Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
Pick up my nerf gun and stalk the cats 😀
hmm, read a book? and also scream at the trees.
Realize that I'll have to drive to work to get anything done…
Reset my modem over and over again, then drink. 🙂
Smile at the fact I remembered to install Pocket on my Nexus 7
Watching a movie perhaps
Clean 🙂
Laugh at all the people who think that the Internet could actually be down… Oh wait, do you mean my specific link to the Internet… 🙂
This happened to me last night actually. I spend the evening grinding quietly for PS3 Offline Trophies. I was quite relaxing lol
There should be one for *What to do what the power is out*. Cos where I live, we've had a few power outages recently. :/
Go to the pub and hang out with friends 😀
i will stress maybe
you really mean go outside???!?!?!?!?!
Boo Hoo. It Happens To Me Every 2-3 Months
Turn on the Wifi tehter on my Galaxy Nexus.. 😉
I had a two day long internet blackout last weekend because some doofus was screwing around with the cable box out behind my building.
I thought I was going to die.
Dream of meeting +Amanda Blain 😉
Read a book, watch Doctor Who, play offline games. And be annoyed about the internet being down when I was planning to use it!
what's pocket?
Fire up the DVR!
Call provider and make muy galaxy 3 hotspot.
it's an app for saving news articles, websites etc. offline for reading later: goo.gl/Bi6OV
hahaha lol
Drive to McDonald's and use their free wifi
play my guitar 😉
Read a book, drink a coffee, take a shower, pray a lot…
+José Catarino Iñiguez Vázquez take a shower only applies on Tuesdays, before 1p PST
Drown my sorrows at a coffee shop with some friends 😉
+Theo WolF jajajajaja, true
hahaha I have done that 🙂
I did it the other night lol. My Internet is terrible at best.
Get a bag of chips and some alcohol. Pop in a good movie and try to remain calm.
Sadly mine has been down for a few days. Glad though for my android tablet and cell. The need for the fix is gotten 😉
90% of the time when I do loose network it is because of the ISP and usually it isn't because of some hardware issue or no fault of their own. It is most the time stupidity involved.
I pray to Steve Jobs!!
I tough was only me hahaha
Take walk with family.
I better die, because I could not live without the internet ….!!!!!
Start using my phone.
Game, what else.
Blood circulation
funny funny haha
I've humorously found myself playing guitar, writing a hot blues song about how my internet is out two-timin' me…
paint a tree…….
wtf who r u?
Luv this pic where did u get it from