Facebook is Tracking you on the Internet

Facebook is Tracking you on the Internet

by Amanda Blain
Published: Last Updated on

Nothing new in this title at all here.. and it has the "Scary Straight-faced Zuckerburg image" so it must be bad news… 😉  But the click through to the graph showing how many tracker instances Facebook initiates depending on what types of sites you are viewing(http://goo.gl/ZYnCa) Is REALLY worth a look or two if you have not seen this yet.

A telling quote from the article.. 🙂 "Critics call this spying. Advertisers call it targeting."

Don't forget to tell your high school pals and grandma! … They are watching you 😉



facebook is tracking you on the internet

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Joe Kawano
Joe Kawano
12 years ago

Huh. Broken link.

Jeffrey Go
Jeffrey Go
12 years ago

that fez

Suwong Mano
Suwong Mano
12 years ago


Jeffrey Go
Jeffrey Go
12 years ago

link is broken gasp could it be?!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

My bad… link fixed… 🙂

behbood rahimi
behbood rahimi
12 years ago

Hello good morning

Nic Stanislao
Nic Stanislao
12 years ago

And people wonder why I've never had a FB page.

Alice Connor
Alice Connor
12 years ago

I closed my FB account but anyway is good to know that…

Jacob Daniels
Jacob Daniels
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain  I did not get the page displayed correctly, the linked information said 404-not found

Dustin Sparkman
Dustin Sparkman
12 years ago

Hi Zukerburg, Thank's for creating facebook!!  It has allowed me to connect with family and friends across the United States I would have other wise not have comminicated with.  Your creation has been a blessing to me and my family!!  Thanks Again!!

Andy Tagstrom
Andy Tagstrom
12 years ago

Lol everyone is being tracked by some type of corporation. . .

Sharon Emrick
Sharon Emrick
12 years ago

This just confirms why I quit FB.

Jake Margason
Jake Margason
12 years ago

oh jeeze, if you don't like it don't use facebook… This is much better than having to pay for it. and you can turn it off in google. We should be much more worried about the FBI being able to use our cell GPS data without warrants, because the FBI isn't just trying to sell you stuff. :/

Jacob Chappell
Jacob Chappell
12 years ago

Facebook Disconnect for the win – goo.gl/d9jE2

jose becerra
jose becerra
12 years ago


Mike G
Mike G
12 years ago

Facebook has sold out to big business, get used to your info being sold.

Jake Margason
Jake Margason
12 years ago

If they were "secretly tracking you" then you wouldn't know it 😛

Jake Margason
Jake Margason
12 years ago

easy fix: create a profile just for facebook in your firefox profiles. Or use different browsers one for facebook and one for shopping. It's not like it's hard to circumvent..

Randy Hunt
Randy Hunt
12 years ago

Thanks. Just what i need to read before bed!

Ernesto Laracuente
Ernesto Laracuente
12 years ago

Even if you go into settings on Facebook and delete the account and then log out, if you try to log back in your Facebook won't be deleted. I tried that many times.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

 where did i say secretly? … where did anybody?  and YOU seem a bright chap… so you might know how to do such things but i assure you my college pals and grandma don't… So they should know… which is why i posted this lovely article.

david almy
david almy
12 years ago

Yeah no shit. Facebook-Google-Youtube-Yahoo – and what have you?  They ALL give me the creeps!

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

I agree … BUT… the sheer amount and ways that facebook is tracking you even when you are not doing anything directly with their website.. is quite astonishing if you ask me. All sites track in some way.. but its this "Off site and beyond" that REALLY gets to moi. 🙂

Christopher Ranschaert
Christopher Ranschaert
12 years ago

Every site that has buttons, whether they are FB, G+, Twitter,… already knows your whereabouts just when you have them loaded on your screen. You don't even need a profile as, as long as your using the same IP address, their databases can surely link all the data together.

Maddy Perennity
Maddy Perennity
12 years ago

Using two browsers has been the quickest workaround for me. I do all of the socials in one and everything else in the other. I'm definitely not computer savvy but that was easy enough for me. 🙂

Tharindu Rathnayake
Tharindu Rathnayake
12 years ago

So what about plus ??? don't they do da damn same thing ?

Jake Margason
Jake Margason
12 years ago

+Amanda Blain  Oh for sure, The "secretly" was in the article, I agree people should be aware, I just think they word the articles to make them SCARY for more views. I just don't like the hype, not that I thought you were perpetuating it 🙂 Honestly I like posts that inspire conversation!

david almy
david almy
12 years ago

Ok. I'm gonna really look into this.

John Voake
John Voake
12 years ago

People should realize that much more than Facebook is collecting information on you. Just don't post/view things you would not want the world knowing.

Jake Margason
Jake Margason
12 years ago

they all mine and share information, they do it by looking through your cookies, as well as planting cookies, look into google analytics.

Amanda Blain
Amanda Blain
12 years ago

Your comment was not removed  … try refreshing 😐

Yahya Alshaar
Yahya Alshaar
12 years ago

yea,Right through the Cookies,But bad policy

Jake Margason
Jake Margason
12 years ago

 True, it really depends on what data you are trying to keep private though. They may have profiles built upon IP addresses but they primarily use unique browser identification numbers, this is especially helpful for targeting multiple users per IP address. Basically privacy is found at the cost of convenience, people just need to decide where that ratio is for themselves.

Kathy Frank
Kathy Frank
12 years ago

I tried to toss my cookies once and my browsers wouldn't work–both Google.  What's up? G?

Sharon Gadbois
Sharon Gadbois
12 years ago

So is +Google

RE Ausetkmt
RE Ausetkmt
12 years ago

I just assume that they are tracking me if I install their ecookie for use on other sites.  Google is always tracking you – everywhere all the time. thats' why I limit my surfing to where I really need to go, then I'm off the internet.

12 years ago

hai …

Jake Margason
Jake Margason
12 years ago

if you are really interested in blocking ALL tracking, you should look into this, it's a easy all encompassing solution for normal people. It was created by a group from a german university I believe  anonymous-proxy-servers.net/ their anon test is scary.. 

Christian Mörsch
Christian Mörsch
12 years ago

You don't say!

Robert Villaruz
Robert Villaruz
12 years ago

Actually you can remove the tracking when you log out of your computer just clean your browser before logging out you can also manage your cookies by selecting what & who you want to allow to leave their cookies in your browser..

Kathy Frank
Kathy Frank
12 years ago

is G tracking?  I just got a post from someone else about working in a nursing home, and my spam filled up with a list of all the nursing homes in Tucson!  I don't mind the tracking or cookies, but I wonder are they taking up space on my disks and memory?

Mike Wiseguy
Mike Wiseguy
12 years ago

Been blocking sites for years with various techniques and DNT+ is just one tool.

Take a look at the add-on Collusion which is available for both Firefox and Google Chrome, this will give you a real-time clickable graph showing who is tracking you and what sites are aware of you and your behavior!

After you have used it for while, install Adblock Plus and DNT+ and then look at the difference! 😉

Helene Torrinha
Helene Torrinha
12 years ago

The important is to know how to move in the net! Sorry but I love my faceb page like all the others! There are mine. We just have to accept and respect others concepts and ideas.

Deane Cockerill
Deane Cockerill
12 years ago

Lol, & Google isn't taking me? Whenever I look at my girlfriend's phone it shows which shops I've been on, which pubs I've been in, in fact everywhere I've been for the day. For some strange reason every website I look at seems to have adverts for this I've been searching for… the list is endless. I can't figure out how they know ;p

& peeps are worried about Facebook taking them!

Sebastian Balan
Sebastian Balan
12 years ago

It is better to know that you are being watched, than being watched secretly!

Tiaan Kruger
Tiaan Kruger
12 years ago

well, when you use facebook to log into a website instead of creating an account on that website only, then ofcourse they can track you, but same goes for Google and G+.

It comes down to a choice, how much is what level of privacy worth to you(sacrificing convenience).  For me, there are some websites that i rarely log into, and it is a schlep to keep track of all the passwords and usernames(its never a good idea to use same password everywhere).  in those cases i use the FB login, i dont care that they know i visit website X once every month.  But it comes down to personal choice

Mike Wiseguy
Mike Wiseguy
12 years ago

Yeah but first people need to get aware of that they are being tracked then they can make a conscious choice and as Amanda already said nothing new in this title at all here..

Well that's only true for those of us that are conscious about it, the rest needs to get enlightened! 😉

Then i don't get how people can take this so casual, if something can be abused it will sooner or later that's just human nature, imo it's terrible and i don't like it at all and will fight it by any means i can.

Tiaan Kruger
Tiaan Kruger
12 years ago

 , that is true, most people dont know

Erick Gafar
Erick Gafar
12 years ago

i used ghostery already, but now i install Do Not Track Plus …

Paul Wallace
Paul Wallace
12 years ago


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