

Haha wow that is literally one of the coolest things ever

xavier miles
xavier miles
12 years ago


Robert Dorling
Robert Dorling
12 years ago


radha sita
radha sita
12 years ago


Erick Lantigua
Erick Lantigua
12 years ago

That's an easter egg.

Scot Smith
Scot Smith
12 years ago


12 years ago

man made

Fahad Fahad
Fahad Fahad
12 years ago


Antoine Edja
Antoine Edja
12 years ago

attention to detail! impressive.

Matthew Taheri
Matthew Taheri
12 years ago


Joe Vidal
Joe Vidal
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain 1973 ( four years before Star Wars ) George Lucas produced and co-wrote American Graffiti … Harrison Ford (!) plays Bob Falfa (!!) and his car license plate is "THX 138" (!!!)  … way to go, George !!

Avery Axford
Avery Axford
12 years ago

that is awesome I love both of his moves  

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