What Mario Kart Would Look Like In Real Life

What Mario Kart Would Look Like In Real Life

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

hehehe 🙂 Now thats some great cosplay. Maybe I should pull out the old wii again and play a round or two.. 🙂 Mario Kart is such a fun game.


what mario kart would look like in real life

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Sze Liu
Sze Liu
12 years ago

Awesome! Luv Mario Kart!

D. Square
D. Square
12 years ago

No Mario. ;(

12 years ago


Jennisha Simmons
Jennisha Simmons
12 years ago


Zariya Glover
Zariya Glover
12 years ago


fattaneh arjmand
fattaneh arjmand
12 years ago

I WAnna it ,maybe …For have fun day !
??  ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????? !

John Stoddart
John Stoddart
12 years ago

SO awesome!

Jamie Taylor
Jamie Taylor
12 years ago


Taylor Suratt
Taylor Suratt
12 years ago

Double Dash is still the best, although multiplayer on the N64 is a lot of fun too.

Katie Wright
Katie Wright
12 years ago

I need to do that, too. Mario Kart Wii, Wahoo!

George Kozi
George Kozi
12 years ago

lol +Amanda Blain my bike looks like this: www.lammertdevries.nl/assets/easy%20rider.jpg

not quite the same, but not far away… and no… I don't have a mustache…

Jay Cantu
Jay Cantu
12 years ago

too funny

James Mapley
James Mapley
12 years ago


Victor Luiz S B
Victor Luiz S B
12 years ago

kkkkkk  very fun. ( Mario Kart ) 🙂 I LiKE

Hannah Sibson
Hannah Sibson
12 years ago

hillarious LOL

Janne Petkovski
Janne Petkovski
12 years ago

So Amanda,  you are in the girlfriend social… Could you hook me up with a girlfriend like ….. say… you! 😉

Ellyssia Mills
Ellyssia Mills
12 years ago

lol thats cool, is peach……a MAN?

Ricardo Detroit
Ricardo Detroit
12 years ago


Pablo Tavarez
Pablo Tavarez
12 years ago

hahahahah xD tan pasao

amiraca goode
amiraca goode
12 years ago

so who's going to win

Stacy Stutz
Stacy Stutz
12 years ago

My sister and I love to play that together… she kicks my tail every single time 😉 

Aaron Brown
Aaron Brown
12 years ago

So the question is did the guy playing peach, win or loose the roll?

Alex Zinovenko
Alex Zinovenko
12 years ago

My bets are on Peach to win!

Ricardo Detroit
Ricardo Detroit
12 years ago

haha yea

Ricardo Detroit
Ricardo Detroit
12 years ago

i like that game too

Rob Elliott
Rob Elliott
12 years ago

Hell the princess is looking rough

Sarah Gregorzewski
Sarah Gregorzewski
12 years ago

princess is winnig

12 years ago

r .. o  … u .. g … h

No, that's not how you spell 'pretty'.
, you are doing it wrong. 🙂

Rob Elliott
Rob Elliott
12 years ago

I think I need another beer then

12 years ago

Yes Rob, do try to catch up, we are on the fourth round.

Abby Israel
Abby Israel
12 years ago

i wish i could have been apart of that race I love this game!

Thomas Fritts Jr.
Thomas Fritts Jr.
12 years ago

Looks like the Princess needs to bleach her roots!

Sarah Gregorzewski
Sarah Gregorzewski
12 years ago

i love the princess

Rob Elliott
Rob Elliott
12 years ago

Sorry Ash. It is only 6.30 am here!

Jennifer Lambert
Jennifer Lambert
12 years ago


12 years ago

Rob, the sun is past the yard arm here.
You can have the next one for me 🙂

George Davis
George Davis
12 years ago

Yoshi FTW!

Khalia Sulker
Khalia Sulker
12 years ago

thats funny lol

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Yeh.. Yoshi Rocks… But the girl in me often picked princes… 🙂

Abby Israel
Abby Israel
12 years ago

i liked peach but she was so slow i felt like they always cheated for mario lol but of course i was being competitive

toton jon
toton jon
12 years ago

interesting .

Rigoberto Islas
Rigoberto Islas
12 years ago


Michelle Bruner
Michelle Bruner
12 years ago


era iris
era iris
12 years ago

funny sht ha

Madison Todd
Madison Todd
12 years ago


Emily Manning
Emily Manning
12 years ago

Several fatalities reported today on Rainbow Row, but still at record lows for the month

jordanna ponici
jordanna ponici
12 years ago

thats super cool!

Taylor Lee
Taylor Lee
12 years ago


Julia swan
Julia swan
12 years ago

lol thats hysterical

ndidi agbogu
ndidi agbogu
12 years ago

That looks so weird

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