*How To Master The Video Games*
by Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
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I remember playing Pong back in the 70's. Fossilized bones of that game are now being dug up by archaeologists!
Donkey Kong was my first… on Colecovision
Must've been Super Mario Bros. 1. I wonder if the tips in this book still apply today… ha.
My dad (a master of Asteroids) owned an arcade in the early 80s/late 70s and we had our first video game system at home in the 70s. Pong Tele-Games ftw!
TMNT 2 on arcade for me
King Quest 😀
Pong on the atari
I played Pong…. lot's and lots of Pong…
it's all there was…
Ah, when gaming didn't have choices lol
Fwiw: I still have my original Atari. Not sure why, though.
river raid, and pele's soccer.
Pong.. or maybe Space Invaders, in an arcade in Sydney, Australia.
I think it would be an ancient handheld version of Space Invaders… I say "handheld" and not "portable" because it didn't have batteries, just an AC adaptor…. it was weird, but awesome as a little kid.
Super Mario Bros NES
wow..I had that book.
I had that book way back when. Makes me sad that it's long gone now.
Pong, Space Invaders, Pac-Man – then games became too complicated for me! LOL
Pong on a TV Game device, followed by Commodore Vic 20 games, like Centipede, City Bomber, and Duke Nukem on the C64. Then Duke Nukem on the PC, and finally, I only play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory on the PC now.
"The Video Games" is rich!
Also, , I may have had that book…
Hottest tips on Pac-man… "Run away from the ghosts: if you see a ghost, move away from it as quickly as possible. Also, eat the fruit."
MineStorm on Vectrex
OMG! I'm looking at this exact book on my shelf right now.
('cept mine doesn't have the fancy "includes the hottest tips on Pac-Man" cover blurb)
Must have been Pong. I remember playing it at the house of a cousin. Still like the simplicity of it. Next I remember playing Pac-Man at one of those Atari arcade machines during vacation in Spain.
Pong was the first video game I ever played.
what the
I also had this one: Mattel Electronics Handheld Games || Auto Race (1976)
The Legend of Zelda on my NES. I was the happiest boy, my cousins had an atari and I was the first with a Nintendo.
loll 🙂 Thats what i was thinking.. EAT FRUIT…
Lots of pong players…. I remember pong… but i cant say it was one that i super PLAYED… Pitfall! has more of a memory for me on the atari..
When a quarter could buy 5 minutes of happiness.
The first system we owned was my grandparent's intellivision with asteroids… Don't remember the first i'd ever played though… I think "math blaster" on the apple IIe…
I'm looking up my first TV game system and I can't find it anywhere. It apparently didn't official exist? (Still looking) It was two huge boxes (each the size of a small shoebox) with faux-wood trim and dials for controllers. One was the master controller, which picked the game settings, the other the competitor.
From 1983 to 1985 I worked in the video game section of a mall retailer. A big part of my job was demonstrating video games to convince people that the systems were worth buying. We had the Atari 2600 and 5200, the Intellivision, and the Colecovision for most of my tenure there. As jobs go, it wasn't too bad. 🙂
Combat. My dad opened our Atari before Christmas. It's the first and last time he ever showed interest in video games. And I think I have that book.
HTMTVG's features tips on Astro Blaster, Astro Fighter, Centipede, Galaxian, Gorf, Moon Cresta, Phoenix, Pleiades, Space Invaders (1 and 2!), Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Defender, Scramble, Space Fury, Space Odyssey, Star Castle, Armor Attack, Berzerk, Pac-Man, Rally-X, Targ, Venture (my personal fav), Wizard of Wor, Monoco GP, Sky Raider, Space Zap, Battlezone, Crazy Climber and Missile Command. _phew!_
My first video game would have been The Adventures of LoLo. It was the only time I got to spend with my grandfather before he died and ill always remember that.
Lloyds pong in the 70s
I used to own THAT book! Ah, memories…
Space War! 🙂
Actually, the first one I remember was Pong.
Own it.
I can't believe no one has said Galaga!
Just checked it out on Google Books which lets you search the content. Tried a bunch of different words like "robot, wizard, mushroom, player" etc. and it brings up the pages where these words occur. Oddly the word "fun" wasn't in the book?
pong, but frogger on atari is what i would consider my first
Galaga was years later.
Since I am quite a bit younger than most pong players here. I'm gonna have to say Pico was the first game system I remember playing. Winnie the Pooh and Ecco Jr. were a few I remember the best on there. Not much else tho.
PONG on my uncle's GIANT PC connected to their GIANT COLOUR television (he worked at Nortel when it was hip) … I spend my summers there and felt like a "rich kid" then it was back to school on the radio shack pc with cassette loaded math games.
good times… good times….