Nintendo sure has come a long way since that blow on the cartridge back in the day.
Have you played the Wii U yet? I played the zombie game on it for a bit and it was interesting to have the in screen controller for things like a map and your inventory…

I always liked being on the bottom, great pic!
Takes me back a few years
Played and loved them all 🙂
For pioneering and ingenuity, it's all about the Nintendo and Wii. For pure, unadulterated, nostalgic enjoyment? Super Nintendo.
The other two can suck it.
Snes = super nintendo
So many years of memory in that one picture
Wii u is awesome I've played zombie u beat game now
working on Lego city undercover love my Wii u
Lol, I knew that, .
Freudian slip.
I just don't have the cash or time now to mess with the Wii U. I still have my Wii for group games and I have my old NES for nostalgia. Though the Zapper doesn't work on HD TV's.
I replaced the 76 pin connector on the NES several years back and it works like new. I only wish I still had an N64 for some good old GoldenEye fun.
It's missing the red and white console. Can't forget that one.
Man Golden Eye is only best on Nintendo!!! We had hours of tournaments on it….almost forgot we weren't agents…lol
Very cool'
Wii U is pretty cool. I am holding off until E3 though. I'll probably buy one when Super Smash Bros. is announced.
I have it check out my pic
The U is fantastic. NSMBU is great, of course, and the pack-in Nintendo land is great fun with another person. Shame Rayman Legends got delayed.
I'm proud to say that at one time I owned every system (except the Wii U).
I want a Wii U so bad damnit but that's because I will always be a Nintendo kid
We have the Wii U. We've all been playing "LEGO City Undercover" on it. It's actually a really nice system and considering how big the controller is, it's actually really comfortable to hold. If you ever get one, get one of those Nyko USB charging cables. The battery only lasts a few hours.
This post has some interesting timing, as I've been recently looking online to buy some Super Famicom controllers for my original SNES.
I saw an interesting little tidbet on the net about NES cartridges. Blowing in them actually didnt do anything and could actually cause them to rust due to moisture, what actually fixed them is when you kept pulling them out and putting them back in.
I played Wii Fit on my Wii U, and broke my GamePad!
snes or n64?
Where is the Wii-U?
Hey Amanda, I ever know your country, see photos, videos and marvel.
Go to "Explore" on the bar on the right. At the top of the page, there should be a slider for how much content you want showing up.
Still have my Super Nintendo connected ….my son prefers Super Street Fighter over any modern SF game lol
I can't believe people didn't know that blowing into cartridges was a bad idea.
You forgot the wii u
I'm sorry to say that I'm missing out. Without asking me to go "Google It," lol, what is the hot spots of Wii U, …sounds like that Zombie game is fun!
Ehem. Virtual Boy
gamevolution!! What about gameboy!!!! haha
+Randy Rodriguez Cabezas
Gameboy is "portable". Gameboy, Gameboy pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance (SP) and Game Boy Micro are in other branch. Nintendo DS and 3DS too.
VIrtual Boy is the black sheep… i think so.
Played and can still play all of them. Good times….
Talk about darwinian natural selection…
Zombie U is pretty good… i died a lot when i first started… but was pretty fun when i got into it 🙂
right ? 🙂
ZombiU is super fun!
I still have my NES.
how can i get that.
I got the Wii an the GameCube. Wish I still had the 64 🙁
Goldeneye was what call of duty is today. Loved it
Love my street fighter. Idk thought. Sf4 my shit
No spitting into the cartridge was a bad idea. Not blowing
As soon as the gamecube came out, nintendo went from the coolest thing to the worst nightmare for a gamer kid (the story of my life).
The bottom 3 are the best.
started from the bottom now we're here
Started from the bottom now we're here!