Some retro video gaming today…. Do you remember these days?
*When I was Young… We played Video Games on Channel 3* Some retro video gaming today…. Do you remember these days? #videogames #geek #80s
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff - and Girlfriend Social -
Sometimes channel 4 if you happened to have two such devices and the switch allowed for it!
Blowing cartriges and resetting the console… The good ol' days. =]
Pong looked pretty good on channel 3.
Geez! I remember that! LOL
Or how about when you had to load games via cassette?
Good ol' Commodore VIC-20.. lol
After throwing the little switch to move from rabbit ears reception to the game system.
Atari 2600, yep
I remember that, my TV in my room was always set on channel 3, the ps1 hooked up. I was always playing FF7 and the first Tony Hawk game.
I remember when you could switch between 3 and 4….mind blown Remember when shaking the cable did work….
Channel 4 for me. 🙂
Well nowadays I have to change it to the hdmi input
I still do.
Load "8", 1…something something…was this a commodore 64 thing? Sounds familiar….
I remember the year we upgraded to the Atari 2600.
The parents had stuck a couple games in our stockings and neglected to mark them as "Open Last."
And it was NOT Wide Screen or High Def!
I remember those day's all to well. Had a switch on the game to choose 3 or 4 in case 3 was a broadcasting channel, which it was in my area, so I played my games on channel 4
I had an old system that played on either 2 or 3 (pong style games, pong, tennis, hockey). Most of the other consoles worked on 3 or 4.
All Commodore! I started on a Vic-20, moved to a C64 aith a 1541 drive, then to a C128 with a 1571 drive.
Ultimate Wizard and Elektra Glide!
First system I had was the ol' Atari 2600!
Yeah… and I remember the actual channel's signal sometimes leaking through, so you'd see a ghost of the show playing over the game graphics.
If you had a video game console, I used steal quarters from my older brothers to go play donkey Kong, and pac-man, and some others, at the places where they had them. I would always loose, jejeje
Who here owned E.T. on the Atari 2600??? lol
and channel 4 for the vcr.
i remember those days
Add me to the list of RF modulator users. I have an original Atari 2600 VCS with paddle controllers, joysticks and tons of games.
Hm. Maybe I'll break it out and hook it up to our 73" and go retro for an afternoon.
Bitch please, I had a TV without channels
Intellivision Ha ha!!! Always channel 3!!
I have no idea what you are talking about, I’m not old enough… (quietly shoves pong console under bed….)
still do >_<
Atari 2600 FTW!
I was glad when they came out with a switch to toggle the video game or channel 3. We had a channel on 3 so I had to unhook the antenna wire each time until they came out with that little box. Forget to hook the antenna wire up after done once and there was no space invaders for a whole week.
Hey and sometimes channel 2. Damn I'm old…
Meeee 2222!
Very nice
SEGA Channel — FTW
Wow I had totally forgotten about that.
I sure do 🙂 ive still my old game console its in my storage building
Don't forget the Commodore and TI systems and the book you had to type in to program the latest game to play.
I used 4
…and the good old cassete tape backup.
yea!! on Atari 2600
I used 4 also, the RF interference from the local tower would bleed over into channel 3
Yes, turning the dial Channel 3, those silly little antenna adapters that you had to screw on, turning the fine tune knobs to get rid of the static and snow. How did we ever survive?
I miss those days. Things were much more simple then.
Yea I remember my Oddessy . That's pre Atari . Playing it on a 13 inch black & white t.v. because that was, the only t.v. we had.
yeah, that is nothing like today