There are two rules for success…..
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Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
Haha I like this one! ^_^
Dat's so true..
Yes nice quote…
Love it!
very true lines
That's cool…;)
gotta keep them on the edge of their seats 🙂
what's that point to?
Like it! 😉
wow… it should be very secret!.
maybe…..don't know exactly
Then you have nothing to say.
haha awesome
“Gift of knowledge is far higher gift than that of food & clothes; it is even higher than giving life"
oh,i understand what's that mean.hehe
what is the other rule? never say anything you do not know?
A, I see it. it is fun hihi. there are two…. but just one in there. haha
You bring smile to evreybody, good luck to you.
sad, but true, and those who think they know it all, are the meanest!!!
never reveal everything you know!
That not a good view in my opinion
I Agree
Ah the chant of the protectionist crony.
Nice one
What happened to number 2? 🙂
& what is the other one??? :-{
we won't know because then he will breaking rule 1.
haha :-{ +Hassan Mohajer, it is a funny symbol.
Ha ha
i like
What is it?
Absolutely true… very true…! but really i never do implemented.. tht's why………….now shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…
other one?
I learnt this the hard way.
"SUPERLIKE" 😀 :)))))))
I know dt explain symbols is one unplesant thing…can som1 help me out lemme share d fun…
Amanda Dear! U r very beautiful. u have good chance to be popular.
Good one!!!
you think it is for life or work?
Where is the missing one?
oh yeah…