Not Sure I’m Sold on the Zombie Ball…..ಠ_ಠ
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
but it's got a plug! lol
hah me too
Haha, very interesting.
I'd love to see a YouTube video mockup of this, it'd be hilarious.
Hahaha, I will definitely remember this, gotta love the hamster ball!
It at least needs a tube for that hole too or something… Item entrance/toilet… SCARY mental images… 😐
Or take lessons from Zombie Land !
I'm wondering how useful those roller blades will be in that ball… one misstep and boom! you're a Looney Tune…
lol and a smart zombie will just plug the hole… 🙂 no air
Does it come in different colors?
I think hills could be a problem. And if you get swarmed, you're in a zombie pothole.
It needs treads….and lazers. That would be cool.
Mum always said things shouldn't go in the out hole. I don't like the idea of the entrance/toilet!
Buy an iphone, the zombies will go after people with brains first.
just had a mental image of guy using the hole and the ball rolling… OUCH! I'm laughing my ass off now.
I am going for a high rise and baracades at the stairs. Then, time to scavenge food and weapons…
If we assume the standard mode of infection is infected blood, then it would be prudent to add some sort of sanitizing system, or better yet, design a roll-out metal shell (like a armadillo).
Or just drive an armored truck or tank. Or invest in MANY ziplines in a large city and tents like this: 3.bp.blogspot.com/-XEfscqCqDTA/ThX4WK0DSkI/AAAAAAAAAKA/vsaU2Q_dXWk/s1600/awesome-mountain-climbing-tents.jpg
+Chris Aultman thats probably the coolest idea outside of an underground bunker… of course when you wake up in the middle of the night to take care of business, you gotta watch out… that first step is a killer…
hell.. best defense.. a nuclear sub… filter water for drink, recycle waste, fish to eat.. dried beans and rice for non-meat… your set…
really no
It would go from the Zombie Apocalypse to the
HamsterZombie ball apocalypse!+Joe Frazier, Jr How long could you stay in a sub before you get listless? If you had to be stuck on a boat, for for an aircraft carrier. Turn the top-side into a garden.
Personally, I'd take my chances in a city with zip lines. Destroy the stair wells and take the buildings systematically.
Grow food on roof tops and use the elevation as a means to cull the undead.
Not that I think about this stuff often. ><
+Chris Aultman Yea, I would got bat crazy, but my comment was from a 'best possible chance of survival' standpoint, not comfort.. but… the I got to thinking.. what if the zombie plague jumped to marine life…ZOMBIE JAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ziplines is a neat idea +Chris Aultman
Did you just say Zombie Ball? Something about Zombie Ball…thats just not appetizing
+Amanda Blain I know, right? I've only had a decade of zombie dreams virtually every night. Didn't help when they became mainstream. ><
Much like the cow bubble! and the human hamster ball! Great inventions..Just careful around the top of stairs, mountains and things like so.lol
One other failing of zombie ball : zombie bull.
I am on a military post, I would raid the armory, get two trucks and a jeep, mount .50 cals on each, two dirt bikes in one truck bed, plus boxes of MREs, as many cans of water and fuel as I can fit in another, 4 people (Soldiers) in each vehicle, plus two M-4's each and several cans of ammo, a gunner in each and book it for my family
After watching some old zombie footage I've fogured out how to survive. Sorry +George Rowe , but i'll be hiding behind you and the cheerleader.
I always bring a fine woman along in my Zombie ball! Just in case we have to make more humans! If Zombies cause too much damage we will need a new Adam and eve.lol
The problem a ball is how are you going to move around when surrounded by a horde of zombies. Have you ever seen a couple cats play with a hamster in a ball? It's not the prettiest of sights.
At least not if you like hamsters
Oh it would be kinky good fun!..Much like sex in a park! The zombies could only roll the ball back and forth and over! However you move the same way making love to a woman!lol
Can't stand the unclean stinky rodents! There for the mouse traps I say!
Oh, you.
No entiendo ablo español
Very true! Zombies in our world do exist! They smell! Don't brush there teeth! Don't pull the eye boogers out of there eyes! The won't rest until they have either something in large amounts sweet or drug related! I have insomnia and thats bad enough..However I don't know whether to feel sorry for those kind of people or just wish they'd vanish!
No entiendo
I like this except for the fact that I would pop the ball when I shot the zombies. What's the point of a zombie apocalypse if I can't shoot any of them?!
Not Sure I'm Sold on the Zombie Ball*
I have an idea! How about building much larger plastic zombie balls! And put the zombies inside! That way they can wonder all around and can't munch on anybody!
Amandaji How r u?
As long as you never have to go inside a building to get supplies, you're… oh, yeah. That's a problem.
Also, I can't get the image out of my head of a zombie horde bouncing this thing around like a beach ball at a Grateful Dead concert.