10 Lessons Learned This Weekend Camping With my Family

10 Lessons Learned This Weekend Camping With my Family

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

1) I appreciate my bed… or those with air mattresses.
2) Babies spit cereal into their Aunts eye more than they eat.
3) There really is Internet everywhere in Canada.
4) Google Android app although cool… needs some work.
5) Tim Horton are within a 15 min drive… everywhere in Canada.
6) Nieces repeatedly ask to be taken to the bathroom… just so you can walk by the park.
7) Nature is still awesome.
8) Rain can always find that hole in the tent.
9) Mud sucks when packing up your car.
10) Quality time with family in nature = Priceless.

10 lessons learned this weekend camping with my family

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Scott Reiboldt
Scott Reiboldt
13 years ago


Michael Marciano
Michael Marciano
13 years ago

Very Well Said !!!!

Sean Cowen
Sean Cowen
13 years ago

Perfect list, and much of it sounds familiar.

Martin Bellinger
Martin Bellinger
13 years ago

ah such luxuries ! of the outdoor life

joanne pilborough
joanne pilborough
13 years ago

All completely true and universal.

Steve Gundy
Steve Gundy
13 years ago

Which android app was it.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
13 years ago

the Google Plus app 🙂

Mtl Anglo
Mtl Anglo
13 years ago

We think the Tim Horton's are reproducing too fast- soon there will be nothing but Tim's across Canada

Jannifer Stoddard
Jannifer Stoddard
13 years ago

Wow, what beautiful scenery!!

Saadat Wahid
Saadat Wahid
13 years ago

Really very interesting findings! Are not they, especially about the internet and Google Android Apps – being the Android fan, I really feel astonished………………. rather perplexed

Ron Louch
Ron Louch
13 years ago

Elora Gorge ?

Brett Bjornsen
Brett Bjornsen
13 years ago

Sounds like you had a great time. I still think having ready access to Tim Hortons and the internet while camping is cheating 🙂
… but, I guess that's the connected world we live in these days.

Mohamed Mansour
Mohamed Mansour
13 years ago

Very sweet 🙂

Neil Barnsley
Neil Barnsley
13 years ago

Five straight weeks in a tent in winter is my record…………..I hear your pain

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