*Is There Anything Better Than Airport Hugs?*

*Is There Anything Better Than Airport Hugs?*

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

People are so happy at airports…. that hug when you see someone you haven't seen in awhile… frozen in a moment… shown here below in this youtube I found.. are priceless…. 🙂

If you need a warm smiley feeling… watch below… The song is pretty awesomesauce too.


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sid sing
sid sing
12 years ago

romantic n sexy as well !

Darryl Griffith
Darryl Griffith
12 years ago

great vid to watch as I am hording an outlet in the airport like Gollum and his precious.

Scott Armstrong
Scott Armstrong
12 years ago

The I missed you so much hugs are the best!

Andrew Konietzky
Andrew Konietzky
12 years ago

The reason behind this is you SURVIVED the flight. You never see this with other forms of travel… except the Old West when there was dysentery. 😉

Aomar barache
Aomar barache
12 years ago

miss you so hug …and

joachim welker
joachim welker
12 years ago

If you like this you should watch "Love Actually" there in the sequel just scenes like these in the video are captured (and the movie is great as well 🙂

Rojer Peterson
Rojer Peterson
12 years ago


Tony Booth
Tony Booth
12 years ago

EasyJet B737 Take-Off from London Luton – Nice effects – THIS is cool also…

Fred Fernando
Fred Fernando
12 years ago

a hug from 🙂

Abdul Panganting
Abdul Panganting
12 years ago

 I was just gonna say that, actually. The intro and outro is a mashup of airport videos narrated by Hugh Grant.

Ahmed Rashidi
Ahmed Rashidi
12 years ago

:)* امر عظيم

agha sumair
agha sumair
12 years ago

never forget my love hug on airport last year love u ….

Toni San
Toni San
12 years ago

may be the last….

Slavo Herman
Slavo Herman
12 years ago

'Sure there is. Bedroom hugs.'

(this is an answer to original Amanda's question)

Gert Sønderby
Gert Sønderby
12 years ago

My wife an I had a long distance relationship across the Atlantic before she moved over here and we married. There were a number of this kind of hug involved, since we'd both travel back and forth across the Atlantic to see each other. 🙂

Danielle Uskovic
Danielle Uskovic
12 years ago

a hug from Ryan Gosling may just beat it 😉

Hannah Roberts
Hannah Roberts
12 years ago

Is there a "world hug day?"
If there isn't, there should be!

12 years ago

Arrival hug better than a departure hug  as it mean's the safe return of a loved one

Hannah Roberts
Hannah Roberts
12 years ago

, I break my heart seeing departure hugs even if it they are strangers to me!!

I'm a soppy cow haha.

جثير العطواني
جثير العطواني
12 years ago

المعروف  عن العناق العناق في حلتين للوداع والاقبال ماعدا عناق النوم

John Souza
John Souza
12 years ago

Now, I need a hug… :'(

Igor DeCamps
Igor DeCamps
12 years ago

Yes my hugs! 🙂

Phillip Ryan
Phillip Ryan
12 years ago

I do not know from personal experience but they look nice.

Sebastian Wehr
Sebastian Wehr
12 years ago

gonna hug my mum and stepdad, my stepsis and a lot of friends this weekend 🙂 <3 xmas visits…  soo excited

niloy chy
niloy chy
12 years ago

nice communication

dashayah espinoza
dashayah espinoza
12 years ago

very and excellent communication

Asma Haroon
Asma Haroon
12 years ago


Maria Vega
Maria Vega
12 years ago

omg so cute

Maddy Perennity
Maddy Perennity
12 years ago

Except for when it's TSA, I guess.

John Souza
John Souza
12 years ago

that is a different form of "affection"

Cole Cummings
Cole Cummings
12 years ago

When I came back from the war my wife was there to greet me.  I hugged her, she tolerated me.  It was a horrible experience.  Apparently while I was away she had fallen in love with someone else.  Now Airport hugs just remind me of that moment.

Sebastian Wehr
Sebastian Wehr
12 years ago

sorry to hear that 🙁 some women…. not all, just some… but then again there are men who cheat too and 60% of marriage these days dont hold… hope you find a new love if you still want that

Murphty Aggrey
Murphty Aggrey
12 years ago

really cute

Ryan Hare
Ryan Hare
12 years ago

Awesome sauce? Is that a canadian term? Being in the military you experience that "airport hug" a good bit

Jake Kern
Jake Kern
12 years ago

Back in the pre 9/11 days, we would wait at the gate. In Vail, we'd have college kids come from around the US to help our church in the summer. None of us would have met the college kid before, but we'd wait for that student to arrive (almost always carrying a guitar case) and we'd go rush him & fall to the floor in a hug pile. (Yeah, we tended to not rush at the gals.) Tons of laughter & smiles from not just our group & the new college student but other people in the terminal.

Best. Ice-Breaker. Ever!

Sharon Ross
Sharon Ross
12 years ago

Total Awesomesauce! I can't wait to get my 'airport' hug this Christmas.  =)

J.C. Stierheim
J.C. Stierheim
12 years ago

Only the hello variety.. not fond of the goodbye ones 🙂

12 years ago

Да,так затрагивает это

Ryan Ng
Ryan Ng
12 years ago

Nothing beats a hug once in a while.

Timothy Cullen
Timothy Cullen
12 years ago

Not that I know of— Hugs and Kisses for All are the best!!!

Vic Loignon
Vic Loignon
12 years ago

I could give you a big   hug even if we are not in the airport, bye.

Jason Ritenour
Jason Ritenour
12 years ago

Having been involved in many of these recently, I am very touched by this video.  Thank you.

Robert Clark
Robert Clark
12 years ago

being huged by someone who loves you

Mohamed Fouad
Mohamed Fouad
12 years ago


Michael Pana
Michael Pana
12 years ago

There is. Costless hug can have an effect on…..

J.C. Stierheim
J.C. Stierheim
12 years ago

I have a theory, hugs are an energy transfer. It feels that way anyways 🙂

Raheal Asare
Raheal Asare
12 years ago

My dear i really luv this picture

Victor de la isla
Victor de la isla
12 years ago


Michael Vaughan
Michael Vaughan
12 years ago

I tried this once…and promptly got arrested. Maybe its better if you know the person your hugging first no?

nani nana
nani nana
12 years ago

ca va

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