Top 15 Finalists For the Video Game Hall Of Fame

Top 15 Finalists For the Video Game Hall Of Fame

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on
The Strong National Museum of Play has announced its 15 finalist for induction into the World Video Game Hall Of Fame.. Those nominees are:
Angry Birds
The Legend of Zelda
The Oregon Trail
The Sims
Sonic the Hedgehog
Space Invaders
Super Mario Bros.
World of Warcraft

A pretty solid game list if I do say so. It was based off 4 criteria. Icon-status" (i.e., wide recognition), longevity ("more than a passing fad"), geographical reach, and overall influence (on games, entertainment, pop culture, etc.).

I think Zork is solidly missing.. but otherwise can safely say i've played each and every one of these hits.. 🙂 What do you think of this list… anything missing?

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Joseph Heston
Joseph Heston
9 years ago

I am so glad that Candy Crush wasn't even considered.

Eddie Brock
Eddie Brock
9 years ago

Legend of Zelda gets my vote. Although I feel Super Mario Brothers is worthy as well… Angry Birds? Hahahaha hahahahaha what a joke.

Bill Thruman
Bill Thruman
9 years ago

It is a pretty solid list but seriously Angry Birds?  I think a few are missing like Call of Duty or Maddon.

Stephen Kota
Stephen Kota
9 years ago

And how about the Secret of Mana?

David Sarachman
David Sarachman
9 years ago

Zork definitely needs to be on this list.

Trace Conkle
Trace Conkle
9 years ago

Legend of Zelda all the way.

Bill Thruman
Bill Thruman
9 years ago

Good Call Final Fantasy does deserve to be on the list too

Pentrose Son of John
Pentrose Son of John
9 years ago

What, no Rogue?

James Garr
James Garr
9 years ago

Just off the top of my head Ultima, Elite, MS Flight Simulator, Civilization, Sim City, Warcraft, and I agree about Zork.  I'd take off the Sims and Angry Birds, but of course that's more than 15….tough choices.

Jason Ansaldo
Jason Ansaldo
9 years ago

How did Atari Adventure not make this list?

Everquest really deserves a nod here as well for helping start the MMO surge that WoW capitalized on.  

I don't get ho FIFA made it, outside of popularity.

baychou fouad
baychou fouad
9 years ago

Salut ch

Michael “Stayshift” Vernon
Michael “Stayshift” Vernon
9 years ago

Okay…I am a little (and by a little, A LOT) surprised that Street Fighter II (in any incarnation) did not make it.

Terrell Cooper
Terrell Cooper
9 years ago

I'm Suprised halo isn't on here maybe too soon?

Craig Brasco
Craig Brasco
9 years ago

Considering the criteria only this list seems on target. I do agree with Amanda about Zork as well. 

That is odd that there are no 2D fighting games on there like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, et al. That's not a passing genre of games.

Christopher Wick
Christopher Wick
9 years ago

I totally agree with that list except for one thing, Maniac Mansion for the NES needs to be on that list.
As it was the first "walk around the map type of game that inspired almost every single video game today such as MMORPG's, GTA online etc"

Paul Mallett
Paul Mallett
9 years ago

I think the concept of letting modern games in is silly. A game should be say at least 10 years old (I'd say 20) before it's nominated. Otherwise the longevity aspect is meaningless.

Zach Mauch
Zach Mauch
9 years ago

I would replace angry birds and the sims with zork and sim city. I'm guessing they put angry bird in there because they wanted a modern mobile game and angry birds makes the most sense of any out there.

Jason Ansaldo
Jason Ansaldo
9 years ago

I can get behind swapping out The Sims with a more iconic item from the brand/  I am wondering if Sim City 2000 would be a better fit with the improved game-play and overall larger play-base

This list really needs a Civilization game some place as well.

Christopher Wick
Christopher Wick
9 years ago

+Jason Ansaldo TRUTH. Or Age of Empires.

Christopher Wick
Christopher Wick
9 years ago

+Paul Mallett I agree with your thoughts and sentiment that opinion. Well said, Paul.

Andrew Scarella
Andrew Scarella
9 years ago

+Jason Ansaldo Sim city 2000 has a larger play-base? The sims is one of the best selling games of all time, as of 2013 it has sold more that 175 million copies worldwide.

Joel Wirāmu Pauling
Joel Wirāmu Pauling
9 years ago

Also the Sims. Pathetic.

Jason Ansaldo
Jason Ansaldo
9 years ago

+Andrew Scarella I was going from memory, so I may be mistaken.  I had thought 2000 out sold the original.

Christopher Wick
Christopher Wick
9 years ago

I do agree with the Oregon Trail because that was an awesome game; fun times in the 1980s for me

matthew swanson
matthew swanson
9 years ago

how is ocarina of time not in here?

Moore Doogal
Moore Doogal
9 years ago

Sims was the best game ever!!

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
9 years ago

Wow some oldies in here.. The games seem to fit the description very well. For my part I would drop 1 or 2 of tetris / pong / space invaders / packman as they all seen to fill the same gap. The origon trail is not something I have ever heard of either. My replacements would be civilisation, and a driving game like mario kart or need for speed.

Leah McKean
Leah McKean
9 years ago

What about Toejam & Earl?

Christopher Wick
Christopher Wick
9 years ago

+Leah McKean loved that game

Rob Hamilton
Rob Hamilton
9 years ago

FIFA? Really? How many are actually chosen for induction?

I'd go with the 5 most important: Pong, Tetris, Super Mario Bros, Pac-Man and Doom and build from there.

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
9 years ago

+Rob Hamilton FIFA has geographical reach in spades…

ahmed bensetti
ahmed bensetti
9 years ago

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Miguel Capistran
Miguel Capistran
9 years ago

My vote is for Tetris.

Laura Dochtermann
Laura Dochtermann
9 years ago

Haha, The Oregon Trail. That game is awesome.

Eric P
Eric P
9 years ago

They should take doom out

Jesus “H” Christ
Jesus “H” Christ
9 years ago

Yep, I've played all of 'em at least once (and some of them obsessively). Zork is definitely missing, though.

Jason Passchier
Jason Passchier
9 years ago

I still have my original Pac-Man tabletop game (there on your left bottom corner), and it still works just as well as it did in 1982!  I play it more than any other video game system I own, too (which include several PSs, Nintendos and Ataris).

Jason Passchier
Jason Passchier
9 years ago

as for the list… how about Pole Position?  It's the grand-daddy of Mario Kart, and just about any driving-themed game out there.  (and not putting Street Fighter II/III/etc but instead having Oregon Trail and Pokemon is also wrong)

Fabian Komu
Fabian Komu
9 years ago


Rob Hamilton
Rob Hamilton
9 years ago

+Andrew Smith I know, but on a list of the greatest, most important games of all time?

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
9 years ago

+Rob Hamilton I know I personally spend more time playing FIFA than any other sports genre.. It certainly has the longgevity (windows 98 was the firts os I used), global reach, and in europe the recognition. In terms of sports, its first with championship manager a distant second.

Tracy McAtee (HypnoticJester)
Tracy McAtee (HypnoticJester)
9 years ago

Half life

Rob Kates
Rob Kates
9 years ago

The Sims for sure…groundbreaking.

Jay Han
Jay Han
9 years ago

I would have put Street Fighter 2 over The Sims.

9 years ago


Christopher Wick
Christopher Wick
9 years ago

Legacy of Kain

Phillip Ryan
Phillip Ryan
9 years ago

Wow ever quest didn't make the cut?

Natalie Fricke
Natalie Fricke
9 years ago

I think its all OK my daughter. Likes the Minecraft and the Zelda on w u.

Christopher Wick
Christopher Wick
9 years ago

Thanks for sharing, +Amanda Blain

William Wells
William Wells
9 years ago

Pong should win. The rest are all just variations of it. 🙂

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