90 Percent of People Don't Know How to Use CTRL+F..... (๏̯͡๏)

90 Percent of People Don’t Know How to Use CTRL+F….. (๏̯͡๏)

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

You mean you read all that stuff? Goodness!


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90 percent of people don t know how to use ctrlf ๏๏

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lotus cirilo
lotus cirilo
13 years ago

for real? 90% ~O.o~

Chad W Darroch
Chad W Darroch
13 years ago

I can't believe it. That's insane!

Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
13 years ago

Wow, I can't imagine not using ctrl+f to "read" a page… It is crazy.

Richard Ho
Richard Ho
13 years ago

I use ctrl-f probably 20 times per day..

Brenda Curtis
Brenda Curtis
13 years ago

I'm in that 90! but now I know 🙂

Gord McLeod
Gord McLeod
13 years ago

There are many days I can easily say I use ctrl-f 20 times an HOUR. It boggles the mind that people don't know about it… wow.

Stacie Nuss
Stacie Nuss
13 years ago

I might use ctrl F more then my mouse! Crazy!!!

Sean Clarke
Sean Clarke
13 years ago

I've never used ctrl-f, the only shortcuts I use are ctrl-c and ctrl-v, everything else (including cut/paste sometime) I do with the mouse. But that aside, I almost never use the find function even with the mouse. Why would I? Surely its better to read the content?

Then again I am also the person that reads every comment or post on a forum before posting my own thoughts. It bugs me when I see people that just post without reading and understanding all the comments that have already been made.

Stacie Nuss
Stacie Nuss
13 years ago

I use it alot at work for searching documents. Or if I'm researching something and want to get to that point.

Darin Ferraro
Darin Ferraro
13 years ago

F is used daily to find text on a page in Chrome, and in code editing. Could not live without F. Im a big CV guy tho.

. Shannara
. Shannara
13 years ago

I doubt that guess. Based off of sampling, over 90 percent of literate computer users know of Ctrl-F. Its the illiterate computer users who don't know .lol

Brenda Curtis
Brenda Curtis
13 years ago

yeah, someday I am actually going to learn how to use this damn thing! lol!

Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

my question is, of that 90%, how many of them know where the any key is…

Sean Clarke
Sean Clarke
13 years ago

I'm a very computer literate person, I just don't use keyboard shortcuts. The modern UI is designed to be used with a mouse and the only time I use the keyboard is to type.

Gord McLeod
Gord McLeod
13 years ago

+Sean Clarke, I often have to edit 60+ page documents. For me, Ctrl-F is an absolute necessity. I can get things done in about 30 seconds that would otherwise take hours or even days.

Sean Clarke
Sean Clarke
13 years ago

+Gord McLeod Yes I'm sure you and other people have excellent reasons for using it. I'm just surprised that people are so shocked to hear other people don't use it that often. If I'm editing a document, depending on the type of edits I might use find/replace. I'm more likely to read the document and edit when I get to an error, so still not use the find command. Different strokes as they say 🙂

michael nelson
michael nelson
13 years ago

i honestly dident know there was a ctrl+F.. seriously i dident

Gabriel Guzman
Gabriel Guzman
13 years ago

I gave up on people when witnessing someone go to google.com to google "www.google.com"

Sue Muscate
Sue Muscate
13 years ago

Control + F. Who knew? You do now…! Rejoice in the CTRL + F thingy!

Celina Lane
Celina Lane
13 years ago


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