Every Single Thing About This Video Game Graphic Rocks

Every Single Thing About This Video Game Graphic Rocks

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Including the boom headshort ♥
Pure Pwnage "FPS Doug" and Geek Girl FTW 😀

every single thing about this video game graphic rocks

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Rebecca Schofield
Rebecca Schofield
12 years ago

Now if only I could get it to work….

Samuel Lugo Bueno
Samuel Lugo Bueno
12 years ago

Boom Headshot*

Melissa Bryan
Melissa Bryan
12 years ago

Oh yay!  You dug up an old xkcd gem.  I have always loved this one.  Actually, it's one of my favorites!  Possibly because it includes two girls gaming… Lots of win!

michelle moore
michelle moore
12 years ago


Chris Aultman
Chris Aultman
12 years ago

<3 war strategy and nachos.

Juan Martinez
Juan Martinez
12 years ago


Michael Babcock
Michael Babcock
12 years ago

Reasons to use CAT-5(6) for your gaming … 😉

Bill Thruman
Bill Thruman
12 years ago

I remember my first wifi modem would stop working when the microwave was on it was quite annoying

Jack Burgin
Jack Burgin
12 years ago


Christopher Calvert
Christopher Calvert
12 years ago

The lesson here: friends don't let friends game over 802.11 2.4GHz band. Cordless phones, microwaves… what could possibly go wrong? 5GHz FTW.

Matthew Books
Matthew Books
12 years ago

Alright, I admit it. That was good.

Rick Curbelo
Rick Curbelo
12 years ago

Bah! Real-Time gaming over wifi in the first place…

Bucky O'Hair
Bucky O'Hair
12 years ago


Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Yeh.. its an older comic.. But still makes me smile 🙂

Yan Gilbert
Yan Gilbert
12 years ago

Luv it 🙂

iesha dent
iesha dent
12 years ago

what up

summer anderson
summer anderson
12 years ago

good job with this post amanda blain

Stuart Duff
Stuart Duff
12 years ago

Its the gaming equivalent of running a tap while someone is in the shower 😛

Ahmed Nafisul Bari
Ahmed Nafisul Bari
12 years ago

BOOOM ! ! !

iesha dent
iesha dent
12 years ago

what up

Balram Dabas
Balram Dabas
12 years ago

so good

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago


Bucky O'Hair
Bucky O'Hair
12 years ago

I want Nachos now 🙁

Carla Betlem
Carla Betlem
12 years ago

That's funny.

Scott Molloy
Scott Molloy
12 years ago

Nice one. We used to use a little app way back in the dial-up gaming days of early EverQuest. All you needed was someone's IP (which we got from ICQ for example) and we'd nuke people into link-death. Easy pickins!   🙂

Screw Muggz
Screw Muggz
12 years ago

Hahahaa i love it!

Pavlos Papageorgiou
Pavlos Papageorgiou
12 years ago

Always use the cable!

Adam Guerbuez
Adam Guerbuez
12 years ago

looking for marry

Thresa Schriefer
Thresa Schriefer
12 years ago


Daniel Campbell
Daniel Campbell
12 years ago

Amanda you do great post!

krupal baraiya
krupal baraiya
12 years ago

nice 1 🙂

Thulacksha Thayarooban
Thulacksha Thayarooban
12 years ago

smart chick! LOL

Steve Tose
Steve Tose
12 years ago

What was the mouseover text from this one? Anyone know which number comic this was? Great post +Amanda Blain 

emileide santos de jesus
emileide santos de jesus
12 years ago

Gostaria de enteder o q vcs dizem……

suraj casey
suraj casey
12 years ago


Nicholas Gatewood
Nicholas Gatewood
12 years ago

Oh my god, I just went to the microwave to heat up some food and my sister was playing trashy music on her laptop in the kitchen. I asked her to turn it down, she didn't, I started heating up the food and her music stop. Literally happened ten minutes ago, this is the first time I've ever learned of this. What luck, right?

budi santosa
budi santosa
12 years ago

Ha ha ha ..,

Jordan Gill
Jordan Gill
12 years ago

And Kids. This is why you never get distracted with games!.. And have friends!

Luke Tinker
Luke Tinker
12 years ago

Haha love it

rajendra pradhan
rajendra pradhan
12 years ago


Patrick Wong
Patrick Wong
12 years ago


Yago Benítez
Yago Benítez
12 years ago


Mahesh Singh
Mahesh Singh
12 years ago

hi how are u dear

Elisan Ramon
Elisan Ramon
12 years ago


Raju Bhaiya
Raju Bhaiya
12 years ago

Hi Im Fine How Ara You

louise huelin
louise huelin
12 years ago

i love it

raj rajesh
raj rajesh
12 years ago


Mustafa Chelsea
Mustafa Chelsea
12 years ago

hahaha booom in the head

Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar
12 years ago

nice baby

Komarudin Neymar
Komarudin Neymar
12 years ago


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