Alrightee its a little small but a click on it and it gets bigger… How many Can You name from classic Video Games? I'll start you off with M.. Mario! 😀
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff - and Girlfriend Social -
Nice .
Là rất tốt
S onic!
P acman!
L ink!
D onky Kong!
D donkey Kong ,P pacman ,S sonic
I nky!
Q bert!
Q bert
D onkey Kong
E arthworm Jim?
T etris!
B omberman, D onkey Kong, E arthworm Jim, Gordon F reeman, I nky, L ink, M ario, P ac Man, Q Bert, S onic, T etris, W ario, Y oshi
Sadly, I recognize many of the others but I don't have the names. 🙁
Oooooh… Juding from 's list, there's several of these that are "after my time", so to speak…
A steroids?
A=looks like space invaders, but could be asteroids; d=donkey kong; P=pacman; Q=qbert; T=tetris
OH! I think you're right on the A, ; I should have got that one!!
No, "A" is definitely "Space Invaders". Either those aliens had an actual name that I'm not aware of or whoever made this screwed up with that one.
^^ )
C hun Li (Street Fighter)
G uybrush, H onda, K en, Z elda
R ockman (known outside of Japan as Mega Man)
oh… Never heard of Rockman 😀 Mega man is way more cooler
I like latter B.
E is Earthworm Jim
M ario!
good latters
+Jarobin Guerra Gilbert should check this post out
Um I need this TShirt
Like now…..
Thanks !
Jajaja nice very nice
P acman
S onic
W ario
F Freeman!!!
no dig dug
K is Ken from street fighter.
H is Honda from same.
M mine craft
M is most definitely not Mine Craft. =oP
These are the names of the characters. And knew most of the ones mentioned already. But I'm lost at J, N, O, U, V, X.. Guess not that much of a gamer 😛
A is the ship from asteroid atari, j could be for jax from mortal kombat cause of metal arms
Thanks ! F was stumping me
a asteroids
b ?
c ?
d donkey kong
e einstein?
f ?
g ?
h homer?
i inky
j ?
k ken
l link
m mario
n ?
o opa-opa
p pac-man
q bert
r megaman?
s sonic
t tetris
u wtf?
v vega?
w wario
x men?
y yoshi
z zelda
F' Freeman from half life
Wow. So cool.
kind of nice!