Epson V550 Photo Scanner Review and Giveaway

Epson V550 Photo Scanner Review and Giveaway

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on


Want To Win an Epson Scanner Of Your Own? Scroll to the Bottom of this post and enter to win one thanks to Epson Canada and this blog.

With the camera being a staple in all cell phones today, stand alone cameras, film and paper prints are pretty much ancient history for the average household. When was the last time that you got film developed at the local store? Technology advances but that does not deal with all of the film prints that we have acquired up until this point. If you are anything like me, something that has been on your bucket list for quite some time is getting all of those all cherished family photos uploaded to the internet cloud. When I heard of the Epson V550 photo scanner, I was very interested to give it a review. This scanner is capable of scanning not only your old print photos but “developing” scanned in negatives as well. It also contains a few special functions to remove dust and discoloration from your photos automatically.

Scan your family photos

Quick Review of the Espon V550 Photo Scanner

Epson V550

Epson V550


  • Affordable
  • Can scan negatives (and several sizes of negatives)
  • Fast scanner with very good quality – no “warm up” time
  • Built in Photo Retouching – Doesn’t add a lot of time
  • Removes scratches and dust in “ice mode”


  • Instructions are not detailed (even online)
  • No ability to upload “directly” to the cloud – Pictures are held first
  • Software has many options that can take some time to get use to

The scanner itself looks like most scanners. The software installs quickly and easily and includes a few different scanning applications. There is no photo editing software built in. There were a few things that I found tricky with the setup though.

As already mentioned, I was most looking for an option that would allow me to upload photos to the Internet to make sure that I would always have access to the photos in case anything ever happened to them physically. Regardless of doing a search online, the Epson help sections were confusing (simply telling me to “click the Facebook button” which I couldn’t find) and I was unable to find exactly where I was allowed to upload photos directly to Facebook, Google Drive, or even Flickr. Basically, there are two separate software applications that get installed from the CD. 1) Epson scan, the other 2) Easy Photo Scan. Easy photo scan is installed in a separate windows directory, Called “Epson software”. Not the standard “Epson” directory that I was using. Easy photo scan is a kind of “Overall” application that holds all the photos you scan in a temporary holding area and then you can do a batch upload all at once to your favorite Internet service. It actually launches “Epson Scan” to do the actual scanning in the background. So I hope that this helps save someone else who is looking for that section in the future.


Without Color Restoration Scan


With Color Restoration (so Worth it!)

All in all, I really tested the scanner out, scanning in about 1000 photos/negatives. Some tips for anyone who is planning on uploading their photos as well:

Top Tips for Backing Up And Scanning Your Family Photos

1. Make sure you sort through the photos in advance. If you’re anything like my family there are lots of pictures of scenery, landscape, pictures around the house, fluffy photos that may not be that interesting now that you look at them years later. Select photos that have meaning to you to scan in. I focused on People, pets, and “locations that have changed”. This scanner allows you to scan in a roughly 4 photos at a time. Sometimes depending on the size of the photos, a few more. It suggests that you have an inch of space between all of the photos. But I found if you tilted the photos onto the end fit for a nicely.

2. Once you get familiar with the scanner I stopped using the easy photo scan option and simply got the system down using the push scan button on the front. Make sure to check the box to not display a warning screen in advance and you can get a nice little system going to scan photos quickly. I uploaded all the photos to cloud at the end. It wasn’t worth the extra time hassle of scanning into “easy photo scan”. If you were only planning on scanning in a photo or two this would work great to upload a great “throwback Thursday photo” a week for example.

3. Make sure you check the photos color restoration option. Many of the photos I had from the 70s were red tinted discolored. This checkbox automatically removed the tint and made them much clearer to see. It didn’t add much time. It took roughly 30 seconds or so to scan 4 photos in with color restoration on. Worth it. Another note here. Make sure you go inside the scanner and “remove the white plastic scanner mat”. The instructions are not very detailed and again, I kept receiving an error message “please remove the document mat and/or close the document cover”. I had no idea the white cover should be removed, nor was it mentioned anywhere on the instructions.

4. Getting a nice system going is your best bet, or break up the scanning into a few days. It really didn’t take as long as I thought it would once I get the pattern set up.

Some more overall thoughts;

  • The auto crop function is amazing. As long as you leave enough space between the photos you can scan in more than one photo at a time. Sometimes it didn’t detect it but its easy enough to crop. Previous scanners did not have this function and the Auto Crop is a HUGE time saver in backing your photos up.
  • The power button is located on the side, but the light is on the front. Kind of strange and I read online many people had issues finding it.
  • There is no “warm up” time like there is on many other scanners. This saves lots of time.
  • You can play with the settings in the software for quite some time. There are tons of options to get your images scanned in just right.
Always was a geek

Always was a geek – basic photo scanned in

Overall, if you are looking for a scanner to backup your family photos, or have the ability to scan in a weekly “throwback thursday” post. This scanner is perfect for the job. The quality of the images is great. I was pleased with this scanner and think you will be too. Make sure you set aside the time to get your memories backed up. You’ll feel awesome when it is done.  Make sure you set aside the time to get your memories backed up. You’ll feel awesome when it is done.


Epson Canada  has given me a Scanner to giveaway to one of you lucky readers! If you would like to get your photos backed up enter now!




Disclaimer: Epson Canada provided me a unit to review. My thoughts are my own. They are also providing the prize fulfillment for this contest. This giveaway is open to readers in Canada only.

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10 years ago

I like how you mentioned that this scanner is perfect for throwback thursday photos. There are so many TBT posts nowadays!

10 years ago

This motivates me to get cranking and scan my photos. I need to invest or win one first.

sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

Oh how I’ve always wished to have a scanner like this. I have albums and albums of old family photos that I’d like to scan on the computer and share on FB! I love love love the fact that you can scan negatives!

10 years ago

No warm up time, I like that, saves time and energy too

Amy Heffernan
Amy Heffernan
10 years ago

Would be so good for scanning all my family photos.

Andrea Amy
Andrea Amy
10 years ago

This would be awesome for scanning in all the thousands of pictures I have of my oldest 2 sons (before digital cameras were a thing lol). Thanks for the chance. Looks amazing.

10 years ago

This scanner would be perfect for scanning my old baby pics!

Yuen Chik
Yuen Chik
10 years ago

This would be perfect for my family photos!

Carol Oddy
Carol Oddy
10 years ago

Would be great to win this with all the photos I have from years ago!!

Carol Oddy
Carol Oddy
10 years ago

Love this contest, scanner would come in handy with all my old photos.

10 years ago

This would be perfect for scanning pictures from my childhood!

sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

This would look so cool in my home office 🙂

Eldon L
Eldon L
10 years ago

Thanks for the chance!

Paresh Pandya
Paresh Pandya
10 years ago

looks like a cool tool to have for photo buffs

jay nelson
jay nelson
10 years ago

I have a large number of historical family photos and I would love to have “safe” copies which I can hang on the wall without fearing that I may damage the originals.

Edmond Leung
Edmond Leung
10 years ago

. To scan my art work to work. SOS. Help. Pick me, pick me! Your next winner!!! Show me the money!!! It would be a dream come true & means more to me than anyone else to win. Starving artist here desperately needs the Epson to work & eat again. Winner, winnner. Chicken dinner. A life changing experience. Top of my bucket list. Thanks for the awesomeness, the contest, & generosity. Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest!

Paresh P
Paresh P
10 years ago

the technology has come a long way since 20 years ago

10 years ago

This scanned would be well-used for my pictures from the 80’s!

Carol Oddy
Carol Oddy
10 years ago

Would love to win this prize, it will really be put to work on all my old photos.

sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

Would love to scan my kids artwork with this!

Yuen C
Yuen C
10 years ago

I still have my 15+ year old scanner, its huge!

sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

My current scanner doesn’t scan sharp images anymore….really need to upgrade!

10 years ago

My old scanner is quite finicky lately 🙁

Eldon L
Eldon L
10 years ago

Would love to try this scanner

10 years ago

I would scan old family photos from the 1960s with this scanner!

debbie paisley
debbie paisley
10 years ago

I like that there is no warm up time.

10 years ago


sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

Would love to try an Epson product!

10 years ago

This would be good for backing up hardcopies of photos

Yuen C
Yuen C
10 years ago

Thanks for the chance!

Carol Oddy
Carol Oddy
10 years ago

Just read Dying for light, do you really like zombie games?

sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

I love the auto crop function in this! Being able to scan more than one photo is such a time saver!

Casey E. Palmer
Casey E. Palmer
10 years ago

Way to scan old negatives in without bogging down my precious RAM?


Judy Cowan
Judy Cowan
10 years ago

This sounds like a great scanner, I would love to be able to copy a bunch of our old family photos. The Color Restoration feature is something I really like.

10 years ago

This scanner would be great for photos of my grandparents! They are celebrating their 50th anniversary!

10 years ago

a great piece of tech for the gadget lover

leah m
leah m
10 years ago

My current scanner is quite outdated. This reminds me I need to start looking around for a new one. They are such useful tools!

10 years ago

This would be wonderful. I have lots of old photos that I found recently that I need to scan.

sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

I have lots of photo for which I’d be using colour restoration! Oh to get them to look like new again!

Carol Oddy
Carol Oddy
10 years ago

Have years of old photos that I could use this scanner on, would be so excited if I won!! Want to put together a scrapbook for my son, he will be 28years old in September 11/2014. His Sixteenth birthday was celebrated with the planes going into the tower in New York, that is all every-one was talking about!!

Yuen C
Yuen C
10 years ago

I found lots of old photos in my basement, would love to scan it with this scanner!

10 years ago

I have a lot of old family pictures that need to be scanned! This scanner would be perfect!

Carol Oddy
Carol Oddy
10 years ago

Thank you very much for this contest, would use the scanner with a whole lot of old pictures of my son, want to make him a scrapbook.

Eldon L
Eldon L
10 years ago

I could use this scanner for my old family pics!

10 years ago

This would also be good for scanning receipts

heidi c.
heidi c.
10 years ago

I would love to win this to scan all my family pics!

sarah sar
sarah sar
10 years ago

Very handy for the home office too…scan memo notes, receipts, bills, etc!

Yuen C
Yuen C
10 years ago


10 years ago

awesome contest

Cathy C
Cathy C
10 years ago

Wow I have a stack of old photos I would love to scan and save. My parents would like multiple copies of so many pictures and this would make the job so much easier!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x