Should Famous People Do Their Own Social Media?

Should Famous People Do Their Own Social Media?

by Amanda Blain
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Recently it was revealed that  does not do all his social media, but in fact has a team of people creating content and sharing things out for him.I know many many many(most?) social media “big names” do the same thing. They hire an intern or an assistant that does all the posting for them… and except very rarely, they personally would hardly know they have an account on the platform.

I partly understand why. The backlash you get as a ‘popular poster’ can sometimes be as depressing as reading tabloids about yourself and often show the worst parts of humanity….

But I personally still read it all. All the comments, all the mentions, all @ replied on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+.  I still find posts to create, add my own thoughts and share them on multiple platforms every day. I still plus one comments that people take the time to write, hangout publicly, Retweet others and follow back any person who makes any kind of effort.  It doesn’t take as long as you would think it would…. Some others do too…   , +Robert Scoble ,  and   are some names that come to mind that still  “take the time” even with huge audiences.

I really do think its sad that so many ‘famous people’ hire teams of people and still somehow can’t mention names directly, interact with you directly anywhere or follow you back on say Twitter. What are these teams doing all day long? If you are famous and you don’t have the time, get your PR teams to at least PRETEND to interact as you with say… an odd facebook like eh?

What do you think? Do you care if the “famous person” is really there or its just an intern / PR person? 🙂

Read more about the Takei Ghost Writer –

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Steve Berry
Steve Berry
11 years ago

i don't know any famous people to ask.

Tony Harriss
Tony Harriss
11 years ago

i no it

Maria B-R
Maria B-R
11 years ago

I would prefer if the person would actually make the posts and interact with their fans and stuff. But I understand that they're busy doing something, and they probably don't have the time to do it.

Steve Berry
Steve Berry
11 years ago

people who are curating social media posts tend to deliver content, instead of simple conversation. – it's not so bad if that's what you enjoy.

Bryan Fuselier
Bryan Fuselier
11 years ago

I quickly drop those accounts once I detect fake PR teams.

You're still here 🙂

Steve Berry
Steve Berry
11 years ago

amanda blain is famous the old school way. by being herself. not a team of social media experts curating her posts.

Vic Gundotra
Vic Gundotra
11 years ago

I don't have a team of people posting for me. I think you need to be real and authentic on social media if you want sustainable audiences.

Marcos Rivera
Marcos Rivera
11 years ago

And  just won the internet right now with that comment.

julio zelaye
julio zelaye
11 years ago

..or fake being real good…or real fake being good ..huh ! Pretty señorita ;)…. don't know

Rupert Wood
Rupert Wood
11 years ago

I kinda accept most celebs don't interact and have interns doing the work. those that I follow I follow for news on them, not to connect with them and accept they're just using social media to broadcast their message.
tho it's great seeing celebs who do get it and do interact. my faves are on twitter Bruce Campbell & Stephen Fry who both make good efforts to engage with their audience as well as providing fun content.

Steve Berry
Steve Berry
11 years ago

I'll be honest, i don't really want to have a conversation with britany spears. i doubt she and I would get along 😛

Eddie Mohan
Eddie Mohan
11 years ago

, to me it's the difference between whether I'm interacting with a real person or just their ad agency…

Aaron McLin
Aaron McLin
11 years ago

I have to say that I don't really care. It would be cool if people did their own social media work, but I also understand the risks in not having everything vetted by PR and Legal before it goes live. So as much as I think that people should do this for themselves, it's the expectations of the broader society that I think get in the way.

Helena Smith
Helena Smith
11 years ago

engage and participate or go away, that is what I would say to any celebrity… fame may make a celebrity but it does not make them think and it doesn't necessitate that we have to respect someone just because they are famous, if anything, these days we tend to think the reverse, however,  now if they have something original and interesting to say… all ears…

Scot Duke
Scot Duke
11 years ago

Would rather the Real person post in their space. Why are they here if they going to fake it?

Ben Zaitz
Ben Zaitz
11 years ago

I believe they should, in a perfect world. But tbh, I don't care too much about celebs on social media.

Chris Yates
Chris Yates
11 years ago

If they don't interact directly with their fans what's the point?! Fans don't want to talk with an intern!

I understand screening the massive replies but have someone filter them and pick some to interact with.

It's not that hard to be human.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
11 years ago

 you are another fabulous example of a super busy person with a huge audience who still takes the time ♥

Stephan Hovnanian
Stephan Hovnanian
11 years ago

those of "celebrity" status (including non-entertainment folk) need to treat themselves just like a brand. If they're going to hire a team, then that team needs to understand how to respond to [legitimate] criticism, and reward those who share and praise. If anything, the person behind the brand should be the one most involved in engaging with their audience, while the team coordinates everything else. I feel like that would be as authentic as you could get, should you need more hands than your own two to manage your social media footprint. My two cents.

Scott Serres
Scott Serres
11 years ago

Takei posts are boring he need a new team. I agree with you on  his posts seem genuine and intelligent a pleasure to follow as are you   keep up the good work and thank you.

Eustace James
Eustace James
11 years ago

I prefer not to follow a famous person's entourage. If you're not going to bother being present (even on a minimal basis), why bother?

Liz Quilty
Liz Quilty
11 years ago

bit disappointing about Takai to be honest, though he does a good part of it it seems  :/
Others are obviously ghost writers, and not overly good ones either.
I write for myself – even when sick 🙂

Gareth Cook
Gareth Cook
11 years ago

I'd be interested in a rich people's social media. Maybe with a below 55 age too.

Jake Kern
Jake Kern
11 years ago

It's usually part of the deal

I don't like the George Takei profile, but I don't hold it against him. I still enjoy his cameos. I just don't care about his social media presence.

However, I have so much respect for because it's her, she takes the time to interact, and she's down to earth. Recently she popped into one of the posts from & we all pretty much squealed with delight.

Celebrities can't be everywhere & do everything, but those who actually take the effort get so much respect from me.

Chris Lau
Chris Lau
11 years ago

 has great taste in music. Not only does he interact with his users when he can, but when you read his song picks he explains why he posted it.

John-Paul Craig
John-Paul Craig
11 years ago

Yes, I don't care at all what a persons publicist has to say. I only follow a person because I am interested in that person particularly.

gerd friedrich engelbrecht-hempelmann
gerd friedrich engelbrecht-hempelmann
11 years ago

In the end…Idc too much…I follow Kirk Douglas on MySpace and feel it is just a privilege to be on the same planet with this 95 yo guy…

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
11 years ago

She's another good one   It's always a good day when  stops by for a comment… 🙂 

But i do find it sad that we have a handful of names really that we can mention here out of "all the famous people in the world"… 🙂

Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
11 years ago

Yup, I am the only one who writes or responds or reads under my name online. I don't have a team. But, this is a pretty hard lifestyle for some if they have other parts of their life they want to focus on. I realize it's not for everyone and I realize that many just treat it as a business. I don't.

Ann Druce
Ann Druce
11 years ago

I think it's part of the celebrity life – like being seen at the "right" places or parties, they feel they have to be "seen" on social media, even if you aren't really interested.

But for people who appear to have opinions on issues or content, it would be nice to believe it was their own opinion, and not some spin they didn't even know about.

Rick Doyle
Rick Doyle
11 years ago

Is George Takei a famous person?

Robert Misner
Robert Misner
11 years ago

 Is it possible that you'd care more about celebs on social media if you actually believed you were dealing with a human being that just happened to be promoting some of their work?

Even Reddit AMA's stink of PR firms. Something that seemed "authentic and cool" when it was new has turned into some celebrities assistant doing their "research" and writing studio-approved answers. Right before a movie release, of course.

I don't follow anyone that I think is a PR firm, but I also don't look up commercials when I'm on YouTube or go outside just to find billboards to watch.

Jake Kern
Jake Kern
11 years ago

I find it special, actually. =)

When I get upset is when there are "social media famous" people who are too important to interact.

one of the biggest reasons you made it is because you've been interacting & working the public hangouts from the beginning. That's the way it should be…and I'm not going to tag the obvious offenders. ;]

Scott Serres
Scott Serres
11 years ago

Sweet Post i just found all the good people to circle Thanks! Everyone

Peter Scott
Peter Scott
11 years ago

Sometimes I think my comments make me sound like I'm someone else, like I'm perhaps trying to be cooler or sound more knowledgable than I really am. I guess in a sense I sometimes create my own internet assistant. Maybe that's as fake as the "famous" people!

kat Folland
kat Folland
11 years ago

I expect "famous" people to use assistants, but if they never do their own stuff, then it's like US magazine or something (a publication that utterly bewilders me lol). I appreciate people like you that have a very real presence.

Ben Zaitz
Ben Zaitz
11 years ago

Ha well said. Also it is possible, I spose. Though not a definite.

Mark Sabalauskas
Mark Sabalauskas
11 years ago

I could imagine that it might be useful for a busy celebrity to have an intern read the majority of  comment threads and pick out messages to respond to.  Esp. if they were the type of celebrity who was often going to attract hateful or lewd comments.

Other than that, it's not clear why you wouldn't want to be social on social media.

Sean Murray
Sean Murray
11 years ago

I let the NSA hack into my computer and do all my social media. Much easier.

Garrett Nicholas
Garrett Nicholas
11 years ago

Well I didn't read the rest of the comments but you don't have to be famous to be fake. You just have to be someone who considers other peoples opinions important.

Stephan Hovnanian
Stephan Hovnanian
11 years ago

that's more of what I was referring to in my earlier comment. Just managing the activity but leaving engagement to the real person.

Michael Molash
Michael Molash
11 years ago

If I somehow became famous, I would maintain my own pages and be myself.  Since I have no idea how involved it can be at different levels of fame, I cannot guarantee it would stay that way.  Or, I would do AMA's and stuff when I had time.  I can't imagine what fame is like to have from my perspective.  It is refreshing on this side to see people we admire and value take the time to do things themselves.  It seems more genuine.

Chris Yates
Chris Yates
11 years ago

is more famous than & he responds better 🙂

shadow joseph
shadow joseph
11 years ago

I think if you can't personally write Why bother letting someone else write who is to say what they could write

Laurel Lawson
Laurel Lawson
11 years ago

That's what happens when you start considering corporations as people and people as brands…

Calvin Lee
Calvin Lee
11 years ago

 I knew it! Zulu wasn't legit. I'm probably the only legit one left 🙂

miguel maldonado toro
miguel maldonado toro
11 years ago

Be who it may be, to each its own!

Stephanie Van Pelt
Stephanie Van Pelt
11 years ago

It can be pretty obvious when celebs manage their own accounts. Yes, we can enjoy the accounts managed by an intern if they're clever, but we truly engage with the ones that answer things themselves. And they get a reward from us, true interaction from their fans.

You can see the differences every time there's a reddit AMA. Ethan Hawke recently did an outstanding effort and delivered in his flybys. It must be fun for them too when they get the genuine give and take with their fans.

Wanda Tatum
Wanda Tatum
11 years ago

Yes .. So very true .. Great quote & I totally agree ..

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
11 years ago

  … I am Tooootally cool with this idea of an internet person going through it and saying  take a look at this and respond… Or something in that train of thought…  but thats not what goes on usually… Usually they don't respond or look at interactions ever… they are just producing content as ghost writers pretending to be the "important" person… 

Its the lack of interaction i find most disturbing…

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