Someone, Somewhere... Owns This Indoor Pool

Someone, Somewhere… Owns This Indoor Pool

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Can you imagine?


someone somewhere owns this indoor pool

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Anthony Liggins
Anthony Liggins
12 years ago

this is nice

Siamak Manzarpour
Siamak Manzarpour
12 years ago


Danial Hallock
Danial Hallock
12 years ago

I'll trick myself into thinking that this is a resort or something; surely no one family owns this pool.

Oh, to be born into money… /wistful sigh

Malotte Edward
Malotte Edward
12 years ago

Nice place to relax!

Frank Nemecek
Frank Nemecek
12 years ago

The worst part is that someone is yet to invite me over. How rude!

Wallie Hawkins
Wallie Hawkins
12 years ago

A little jealous of that someone somewhere

Aaron Wood
Aaron Wood
12 years ago


John Maguire
John Maguire
12 years ago

Ummmm, +Amanda Blain how did you get past security and into my private indoor pool with a camera? I haven't even had a chance to share my own pics it on G+ myself yet lol

Joseph Hughes
Joseph Hughes
12 years ago

I'm betting  would let you rent this from him

Appleseed Humanity, Inc.
Appleseed Humanity, Inc.
12 years ago

Meh. No rubber duckie!

shahab Gorji
shahab Gorji
12 years ago

why not ? i have one king of that pool  
(in my dreams)

Trevor Sharp
Trevor Sharp
12 years ago

Well… it isn't me 🙁

Tim Miller
Tim Miller
12 years ago

It looks like those foundations under the columns take up most of the pool.

Michelle Price
Michelle Price
12 years ago

I wish I was the owner..

Aaron Wood
Aaron Wood
12 years ago

LOL , we must share the same contractor.

javier mondragon
javier mondragon
12 years ago

a beer is missing on that picture

Marcy Massura
Marcy Massura
12 years ago

So funny. We looked at house today that had an indoor pool. I kept sorta laughing and thinking how weird it would be to actually be the kind of owner of an INDOOR POOL. 😉

Marc Jansen
Marc Jansen
12 years ago

I recently discovered Million Dollar Rooms on HGTV, and they showcase insane places like this all the the time.

Philip Dobson
Philip Dobson
12 years ago

looks commercial to me, maybe a spa. the fire alarms on the walls are commercial, the venting looks commercial. The multiple TVs say 'entertainment stations'. I would say a commercial entity likely owns this.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Everyone owns this pool…. but me 🙂 hehehe

Motavis Jones
Motavis Jones
12 years ago

I like the look but I couldn't swim in a straight line :/ 
I know I could take a nap though hehe

Aaron Wood
Aaron Wood
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain, #NOPOOLFORYOU ! 😉

John Maguire
John Maguire
12 years ago

No way +Aaron Wood! You have the same one?! I'm suing that contractor for breach of contract. He promised I would be the only one to have this indoor pool design. Now I'm going to have to demolish it and rebuild another…oh well, just chump change

Annika O'Brien
Annika O'Brien
12 years ago

That place is in Vegas!

Edward Lew
Edward Lew
12 years ago

Where is the jacuzzi?

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

who cares  someone somwhere still owns it right … ? 😛

Mohammed Aglan
Mohammed Aglan
12 years ago


John Maguire
John Maguire
12 years ago

Wait a minute +Aaron Wood, how about we have a live hangout on air…you go first and prove that this is "your" pool and I'll go second. But if you go first and don't have a pool then it proves its my pool and I won't have to show anything lol.

Charles McCloud
Charles McCloud
12 years ago


Drew Jones
Drew Jones
12 years ago

A client I had in Newport Beach had an indoor pool in his place, good times!

ben halcomb
ben halcomb
12 years ago


teagan ashworth
teagan ashworth
12 years ago

That's so awesome

Aaron Wood
Aaron Wood
12 years ago

, my webcam is busted and I spent all my money on the pool! You better go 1st while I get my cam fixed. lol

Chad Hunter
Chad Hunter
12 years ago

I have two in my apartment, you mean you don't?  😛

Hanley Wilcoxen
Hanley Wilcoxen
12 years ago

I hope there are skylights at least

hugh smith
hugh smith
12 years ago

What did monty python say "you lucky lucky bast@#t"

Kevin Moore
Kevin Moore
12 years ago

….only two Chad?… 🙂

Douglas Harry
Douglas Harry
12 years ago

I want a pool that goes from inside to outside.

Brandon Jackson
Brandon Jackson
12 years ago

Would love to party there!

Edward Lew
Edward Lew
12 years ago

Where is the dry sauna?

Maribeth Gabrinao
Maribeth Gabrinao
12 years ago


Alan Landucci-Ruiz
Alan Landucci-Ruiz
12 years ago

Honestly, it's not a good pool. It's pretty obvious it wasn't built for laps, but even for a party pool, the columns obscure view and their foundation take up too much space. They should at least build tables into the columns and maybe add a bar.

12 years ago

It's really life

Christopher Hewitt
Christopher Hewitt
12 years ago

or they are extremely proficient in 3d modelling and mentalray/vray.. this is way too cool to be real

John Maguire
John Maguire
12 years ago

Well +Aaron Wood you can ask +Amanda Blain my webcam doesnt work on my desktop either so I can only use my Galaxy Nexus phone cam (hence the nickname mobile guy)…however I dropped my phone in the pool – more proof its a pic of my pool lol

Chuck Fresh
Chuck Fresh
12 years ago

Been there

Edward Lew
Edward Lew
12 years ago

Where is the steam room?

Jason Dreyer
Jason Dreyer
12 years ago

Can only imagine. Bet they hardly use it too.

Frank Crislip
Frank Crislip
12 years ago

It remind me of a roman bath house.

Philip Dobson
Philip Dobson
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain , sorry, I just mean there's no need to covet it, you just need to figure out where it is and then go there.  🙂

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