Playstation had a strong line up here at E3 this year, with several amazing announcements and a jam packed line up.
Final Fantasy 7
First and foremost, lets just get it out of the way. Final Fantasy 7. Remade. We have all been waiting for this for or so long. And although only a teaser trailer.. it will eventually be playable!! That is all that matters. I’ve heard a lot of buzz about how .. maybe its just the nostalgia here, can this game really translate well in 2000’s. SHHH. The story of FF7 is what got so many people into adventure gaming and I’m super pumped that they are taking the time to return to such an amazing game and give it the much needed boost and upgrade. I’ll be following that closely… But of course there were no demos or other information beyond that trailer.
Tearaway Unfolded
Other games I really enjoyed were Tearaway Unfolded! This cute paper feel 3D platform game really takes use of Sony’s controller. Tearaway the original was previously released on the PSVista but didn’t get a lot of publicity. Bringing this to the PS4, gives new like to a fun IP. It had a very katamari damacy feel to it. Allowing items to be “thrown” in and out of the screen, camera to take pictures for a moose’s coat, and using the touch pad to control wind, and other fun in game elements. Now i’m sure that sounds a little strange, but it was actually quite natural. A lot of times these elements feel gimmicky or quirky, but in this game it was a real hit, adding to the enjoyment of being “in” the game.
Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank is returning to the Playstation again. They have a feature film coming out which should help push the popularity beyond just old school gamers. As this will be around the Hollywood release, it may be similar to the movie, but that should only add to it. The game play was still fun and quirky in this classic hit.
Street Fighter 5
Street Fighter 5 returns to the scene with its exclusive on Playstation.
Not a Playstation exclusive but definitely worth mentioning, I got to play the Amazingly awesome Armello! A digital strategy, beautiful quirky boardgame. I seriously mean beautiful. Playstaion gave them some booth space so that was wicked. I plan on writing a more detailed article on this game, because it really was mind blowing, but big thanks to Playstation for allowing them the space and letting me get some time with the developers. An amazing group of people were behind this and were very passionate about the game.
Playsation Vue
Perhaps one of the bigger pushes in Playsation Vue. This ‘kill your cable’ from a mainstream name is exciting. You can purchase your TV channels a’la’cart. At the time of this writing though, there was only a few channels who have subsribed to that option. The rest of the TV channels still holds strong and refuse to go it alone. CNN, Food Network, TBS and 25 other channels for example are still part of the $50 a month Vue option. Vue also has some seriously awesome “way TV should be” features like DVR into the cloud, putting your fav shows on the top of the tv menu, auto save your fav shows, and pulling out show it thinks you would like. It has some seriously cool menu systems and I hope this gets launched in Canada eventually. Right now it is launching in a few more cities… LA and San Francisco.
Until Dawn
Another solid game I enjoyed was Until Dawn. I played through this adventure horror thriller and had a few jump scares. You really love and hate the characters presented. It had an option for motion control which helped get me into the game even more. AS the girl looked around with the light I really enjoyed the animation, which felt live and real. There was always a big line for this and something I look forward to following more of.
I sadly did not get the chance to check out Project Morpheus, so I cant tell you too much about that. 🙁
The Last Guardian
I’ll end the fabulous Playstation E3 experience with a quick mention of The Last Guardian. I watched this play through during the Playstation press release and was impressed with what they are doing here. This title was previously announced as a release in 2011 and I am excited to see it back on track. The game play had some unique elements in it for the puzzle solving platformer. A small boy is luring the large Trico (a griffin looking bird dog creature) through some castle ruins. The two characters were loveable and cute. You could tell they had a bond . It looked like a lot of fun and I’m glad to see this project back on track.
Sony did not disappoint with its announcements at E32015. A solid lineup of games, services and hardware will be in store for the year. What Playstation announcements did you enjoy?