Bill Gates, COVID-19, 5G and ID2020 Conspiracy Explained

Everything you need to know about this silly conspiracy

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

 If you haven’t seen the following image yet.. or heard about how Bill Gate and 5G is responsible for COVID-19. You will.euza h8xyak kyr

Screenshot (66)

Countless are discussing it on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. Almost 5k of people have signed a petition against Bill Gates.

It is important we understand the… uh.. argument of this group as misinformation continues to spread in this Bill Gates 5G Conspiracy.

So let’s break down the information you need to fight-the-good-fight against the latest round of COVID-19 conspiracy theories.

The Simplest Theory is Usually Right.

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I have a strong belief in life that the simplest solution is most likely the right one. Occam’s Razor theory.

As I explore these ‘Plannedemic’ concepts with you, take a moment to realize that the simplest answer is:

There is a new deadly virus spreading around the world and it is killing people.

Full stop.

I get there are some scary things in that image up there most people likely don’t deal with every day like 5G, RFID, and COVID-19. New tech is very scary to people. Virus killing people… also scary! EVIL BILL GATES… ? OMG!

This is going to require jumping around a bit. Grab your tinfoil hat.

What Is This COVID-19, Bill Gates, 5G, ID2020, Vaccine ‘Theory’?

Bill Gates is supposedly the antichrist.

He created COVID-19 and started it spreading around the world so he could launch his sinister plan of NEW WORLD ORDER DOMINATION. The first step is scaring us via fake news media and locking us down. FREEDOOOOOMS gone.21291 a4dff875ec857f6816aece8ed7e4e362 Then we can’t have cash anymore because of COVID-19 staying on it. Then Bill Gates will magically develop the vaccine.

His vaccine will have a special new tracking device/tattoo in it that they inject into your skin. “The mark of the beast” – Revelation 13:16-17 –  It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”  (Can’t have a conspiracy without some bible tie-ins!)

This tracking device will have your name, all your fancy new digital currency and it will constantly track and send all your information to uh, Bill Gates’s New World Order Headquarters via 5G evil Chinese technology? Profit! *insert evil Bill Gates like Mr Burns type laughter*

bill gate id2020 5g and covid 19 conspiracy explained mr burns totally looks like bill gates


But Why?

Let’s just start with some fun, thought-provoking questions…bill gates covid 19 5g and id2020 conspiracy explained 3

If the purpose of the conspiracy is worldwide tracking of every human (to what end) via RFID, Tattoo, sending to 5G…

What software is going to run this worldwide tracking? Who made it? Where is it located? The USA? China? Greenland? Does each country get a license? Each country is responsible for its own? What happens when your cross borders and travel?

How is your info being sent to the “Worldwide Tracking Forever Storage” (henceforth WTFS) where the software is?

We don’t actually, currently, have proper real 5G working yet to send all this info. (more on that soon) Is the information magically going through your RFID that has a range of .. ooo about 150 ft?

So I mean if we were going to do a virus/tracker/5G conspiracy, shouldn’t we have completed the rollout of 5G FIRST so it had better chances of picking up our signals every 150ft of movement? Poor planning New World Order. Poor Planning.  

The biggest question that comes to mind here is… Why? Why do all this? What is the end goal and purpose of all the crazy amounts of violations of human rights? What’s the end goal of this New World Order?  Worldwide digital tracking of us all to uh… what?

I mean Bill Gates is already the 2nd richest person in the world. It can’t be money.

Assassinating us via RFID technology (obviously not possible) if we are non-compliant? What?

Also, this is a very complicated plan that would require INSANE amounts of work with Governments all around the world to pull off. Governments who can’t even agree on the most basic of things like climate change, who should have nuclear tech, and where the borders of countries are. I digress.

Like most conspiracy theories, urban legends, and myths, there are tiny pieces of truth among the lies. Let’s break it down!

What is 5G Wireless Technology?

We need to start with the backbone of this sinister plan. 5G (Fifth Generation of Wbill gate id2020 5g and covid 19 conspiracy explained 5g vs 4gireless Technology) is actually really cool, new technology. 

5G will allow us to download and transfer on our cell phones and homes at speeds way, way faster than 3G or LTE.

SUPER FAST. Like 10 Gigs of data in a few seconds! Like 100 times faster than your current speeds. Download an entire 2-hour 4k movie in less than 25 seconds. Never buffer again! WOWEE.

I wrote about 5G in 2017 when I toured Intel’s self driving cars . 5G is needed for that too by the way.

5G is a new cell technology, so we need to change and add to the old 4G cell phone towers of the past.

5G is split into three spectrums, low (600-800MHZ) and mid (2.5-3.5GHz), and the new high millimeter (24-39Ghz) wave spectrum.  The high millimeter 5G signal can only go a very short distance so we need countless towers everywhere to make it work. Buildings, walls, rain, heck even leaves can block this high millimeter signal.

High band 5G will need many, many towers all over the place to work. That isn’t so great, so part of 5G technology is the ability to instantly flip between them all and constantly be searching for the faster signal. No hiccups. Cool eh?

5G Radiation and Health Effects

Before you worry about 5G radiation or ‘What are 5G’s health effects on us?’…. Here is a nice picture that shows us where 5G sits on the electromagnetic ‘radiation’ spectrum.

Bill Gates, COVID-19, 5G and ID2020 Conspiracy Explained


5G Vs a Sunburn

The type of radiation that we know is ‘harmful’ like Ultraviolet, is called IONIZING.

It is way over there on the right side near 30PHz.  1 PHz = 1,000,000 GHz.

We know that the sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause damage to our skin with prolonged exposure. But we all also know that when you get a sunburn it doesn’t fry your brain or burn your kidney into bits. The human skin stops even most of these harmful UV rays without ever causing internal organ cancer issues.

We all know this.

5G is down there at the left,  NON-IONIZING side, with your current cell phone, TV, microwaves, monitors, and Wifi signals.

5G is generally between 6GHz to 300GHz. Current 4G LTE is between 600MHz and 2.5 GHz. Verizon’s new high band sits at 28GHz to 39GHz. Most carriers will be in a similar 25-40GHz range.

Remember, ultraviolet starts at 30,000,000GHz. A pretty massive jump from 39GHz. Even at these new higher wavelengths, it’s still very far from UV burns.

Countless studies have been done showing these non-ionizing wavelengths can’t penetrate your skin, and cause tumors or cancer. If you’re not afraid of your microwave, TV, and cell phones, and like pretty much every human in North America you use these things every day without popping out in blistery explosions… We are good.

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As I mentioned, the 5G high signal is faster, but it doesn’t go very far. It is pretty weak.

Complete high band 5G in North America is still quite a ways off. We are not there yet. It’s coming, but it’s not there.

All the carriers in the USA  and Canada are behind. If they are advertising it, they are likely talking about a version of true 4G and not this brand new, high band 5G, yet they are publishing they have 5G.

They do, but only that low or mid part of 5G. Look at the GHZ they are promising.  So again, pretty much everything that has been installed in North America IS NOT the new high millimeter (24-39Ghz) yet.

That kind has only launched in very few select cities in North America, and usually only has a radius of a few blocks. So what we have in North America pretty much everywhere.. is the same amount we have from LTE. Do keep that in mind. 

What is the 5G Race?

bill gates covid 19 5g and id2020 conspiracy

USA and many other nations have been concerned because China is farther along in this ‘5G race’. 

What’s the 5G race you ask?

The nations that have the fastest internet speeds will create companies that will come up with innovative awesome tech ahead of the countries that don’t.

Technology for self-driving cars, smart homes, smart cities, VR, transport logistics, healthcare, blockchain, and smart factories. The list goes on.

Just like when 4G LTE came out we started streaming video content on our phones like crazy, 5G will do the same for new technology advancements.

I’m not talking about making a smart toothbrush. I’m talking about entire cities not wasting one ounce of electricity. Cars causing next to no deaths again, easier more efficient, and thus cheaper food production, water available to everyone in the world, transportation, and shipping in ways we can not even dream of yet.
It’s hard to talk about “the future of tech” because until you have it, you don’t realize how important it is.

Do we NEED 5G?

Well, how about no more tv, no more internet, no more electricity in the house.

Did we NEED these things? No.

Did they change our lives in a million ways you can’t even fathom right now cause you’ve always had them? Yes.

The future of tech is the same way.

Again, The USA is behind in getting their 5G setup. China launched their 5G network on Nov 1, 2019. Costs a user $18 a month for 30GB data and 500 minutes of voice chat.  Yes please.

You’ve probably seen a bunch of stuff in the media talking about EVIL, HUAWEI, and CHINESE 5G TECHNOLOGY over the last few years. Perhaps now you can figure out why conspiracy theories have circled them.  Huawei is one of the biggest 5G companies in the world.

Overall, 5G is a safe, awesome technology and we don’t even have the new, fastest parts of 5G actually working around the world yet.

New is scary. Science is hard. Technology is confusing.

It is much easier to simply think things are caused by a monster under the bed. Humans always have.


COVID-19 Is not man-made.gotthis

I’ve covered heavily already about the serious threat of COVID-19. I’m going to assume you believe the virus is real and deadly. Worse than the flu.

If you don’t yet or you just want a very detailed breakdown including COVID-19 history, medical papers, and more. Go read that here.

Bill Gates is not the Antichrist

Why is Bill Gates getting the shaft here? 

What purpose would Bill Gates, the second richest man in the world already, get from tracking access to everyone via illegal chip implants?

Wouldn’t it have been easier for him to push some kinda illegal update via all Microsoft Windows computers and Xbox systems around the world?

I mean if he’s just going to willy-nilly do insane crazy things. Then he could see what we type, control our banks, and our everything we do on our computers!

Or you know… World domination with a virus. Either or. 

In reality, Bill Gates is really one heck of an amazing person. He tried to repeatedly warn the USA for many years that a virus like COVID-19 was coming.

No one listened.

If you haven’t seen that 2015 Ted Talk video Gates did yet, Have a watch…..

Bill Gates has Donated a Total $45.5 billion to charity groups through his Foundation Since 1994

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Have you heard of the Giving Pledge? No?

Cool. In 2010, Bill Gates came together with Warren Buffet and 40+ other of America’s wealthiest people like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, George Lucas, and David Rockefeller.

They ALL committed to giving the majority of their wealth to philanthropy or charitable causes, either during their lifetimes or in their wills.

Each person who agrees to join writes a letter. Here is Bill and Melinda Gates’s letter  A nice highlight quote.


Years ago, when we began to learn about global health, we were especially shocked to read that one highly preventable disease — rotavirus — was killing half a million children every year. Airplane crashes are always front-page news, yet here was a killer of half a million children every year, and most people couldn’t put a name to it, much less put a stop to it.

We have committed the vast majority of our assets to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help stop preventable deaths such as these, and to tear down other barriers to health and education that prevent people from making the very most of their lives. Our animating principle is that all lives have equal value. Put another way, it means that we believe every child deserves the chance to grow up, to dream and do big things.

Bill Gates has been involved in preventing diseases, world health groups, and vaccines for many years. It is his passion.

He has pledged for over 10 years, to give his money away before he dies or after to such causes.

It is easy to want to hate on that ‘1%’ who you think has so much more than you do. Is anyone spreading that Bill Gate has created some kind of World Domination conspiracy for wealth after you’ve learned this piece of information? I am ashamed of you.

Quantum Dot Tattoos and RFID Tracking

This is the one the scares a lot of people… A TRACKING TATTOO.

c6ab63307de9411f9f2a0a1370dd3b61Bill Gates did a reddit talk recently about creating ” digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it”.

That line is what started this whole thing. Really.

Anyway, some of the technology that has been discussed is a digital tracking quantum dot tattoo that could be scanned to see if you have had your vaccines.

Basically, a quantum dot is a tiny man-made crystal that when UV hits it , it will show light.

Quantum dots are old tech.

You might even have a quantum dot TV in your living room.  You probably just haven’t heard about it in tattoo form before.

Putting it in a COVID-19 vaccine would be a nice way to track who is up to date on a thing that could basically kill people if you don’t have it.

ff essay4 largeThere is also a different group called ID2020 which Bill Gates is also involved with (He’s a pretty charitable guy remember).

Basically, ID2020 wants every person on the planet to have a digital ID tied to you for life that you are in complete control of. 

Is this so bad? A way to show your name, age, and country you are from? You give up way more of your ‘privacy freedoms’ in this area to your cell phone and various internet companies you use every month.

You already HAVE a Digital ID

On that very important note, you already DO have a digital identity and you probably currently have very limited control over it.

Google, Facebook, Amazon, Your Email, and countless other places around the internet track your moves throughout the web. You have to jump through hoops on all of them to figure out your privacy settings. 

Think of this ID2020 ID as a Google or Facebook login, but you can opt-out of the ads, not let them use your picture,  remove your history, and see which companies are accessing your data, ALL in one nice online location. That’s the concept idea behind ID2020.

Sounds pretty cool to me folks. Sign me up.

Most importantly, ID2020 hasn’t been attached to any quantum dot tattoo, and there are no quantum dot vaccine tattoos. And of course, none of it ties to any COVID-19 vaccine because as we all know, they don’t exist yet.

These are some pretty important points. None of it exists yet. None of these things are linked or currently discussed as being linked.   People linking these things are really grasping at straws. capture7

But What If we DID have a Digital Tracking ID You Controlled?

But since I have you here… Let’s explore for a moment IF this technology actually did get implemented as the conspiracy suggests?

You have a mark on your arm that shows who you are. Every Sci-fi film ever has this concept in it. How about no lost ID ever again?

Think of all the people who COULD benefit from this. Lost or kidnapped children, people with deadly medical allergies, refugees, homeless, dementia patients, voting for everyone, cold murder cases. Lots of things could be dealt with a lot better if this tech was in place, people!

And beyond the basics, what if you could control WHAT information was shown on there?

Just like editing your Facebook profile. Add in your name, age, and some drug and food allergies you have, and remove your relationship status, and religion. 

Some might not like this tech, and the debate is obviously still happening, but all technology doesn’t need to be some sinister EVIL TECHNOLOGY. I’m sure our grandfathers didn’t like registering and getting a driver’s license picture taken for the first time either.  Alas, these things are part of the progress of humanity.


There are more conspiracy theories involving Johns Hopkin Center, Event 201, Africa, Abortions, and frankly… I could post against these theories for days with all the versions.

Maybe I’ll write a “Why people believe conspiracy theories” post instead at some point.

Some Final Thoughts on This Coronavirus, Bill Gates, ID2020


Ok ok, If you don’t like any of those previous facts…

bill gates covid 19 5g and id2020 conspiracy explained 2

After all this, I’ve figured it out guys… The end game plan. 🙂

 … Bill Gates can finally do his email forward tracing program so he can finally send us all the $1,000 we are owed from forwarding the chain email so long ago…. OR MAYBE THAT IS THE $1000 THE US GOVERNMENT IS GIVING TO EVERYONE AS PART OF THE STIMULUS! The plot thickens! 

Or I mean…  it could be there is a new deadly virus spreading around the world and it is killing people.




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4 years ago

Loved It!!! – Especially the graphic about the radiation levels. – Thank You for your research, Amanda

4 years ago

Sigh. Just look up China’s social credit score. They use 5G. They have facial recognition almost everywhere. No thanks.

Reply to  Nicky
4 years ago

IS it just the coincidence that Covid-19 spread across the globe at the beginning of 2020 and Project ID2020 have something in common, such as 2020?

4 years ago

So good Amanda !

4 years ago

Can you debunk the new “Out of the Shadows” documentary so we can all sleep better at night?

Kyle James
Kyle James
4 years ago

5G is in the MICROWAVE range. I’m not sure living in a very-low-level microwave oven is such a good, healthy idea. What about those with metal pins inside their bodies? I’m sure it won’t be enough to make sparks or a potato explode, but just because we don’t have proof that it is harmful over the short term doesn’t mean that it’s not harmful. You’re making the same types of arguments Monsanto made about glyphosate. Was using the general population as glyphosate test subjects a good idea just because no one could prove it caused cancer? Because now we can. What would YOU say to those affected? Besides that, cell-phone radiation IS ALSO liked to cancer ( or is Scientific American not mainstream enough for you? We have evidence that cell phone radiation is directly linked to cancer and you want us to believe that the same radiation that makes eggs explode is safe? You’re delusional.

4 years ago

It’s because of this kind of delusional people like the owner of this blog that we as human race are f*cked up…. so I don’t have much hope anyway.

Your article is a perfect picture of how ingenious sillynes can take over common sense and even sciense.

Icarus myth at play here

4 years ago

Your actually only telling half truth here! It is obvious where you find your information! Or, more like DISINFORMATION! Either you really have no idea? what you talk about, or, your a SHILL for the kleptotechs feeding you lies and only half the real truth of 5G and a man who should be strung up for crimes against humanity with the tech industry, for harming and killing so many innocent people, Gates with his poison vaccines!

You certainly don’t have to did very deep to get THE FACTS! GOOGLE WON’T HELP YOU FIND THEM!!! I feel bad for your kids, and how they will be effected for life from your sheer ignorance! Shameful to only have one eye open when repeating the official versions! You can line up for Billy G’s poison vaccines, that’s choice! I suggest you educate yourself fully, not just half way when repeating rhetoric! If you only look for what you want to hear, that is all you will find! DIG DEEPER! I included links form different sources, if you can’t bring yourself to see the truth in these liks, please don’t stop others from having that choice, by limiting what you tell them! I implore you to dig deeper, for even your own sake, you only make your self look ignorant when you don’t!

Inga Brereton
Inga Brereton
Reply to  Amanda Blain
3 years ago

You are so right about doing due diligence.
Sorry to say that I disagree (my prerogative) with most of what you are saying here – although, in fairness, I’m neither a scientist nor a techie.
Mainly because I suspect that I have been on this planet for quite a few more years than you, and I’m reasonably well-travelled (<– sp., yes, I’m from the UK), well-read, and continue to challenge many things. I also have a degree in Theology – although I’m no longer a practising Christian.
Unlike a lot of people today, I eschew social media (yuk, yuk and more yuk) and, shock, horror, not only think for myself, I also do as much independent research as is possible on many topics – given that in today’s world there is an excess of dis/misinformation around.
However, nowadays, very few mainstream media (if any) are allowed to report from an independent perspective.  In today’s America, most newspapers, radio & TV stations are controlled by a few powerful conglomerates – with their employees pushing their owners’ ‘party’ lines. Ergo, you are unlikely to come across dissenting views that will get published.

3 years ago

Well written. Sadly those who have already taken the ‘global domination, Gates Hate’ road are irretrievable by reasoning whether scientific or simply just rational.
As a Christian I am certain that the ‘mark’ is coming (I will have moved on) and it will not be on the upper arm. We are getting ever nearer to the times of the prophesied ‘One World Government’ and ‘One World Religion’ and we are living in the ‘end times’ as described in the bible but all the facts mixed with fiction that people are so willing to propagate are misleading. It is sickening to see a few seconds of edited video of Gates talking which are deliberately taken out of context so as to compile a blatant lie.

Athanasia Siouta
Athanasia Siouta
2 years ago

No, I don’t agree with this article. I have cured chronic illness through natural means, with prolonged fruit fasts along with herbs and I saw a great difference. I still haven’t been vaccinated and i still haven’t got covid, however I can hardly travel or even go for work anymore. Health and the human body have many parameters and this man is simply a megalomaniac who is imposing his view on others. Our bodies belong to ourselves, we can listen to him and then make our own choices. To me it doesn’t click!

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