Ever Been In a Meeting With These People?
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
The next meeting always has some rehash of the last meeting. The meetings that I really don't like are the pre-meetings to meetings.
You ever had those +Amanda Blain??
Every week..
OHHHHH the Pre meeting REHASH … yes of course!… eeeck
I do government work. They love meetings and conference calls. I have yet to attend any that did more than just waste my time. I don't get the fascination with meetings. Nothing ever gets done in a meeting.
I must use that line in a presentation!
Meetings are a practical alternative to work.
+Gary MacDonald. Love it: I concur.
I can totally relate to this. Graphs just to make a pretty picture that don't tell the true story.
3/4 of Meetings I attend I am thinking about something else entirely. I find them for the most part, waste of time and the one giving the meeting trying to impress us with His/Her abilities to play with Excel and Powerpoint.
Bravo. When's lunch?
I hate the pre pre meeting the most, that's where all the damn work comes from.
You just have to love being in a meeting where they schedule a meeting to talk about the upcoming meeting that recaps the first meeting you were in.
I'm gonna use this
those sort of meetings where you count how many different TLA's are used? (Three Letter Abreviations)
Best bit if it's like this is to interrupt and ask what that TLA meant. Usual response is 'Whats a TLA?' followed by an embarrassed look when they find out…
I was in a meeting like this yesterday except the bars were tall and went to short
kill me now
we call it "State Tourism". People show up for the sole reason to get out the project/task they are working on to have a liable good excuse and burn up an undetermined period of time. Translation: No one is really all that eager, just the new guy/gal.
Oh, I could tell you some stories!
Time for a round of "bs bingo"..
lol Amanda…time to raise the bar! This reminds me of my favorite bar chart regarding art…it's in a video presentation about a guy who has his own cult following.
Father Guido Sarducci on art school
serius ini meting
Ha! Yep. My strong feelings about the overwhelming amount of unproductive meetings resulted in making a flowchart for the department at my last job on when to call a meeting, when not to, and how to conduct one properly: plus.google.com/117958363368979774542/posts/NBMXGNh8k9Z
(yes, I know about the typos, and it isn't as pretty as it should be… I ought to redo it one of these days)
Any meeting held with 12 people or fewer is simply uncivilized if there is no cheesecake being served…at the very least the cake makes a pie chart at least bearable!
MEETINGS are phenomenal THING
NONE OF THEM compelling need to worry
Just relax and ENJOY
ALL SATANCI have beautiful and ugly side
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meeting are held for something comply not formality at all time
+Amanda Blain I always take my laptop to meetings and just keep designing and coding whatever it is I'm supposed to be designing and coding that will be due by the next meeting.
I have learned to despise initialism. I'll be making use of the "TLA" comment.
When I think about it, I have been in more meetings over the years then I can count. We all have been there when we want to just get up and leave. These days, it is mostly conference calls and web shares. At least I can get coffee anytime I want while on a call ~
hehe – the true value of meetings
ok Sweet
u said something remarkable! that u becomes more concerned for humanity,how of us do have such an inspirational thought?just fewer than few!!! don't leave the meeting;live and hope and give ursuggestion and idea are much more valueable to board!!!
My favorite despair poster was the one about "MEETINGS: because none of us is as dumb as all of us"
you most be a peculiar person having a right talk of mind at the same thing you are a wonderful person please keep it on
lol Amanda…time to raise the bar! This reminds me of my favorite bar chart regarding art…it's in a video presentation about a guy who has his own cult following.
Father Guido Sarducci on art school
Ha! Yep. My strong feelings about the overwhelming amount of unproductive meetings resulted in making a flowchart for the department at my last job on when to call a meeting, when not to, and how to conduct one properly: plus.google.com/117958363368979774542/posts/NBMXGNh8k9Z
(yes, I know about the typos, and it isn't as pretty as it should be… I ought to redo it one of these days)
you most be a peculiar person having a right talk of mind at the same thing you are a wonderful person please keep it on
LOL nothing reduces productivity more than meetings
ciao parla italiano bella
lol been there
update me,i will be there!