4 Steps To Being Awesome At Google Plus In 15 Minutes A Day

4 Steps To Being Awesome At Google Plus In 15 Minutes A Day

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

New to Google Plus? Not quite sure you ‘get it’ yet? Use other networks like Twitter or Facebook? Make a commitment to spend 15 minutes that you would normally spend on those sites, here on Gplus for 2 weeks. In those 15 minutes do these following 4 steps. Anyone who actually does these things will love it here. Try it. I Dare you.

1. Create Yourself – Fully Complete your Profile. Do not skip this step. Post a photo of yourself, people like talking to other people. Decide which interests you would like to focus on, on G+. Pick some Hobbies, Work, General Categories etc. Think things like Photography, Geek, Tech, Android Fan, Tv shows you like, Your Career (Real estate agent, Tech Support, Business Owner), Art, Gaming, Wine Lover, Cat person Or the City You Live In.  Write all those down in your about section. People can quickly scan and determine that you might have some stuff in common and then easily circle you back. Spend a few moments on this. Seriously.

2. Join Some Communities  and Post Often – Those interests you picked in Step 1? Do a Search in the bar up at the top and select “communities” from the drop down box. There are communities here from Body Painting, To Zombies To Space. Join a few and visit them often.  Find interesting articles to share, you tube videos, pictures and make posts about these interests into these communities. Add some of your own thoughts to the post instead of simply sharing a link.   Use pictures. Google Images is a good source. G+ likes pictures.   When not posting into a community make Public posts on your profile. Make sure the post is “public” and not “your circles”. Public is like twitter, Everyone can read them.

3. Follow Others – Find other people who have similar interest as you and circle them first.  Add people whose posts you like from the communities you joined. If you are not finding enough people in them, Go up to the search bar and type in those interests you picked in step 1. Game of thrones, Web development, wine, zombies, Michael Jackson. People here are fans and they are talking about it. Circle up at least 500 People. 1000 is still golden. Look for some circle shares to add groups of people easily.  These people you are circling will likely all be strangers. Get over that. You do NOT need to know people in real life to talk about Android or Cooking, but you can have a great conversation. Perhaps even better than with local ‘real life friends’. Try it.

4. Engage others – Go up and down your stream right now and Reshare neat things, comment, click the link, read the story, comment on other peoples comments or mention others who might like that post. +1s generally mean you read it and agree. Do that too.. but most prefer to you to comment on their post in some way. Try and make comments better than “lol” but engage other people in some way.  This is the most important step in my opinion  You need to be engaging and social to others 5X more than you are posting your own content. I still do this almost every day.  Remember to mute the post if the conversation is not interesting to you anymore with the drop down arrow at the top right of every post.

Rinse and Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 daily for best results. This will take some time to get started, but its fun.Do it regularly with those 15 minutes and You can make connections that will completely change your life. Do not be shocked when you notice you are investing more and more time here. I haven’t even talked about Hangouts yet!

Google Plus is a truly amazing website if you follow these steps, but feel free to tweak as necessary or add in your best advice for connecting below.  Make Google Plus yours.


*The people who tend to not ‘get’ Google Plus*
1) Don’t have a completed public profile
2) Post once every 2 weeks (what would your Twitter look like if you tweeted once every 2 weeks?) You don’t need to stop using the other sites you use, but you DO need to spend some time here, regularly.
3) Broadcast only – Never talk to anyone else here, do nothing but post links to their blog and expect people to be clicking their stories and commenting on their stuff when there is a HUGE stream of information going by. It will not happen here.

Gplus is VERY give and take.. .a true SOCIAL website. Spend a few moments developing relationships with the above steps and you WILL have people visiting your blog without you asking/self promoting. Promise.


Please feel free to  share with your circles and new friends on G+. I have been writing and rewriting this guide to Google Plus since October, 2011.  http://bit.ly/130eB1p  Enjoy.

#gplustips #ghosttown #googleplustips #magicofgplusgoogle1

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Ian Cleary
Ian Cleary
11 years ago

Hey Amanda,

Thanks for the tips. It’s easy to post your content up there but being a genuine member of communities takes more time but I’m sure will yield more benefits. Time for me to focus more on Google +, thanks for the nudge.


David Jón Fuller
David Jón Fuller
11 years ago

Hi Amanda: This is really helpful. I was on Google+ for months without really understandign how to use it. Recently I’ve started getting into the communities (which I didn’t know existed!) but am still trying to figure out how to order my “circles” — I originally had them by my relationship to people, but that doesn’t quite make sense now, as most people in my circles are going to be strangers. Do you recommend organizing / naming circles by interests? That’s the way I’m leaning, but I want to get really organized before I aim to add 500 people.

Stefon Reid
Stefon Reid
11 years ago

So cool…

Bearman Cartoons
Bearman Cartoons
11 years ago

My rule #1.  Everything you know about Facebook is NOT Google Plus

Bob Schlaefer
Bob Schlaefer
11 years ago

Pretty well set in the awesome department! 🙂

gs prakash
gs prakash
11 years ago


Michael Hodge
Michael Hodge
11 years ago

Stop thinking about it but be about it. Make things happen. Group Hug.

Bobby Powell
Bobby Powell
11 years ago

Excellent post,  !  I was one of those people who came here first, looked around and saw no one to interact with, so I left.  I came back, put in a little effort and.. lo and behold, people actually engage back!  I have since brought a few people over, but I do favor the gradual move of users based on those ideas that you highlight above, rather than a mindless exodus from other networks.  Let the quality build up gradually!

Grant Wickes
Grant Wickes
11 years ago

Well said and summarized . Interestingly, I was just texting with my daughter this evening (3rd year college) about G+ and that she should set one up. I will send this post so she can understand thing better. No doubt it will help get started. Marvelous and thanks!

Anna Phommatham
Anna Phommatham
11 years ago

I agree!…

James Nussbaum
James Nussbaum
11 years ago

I've got a shovel. I can dig it!

Shell Karecki
Shell Karecki
11 years ago

Say What???  LOL!!

Trudy Connor
Trudy Connor
11 years ago

A great post

I have fallen behind
Moving has interrupted my time here
Where did all these boxes come from…

Where can I put them all…

Jeremiah Lee
Jeremiah Lee
11 years ago

I've been doing these things recently. You just have to invest time in it.

jeremy mayse
jeremy mayse
11 years ago

I think I fall into the not awesome catagory, but atleast I have people who do. ; )

Christopher Lira
Christopher Lira
11 years ago
daswar springfield
daswar springfield
11 years ago

 i don't think about it….

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
11 years ago

Only when you forget to mute   🙂

Christopher Lira
Christopher Lira
11 years ago

Lol I usually wait till at least 5 hai dears, 3 beautiful eyes, or 2 goats and a tshirt before I mute 😉

Margie D Casados
Margie D Casados
11 years ago

Some awesome tips  .  Sending Smiles:))) And Thanks for sharing:)

Rob Mobberley
Rob Mobberley
11 years ago

great post. Thank you. Made me realise how much I had let my time here slip. Will be getting more active again now but in a much more meaningful way.

Gary Rudd
Gary Rudd
11 years ago

Or fake it till you make it!!

Darcy Zalewski
Darcy Zalewski
11 years ago

You are so right about the time increase here after awhile. I do need to work on my circles again since I did not know what I was doing when I started.

Deb Sturgess
Deb Sturgess
11 years ago

I find more worthwhile content on G+ in 15 minutes than in an hour on Facebook.

K.C. Marsh
K.C. Marsh
11 years ago

Great tips, LOL! 😉

ajay dembla
ajay dembla
11 years ago

In what manner pls define. I want to be…………….?

Suresh.s SureshSanmugam
Suresh.s SureshSanmugam
11 years ago

i like but true

Nimeshka Srimal
Nimeshka Srimal
11 years ago

very informative…thanks for this post.

Derek Ross
Derek Ross
11 years ago

Great tips as usual  😉 Keep rockin'!

samuel wang
samuel wang
11 years ago

yeah ,that's so right ,i'm so awesome

Tom Finley
Tom Finley
11 years ago

This is a really really great post ! Thank you very much.

Naveen Sivakumaran
Naveen Sivakumaran
11 years ago

Awesome "to-the-point" post ! Lovin' it! Will pay it forward for sure!

Franklin Saplamaeff
Franklin Saplamaeff
11 years ago

this is a great list to follow!! thank you!

Dhiraj Sharma
Dhiraj Sharma
11 years ago

i send u friend request form facebook ok..

Uyen Vu
Uyen Vu
11 years ago

If I am a man, I love you so much.   (Smile…).

Trenton Gold
Trenton Gold
11 years ago

I'd say this sums it up quite well. I had the hardest time convincing relatives to join Google+. I left Facebook a couple of months ago, and haven't looked back. My wife is on Google+, as are most of my inner and extended family.

Butch Champ
Butch Champ
11 years ago

Thanks for sharing. .. I needed some help .

amit Mistri
amit Mistri
11 years ago

is i mean it

Derek Shuart
Derek Shuart
11 years ago

Truly awesome — tomorrow will be the start of my G+ experience the right way simple, honest, a little TLC… 🙂 many thanks.. Amanda Blain

Rachel Hill
Rachel Hill
11 years ago

I think this is why my friends come here and then leave – they don't get you have to make an effort on G+. On FB it's all 'let's look at the funny pictures of cats and massage egos.' I come here for the brains <zombie alert> 😀

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
11 years ago

Well people forget that they had to invest time into their real life friends… 🙂 now you can see their daily lunch and what their kid did… but maybe they dont like the same tv shows you do… you can find others like you on G+… but you WILL have to invest some time in developing that friendship 🙂

people forget that for some reason.. 🙂

Mitch Contla
Mitch Contla
11 years ago

Thanks for the great tips!

Pedro Sanchez
Pedro Sanchez
11 years ago

Like your post Amanda , yes you must be social and have positive actitude to communicate with people.

Justinus Andjarwirawan
Justinus Andjarwirawan
11 years ago

how to be awesome?

arbab ali
arbab ali
11 years ago


cepi muhammad
cepi muhammad
11 years ago


Jane Harris
Jane Harris
11 years ago

Thanks, this is great.
It's as you said – go back to the basics and FULLY complete your profile with interests, hobbies etc. this is what I'll be doing as it seems as though my G+ has stood still for a while now! I certainly don't want that to continue and would love more from my G+.
Keep up the good work, and thanks again.

Rudi Brits
Rudi Brits
11 years ago


Nick Mills
Nick Mills
11 years ago

awesome too

Irma Shaw
Irma Shaw
11 years ago


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