Every Single Thing About This Video Game Graphic Rocks
by Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
Business Owner & Geek Girl. Likes Technology, Virtual Reality, Video Games & Social Media. Previously Famous on the Internet I'm press at a few places. I own this site, World Of Geek Stuff -https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com and Girlfriend Social - https://www.girlfriendsocial.com
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Now if only I could get it to work….
Boom Headshot*
Oh yay! You dug up an old xkcd gem. I have always loved this one. Actually, it's one of my favorites! Possibly because it includes two girls gaming… Lots of win!
<3 war strategy and nachos.
Reasons to use CAT-5(6) for your gaming … 😉
I remember my first wifi modem would stop working when the microwave was on it was quite annoying
The lesson here: friends don't let friends game over 802.11 2.4GHz band. Cordless phones, microwaves… what could possibly go wrong? 5GHz FTW.
Alright, I admit it. That was good.
Bah! Real-Time gaming over wifi in the first place…
Yeh.. its an older comic.. But still makes me smile 🙂
Luv it 🙂
what up
good job with this post amanda blain
Its the gaming equivalent of running a tap while someone is in the shower 😛
BOOOM ! ! !
what up
so good
I want Nachos now 🙁
That's funny.
Nice one. We used to use a little app way back in the dial-up gaming days of early EverQuest. All you needed was someone's IP (which we got from ICQ for example) and we'd nuke people into link-death. Easy pickins! 🙂
Hahahaa i love it!
Always use the cable!
looking for marry
Amanda you do great post!
nice 1 🙂
smart chick! LOL
What was the mouseover text from this one? Anyone know which number comic this was? Great post +Amanda Blain
Gostaria de enteder o q vcs dizem……
Oh my god, I just went to the microwave to heat up some food and my sister was playing trashy music on her laptop in the kitchen. I asked her to turn it down, she didn't, I started heating up the food and her music stop. Literally happened ten minutes ago, this is the first time I've ever learned of this. What luck, right?
Ha ha ha ..,
And Kids. This is why you never get distracted with games!.. And have friends!
Haha love it
hi how are u dear
Hi Im Fine How Ara You
i love it
hahaha booom in the head
nice baby