How to Have A Lovely Day In 10 Easy Steps

How to Have A Lovely Day In 10 Easy Steps

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

My you are all looking stunning today! May you have a lovely day Internet! 😀


how to have a lovely day in 10 easy steps

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Clare Cosgrove
Clare Cosgrove
12 years ago

And eat chocolate!

Dave DeBaeremaeker
Dave DeBaeremaeker
12 years ago

how to ensure everyone else has a bad day: wear perfume.

Chris Kim A
Chris Kim A
12 years ago

Salutations, and best regards for a very lovely day yourself, +Amanda Blain!

Stanley Hood
Stanley Hood
12 years ago

Good ideas! Is there anything more someone can add?

Slack Scotty
Slack Scotty
12 years ago

Easy on the perfume please. That stuff makes my lungs lock up when I smell it. Small doses are best. Subtle fragrances too.

Mike G
Mike G
12 years ago

🙂 your post is great…thanks! You always provoke thought, and have interesting things to say…but I think I prefer cologne to perfume if you don't mind!

Abdelemalek chouikh
Abdelemalek chouikh
12 years ago

nm 1 and nm 7

Hollie Murby
Hollie Murby
12 years ago

don't be mean

Danny Robertson
Danny Robertson
12 years ago

even if they don't smile back.

Nazim Ali
Nazim Ali
12 years ago

For a second I thought it said to wear pants haha 🙂

Jessica Northey
Jessica Northey
12 years ago

I love this +Amanda Blain 🙂 xoxox

Joe Frazier, Jr
Joe Frazier, Jr
12 years ago


Sean Muron
Sean Muron
12 years ago

#2 and #7 is what I would have picked. the others will come naturally (if needed).

lukman hakim
lukman hakim
12 years ago

I like  it

deus exMachina
deus exMachina
12 years ago

I always feel lovely when I wear perfume.  The guys think I'm a tart though.

Mara Mascaro
Mara Mascaro
12 years ago

adding – relax, eat good food with good wine <3

Chris Kim A
Chris Kim A
12 years ago

(just waiting for TL;DR complaints)

12 years ago

nice way to start every day to get the better side of life.

JD Getz
JD Getz
12 years ago

People slowing down is usually the cause of my bad day

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

+Mara Mascaro definitely should be there.. 🙂

Hollie Murby
Hollie Murby
12 years ago

hey amanda x

Frank Merchant
Frank Merchant
12 years ago

Have a happy Friday +Amanda Blain 

Damn David
Damn David
12 years ago

Sleep, awake n sleep, sleep (-.-)

Mona Arme
Mona Arme
12 years ago

Lol. This is sorta like the new twitter

Heather Greeson
Heather Greeson
12 years ago

This makes me want to go listen to Doris Day sing "It's a lovely day today"

jasmine mcwhorter
jasmine mcwhorter
12 years ago

that's so very true i am loving that post

William Johnston
William Johnston
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain   These are good rules to follow .There are to many people that don't know these rules or care  

shubham raj
shubham raj
12 years ago

Hello stranger…. You look good

shubham raj
shubham raj
12 years ago

Follow armandas advice…….. +Jessica Northey +JD Getz looking good hehe

Dean Al-Sarraf
Dean Al-Sarraf
12 years ago

Nicely said…and just do them especially for your self!!

Jake Marquart
Jake Marquart
12 years ago

This is actually funny if you replace "Lovely" with "Lonely"

Rachel Chung
Rachel Chung
12 years ago

I would think this is a way to make you feel good and let others feel happy and nice as well! Share the love! ^^

elinaldo Alves
elinaldo Alves
12 years ago


Rachel Chung
Rachel Chung
12 years ago


Nasry Al-Haddad
Nasry Al-Haddad
12 years ago

Everyone needs a reminder with those steps, everyday.
I read the word "lovely" as "lonely", twice, in the post and in the image. And I was waiting for 10 steps which turned out to be completely the opposite of the above ones. Until I read the steps and checked the title again.
Have a lovely day.

Roderick Henderson
Roderick Henderson
12 years ago

All 10 are included in my day regardless.  I have always been taught that to have a nice day you need to ensure that you give laudable remarks to others, wish them well and smile.  Personally, this is an everyday approach for me.

Rachel Chung
Rachel Chung
12 years ago

It's nice to know that if you do kind stuff you are having a BIG effect on others as well! I hope everyone can follow this and have a truly lovely day~!! >o<

Roderick Henderson
Roderick Henderson
12 years ago

Well said Rachel!

Rachel Chung
Rachel Chung
12 years ago

Thank you! Haha…>o< I feel that you are quite a great person yourself if you can do that everyday with a positive mind!

Roderick Henderson
Roderick Henderson
12 years ago

It only makes sense!  You yourself have to have a positive approach to each day.  Engaging others helps me throughout the day.  Seeing someone else smile or just being inquisitive about their day is enough to bring life to any person's stressful day… or just to lend an ear!

Taylah Lawton
Taylah Lawton
12 years ago

lol so awesome!!

Rachel Chung
Rachel Chung
12 years ago

Haha…I agree completely..but I got to say..sometimes I'm not that positive…Especially when I'm waked up kind of early. But I try my best! And I like spreading joy and love and just seeing people smile. Whenever you do that you seem to make yourself shine and make a friend!

kevin elli
kevin elli
12 years ago

Great stuff…

Taylah Lawton
Taylah Lawton
12 years ago

ya ikr! i will say i don't do all those things but i try!!

Rachel Chung
Rachel Chung
12 years ago

I agree to everyone of you! But who doesn't have a bad day where you are just a grump? I'll say honestly I might have a few too many of those bad gloomy days! >o<

Roderick Henderson
Roderick Henderson
12 years ago

For those that are not aware of the ten, it comes natural to us all.  It is just a matter of working on the things you know you don't do daily.  You can sit back, think and actually identify the things you don't do daily.  After that, make the effort daily until it is something that happens automatically.  

Taylah Lawton
Taylah Lawton
12 years ago

oh i hear ya!!

Rachel Chung
Rachel Chung
12 years ago

Haha….I thank everyone for being so nice and understanding!

Jane Brown
Jane Brown
12 years ago

How nice.. If only everyone could do that 😉

Taylah Lawton
Taylah Lawton
12 years ago

ya i'll do the same!!

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